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UFO Propulsion and the Tachyon Field

from the June 2004 Star Beacon

by Fred Pulver

     One reason why modern scientists have such a hard time figuring out how UFOs propel themselves through space is because certain basic concepts are not accurate. We need to examine these basic concepts so we can re-construct a new physics based on these more accurate fundamentals.

     In dualistic thinking, space and time are seen as dichotomies rather than the actual unities they are. Gravitation is seen as a mysterious property of matter. This is dualistic because it negates the possibility that gravity could be a property of non-matter. The biggest obstacle to understanding the structure of the universe is dualistic thinking.

     How do we overcome dualistic thinking? We must first of all create unity within ourselves, and this unity first of all must encompass mind and body. Mind and body are aspects of one unity. As long as we view human life as a dichotomy of mind and body, soul, spirit and emotions, we cannot see the essential unity of the cosmic continuum. This then is the stumbling block which prevents humans from understanding the cosmos and the principles by which it is governed.

     So we must first attend to the simple things which are so essential to integrated growth. That is, we must attend to everything from the ground up, including an integrated way to grow our food and select, prepare it and consume it. This system is called Macrobiotics. For a plant to flower properly, it must be grown in the proper soil. This is its nourishment. If we nourish it properly, it will grow properly and flower in its time.

     Modern civilization, built upon the adulterated and fractured biological basis of the modern diet can only create a fragmented lifestyle, family and social expression, as well as a fractured Cosmo-conception. The mind-mirror which represents our clear view of reality is fractured. As a result we see aspects, not unities. We see parts of the whole but miss the whole picture. Yet it is the view of the whole which we need if we are to integrate with the universal family of sentient beings.

     Wondrously, remarkably, marvelously, the structure of life, the progression of life, the evolution of consciousness and our integration with cosmic life requires us to become integrated beings before we can master the arts of intergalactic travel. It may be premature to divulge the secrets of UFO propulsion, since dualistic modern humanity would immediately use such technology against others, and this would simply escalate the scale of warring that plagues human progress today.

     For this reason, I have been reluctant, and have even been advised not to expose these secrets until the right time. However, I now feel that with the world-wide networking that the Internet offers, coupled with the urgency of the times, that these technologies should be revealed. It is hoped these ideas remain in the hands of those who would use them wisely and carefully. It is also my belief that these ideas will create a revolution in science that will dramatically change life as we know it.

     The first essential idea is that gravity does not come from the Earth or other objects in the universe. Gravity is not a property of mass. Gravity is a pressure created by the universal expansion. The expansion of the universe is well-known and well-supported by Doppler-shift studies. The universal expansion is caused by the pressure of the Tachyon Field, or universe of anti-matter expanding. The expansion of the Tachyon Field creates a driving force that enters our universe of space-time, sustains and continuously renews our world of relativity, and disappears into black hole singularities that puncture the time-space continuum in which we live. In this way our universe and everything in it is recycled through the Tachyon Field and back through the space-time continuum. This is the holistic unity (univers-ity) in which we live.

     Modern science, believing Earth is the source of gravity, valiantly tries to overcome it by creating high-powered thrust motors that drive rockets into outer space. How much simpler, once the source of gravity is fully, deeply recognized, to use it, to harness it to our advantage and fly anywhere we want to go.

     Here is a story that may help one to visualize what is really going on.

     A village of people lived by the shore of a large lake. The people of the village were all born with the inability to feel the pressure of the unceasingly steady wind that blew in off the lake. Many times they would try to launch their boats into the lake to see what was on the other side, as well as what life might be found on the islands they could see dotted here and there out in the lake.

     However, the invisible pressure of the wind invariably blew them back to the shore. Even their strongest men could not overcome the force of this unknown, unfelt and invisible force.
Then one day a child was born who could feel the force of the wind. He knew the wind was a real force, because he could feel it blowing. However, when he tried to tell the rest of the people that the force emanated from offshore, he was ridiculed and called “crazy.”

     So he began to visualize a simple way to work with the wind and use it to his advantage. He began to build a boat that did not look like the other boats that used oars to push against the force of the wind. All it had was a tall pole in the forward part that stuck straight up into the sky.

     Then he took a large piece of cloth, tied one corner to the top of the pole he called the “mast,” and another to a pole he attached near the bottom of the mast. This pole ran parallel to the boat above the deck and was loosely connected to the mast so it could move back and forth.

     He then tied the bottom of the cloth in several places to the parallel pole. Finally he tied a rope to the end of the parallel pole so he could let it out or pull it in. Then he stuck a board through the hull of the boat down into the water, attached a rudder to the back to steer with, got into the boat and asked his friends to push the boat out into the water.

     Of course, the wind blew along the side of the large cloth, and the boat sped off into the lake, unaided by any effort on his part, except to guide the boat where he wanted to go. After some practice, he learned how to manipulate the wind, zigzagging his way across the lake, using the very force that had kept the rest of the villagers bound to the shore.

     In the same way, if we simply see gravity as a force we must learn to sail through, we can learn to navigate the stars and their island planets with relative ease.

     One way to increase the propulsive effect of gravitational pressure would be to shape the hull of a space-time vessel based on a three-dimensional, logarithmic, bell-shaped curve. This shape, when spun, would accelerate the movement of the universal expansion through the curvature of the hull and accelerate the propulsive effect. In other words, to accelerate, one would simply accelerate the spin of the hull, which should be built of the smoothest, strongest and lightest materials available to minimize weight, friction and heat.

     The entire hull would be connected to a circular track that spins the vehicle at whatever speed is needed to cause the vehicle to rise or descend. Turning could be accomplished by tilting one or more large gyroscopes onboard. The three dome-shaped enclosures that are often seen on the underside of UFOs may enclose such gyroscopic devices.

     Since the vessel would not push its way through the gravitational field, but simply deflect gravitational pressure, there would be no inertia, no “G forces” (gravitational units) to contend with by its occupants, and therefore it could accelerate at speeds considered impossible using today’s technology.

     Many of the sightings of UFO craft documented in books by UFO researchers such as Wendell Stevens and others, mention the shape, structure and track within the ship that I envision would be needed if the concepts expressed in this article are valid.

     To test this theory, I fashioned a bell-shaped curve out of copper some years ago. A friend helped me weld a sleeve to the center of the underside. We then placed the sleeve over the shaft of a motor and turned on the motor. As the motor began accelerating the spinning disk, it rose of its own accord into the air, and gradually descended in the most beautifully smooth and stable manner as air friction began to slow its spin.

     I would be very interested in receiving reports of the results obtained from anyone who attempts to duplicate the experiment. It was my conclusion that RPMs of 7,000 or above must be achievable by the motor used for the experiment to be conducted successfully.

     If free energy motors (I will discuss this topic in another article) are used to generate the force required to spin the ship’s hull and power the gyroscopes, etc., we would have a vehicle which could navigate the heavens with relative ease. Of course, living refinements that would enable human life to be sustained in the vacuum of outer space would be required as well.

     One detail of UFO sightings and photographs — the dazzling light often seen that surrounds the ships — could be explained by the fact that free energy motors are observed to produce a highly charged plasma envelope around them that glows as bright light of various dazzling hues.


     Fred Pulver resides in Carbondale, Colorado.


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