PAONIA, Colo. -- Two years ago Earth Star gave birth to the Love and Light Conference. Last
year I didn't think I could do it again, but here we are preparing for the 3rd annual Love and
Light Conference, to be held the first weekend in August, in our hometown rather than
neighboring Hotchkiss. Why did we switch to Paonia?
I wanted to hold the Love and Light Conference in Paonia from the beginning, but we lacked the
facilities in this small town, electing instead to rent the huge fairgrounds building. The second
year, after some people complained about the "negative vibes" hanging around after the county
fair, which was held there the week before, we rented Memorial Hall in Hotchkiss. It was nice
enough, but there was still something missing the special high vibration of Paonia, which is
closer to the mountains and is home to many like-minded folks. It made sense to go ahead and
acquire the Blue Sage Center for the Arts for the weekend. Although smaller, the Blue Sage has a
large downstairs area for readers and vendors, and several nicely furnished rooms upstairs, where
we will hold our lectures and our workshops.
Kicking off the conference this year will be a special event:
In addition, we have special guest
The main conference begins Friday morning, Aug. 3, with registration at 10:00. The first speaker
will be
The first set of workshops will be offered on Friday at 3:30 p.m. This year you will have three
simultaneous workshops to choose from during the four workshop times. The workshop schedule
will be available at registration.
After dinner,
Saturday morning workshops will be held from 10:00 till noon, and after lunch our fourth
Workshops follow at 3:30, and then after dinner Allison Rae will speak on "Star Alignments,
Personal and Planetary Healing." In her presentation Allison focuses on the "Shift of the Ages,"
the energies available to us, as well as some recent information on earth changes. Her workshop
will be on "Sojourn on the Star Path." Allison is a channel and mystic intuitive in the lineage of
Archangel Michael, a Wisdom keeper carrying esoteric teachings from the Star Nations.
After Allison's lecture,
Scott Mandelker will moderate the panel discussion mentioned earlier at 10:00 on Sunday
morning. Participants will discuss a number of pertinent topics having to do with UFOs, earth
changes, spirituality and universal vision.
Sunday afternoon there are workshops again from 1:30 to 3:30.
Jeanine London, one of our workshop givers, will be hosting an "after conference" event, a drumming circle, on her property just outside Paonia. For those who choose to stick around Sunday evening, this will be a fantastic, high-energy event in which the entire community is invited.
As with each year, the schedule is a tentative one. It isn't unusual for speakers to back out and be
replaced with someone else. As of presstime there are still openings for a few workshops, and
there is a lot of room for vendors and readers, who must provide their own tables this year.
Registration for this year's Love and Light Conference will be $35 for the whole weekend ($60 for a couple), or $15
daily rate ($25 for a couple). Students can get in for $20 (or $10 daily). Workshops cost extra ($15-$25) and you must be registered in order to participate in workshops.
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