I was asked in a letter what is real and what isn't. We all have our own reality, which may not be
real to someone else. Thus, with this question in mind, I asked Spirit of The Light in whatever
form It chose to come in for clarification. This is what I received:
"All realities are real. However, it takes agreement to make it an actuality. In other words, you
each have your own reality and they may vary as to being the actual scenario.
"When Jesus said, 'Where two or more are gathered in My name,' etc., is a wonderful example of
how powerful group agreement can be. So if a group comes together in complete and total
agreement, with no separation, which is usually created by ego through doubt, fear and thinking,
one knows more or is better than the other, then reality becomes actuality. When this occurs, then
manifestation takes place and it becomes more dense, more solid something you can see, feel,
Then I asked: "Is that why we have trouble manifesting what we wish to manifest, because of
separation?" The reply came quickly:
"Yes, everyone on Planet Earth is so busy trying to be and do and have for themselves that they
never recognize this lack of group agreement is the very thing that keeps them from manifesting.
It takes a very powerful being to rise above the mass consciousness and manifest whatever they
wish. This is due to the separation instead of integration. By the way, being able to manifest what
you want, whenever you wish to, is true abundance.
"Sometimes a person will bring forth certain thoughts and will see it come to fruition. This is
more like a numbers game you throw the dice and sometimes you are lucky.
"However, true mastership of manifesting would be throwing the dice and coming up a winner
every time. This is, shall I say, highly improbable, due to the separation and lack of agreement on
your planet.
"In order to be a Master of Manifesting, there must be group agreement not unlike a mind-meld
of those around you. In other words, a joining together of heart, mind and soul. You then act as
one when manifesting.
"So the first step in accomplishing this is to get your own house in order, i.e. all of your individual
bodies, vibrating in total agreement, all the time, in the high love vibration. Then, when others
with whom you are in close contact are also vibrating on or near the same level, magical things
occur. You are operating as one in thought, deed and action. You, then, literally, will be able to
move mountains.
"So you see, my children, although you have come a long ways, there is still much to be
"I leave you in the Light and Love of THE GREAT CREATOR manifestor of all life.