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ET Visits Arizona

from the May 2008 Star Beacon

By Cari Barlow
       Commander Sanni Ceto’s wish to visit Arizona was fulfilled at the end of March with the help of her two friends, Cynthia and Jujuolui. Both Cynthia and Jujuolui are star beings similar to Commander Ceto. Although no other hybrid has been known to have incarnated without that veil and can recall their past life as if it had occurred in this lifetime, as in the case of the Commander. And that is just the beginning of differences!
       Thank you to Cynthia for volunteering to drive her own personal vehicle and stick to the plan when everyone else had detoured. On that first night, after meeting the Commander, Cynthia was given information from Sanni regarding a direct link with Cynthia’s own DNA and the Roswell crash. The two were supposed to meet. Jujuolui had a different connection with Sanni, and that is beyond the scope of this article.
       The next morning began the long journey and exciting trip to Arizona! Snow was still on the mountain pass as they traveled from Colorado, behind a gas tanker who drove in the center of the double yellow lines. At one point, the tanker almost collided with another semi.
       The uneasy Commander suddenly noticed a shield of white light between the two tankers. The drivers squeezed their way through and everyone was safe. Stopping at a pull-out, they decided to have a snowball fight to relieve some tension. Commander Ceto was the winner with her soft, unpacked balls of snow that shattered into a wide spray-pattern on her targets. Good arm, Commander!
       The red cliffs in Navajo land were the next stop. It was a majestic sight that touched Commander Ceto as she reconnected with her Cherokee heritage.
       Commander Khinyeo Ceto made his appearance in that day’s sky — multiple times — to reassure them of his fatherly guidance. Belief finally came to Jujuolui when Khinyeo appeared and disappeared three times in the same exact spot. How patient of you, Khinyeo.
       Sanni Ceto was in heaven when the warm air finally brushed her face in Arizona. Saguaros, Joshua trees, agaves, cholla, and ocotillos held Sanni captivated as they reminded her of home on Serpo/ Jadui, where her insectoid race thrives in warm weather.
       They reached their destination at a nearby major mountain range. Once out of the vehicle, Sanni’s hands began to noticeably shake. When asked if she was okay, Sanni began to relay information through her transponder about a massive underground base beneath their very feet. Thousands of Grays, as well as other species, are being held captive and made to work on specific “black” projects for the Military Industrial Complex under the control of the negative reptoid races.
       Further information streamed through as if the Commander’s people were just waiting for her to arrive. The projects undertaken include work on weather control, scalar weapons and chemtrails. This large underground base is interconnected to satellite bases which are linked to the central base in Washington, DC. Sanni was also given instructions on how to “neutralize” this local base and assist the beings that are held captive there.
       Discovery of this new and very important information was a sign of the Commander’s new mission in Arizona. Sanni now has a new reason for staying on Earth and knows her next home-away-from-home is Arizona.
       In the days that followed, Sanni toured the warm climate state that reminds her so much of her home on Serpo/Jadui. Aches and pains seemed to vanish in the warmer weather and lower altitude. Chemtrails do not pollute these skies so heavily. It was refreshing for Sanni to lack the taste of aluminum and barium salt in her mouth each day. Charged like the Energizer Bunny, Sanni no longer needed the daily naps she usually takes in Colorado. The magic left Colorado about one year ago, but the magic returned in Arizona!
       Sanni’s family kept flying by for a visit. Her protective father, Khinyeo, also kept checking in. While watching the strange maneuvers of a plane through binoculars, Sanni and Jujuolui both spotted a white object hovering just above this plane as it passed by. Jujuolui asked Sanni for the binoculars and saw a disc-shaped object with a distinct center rim and noticed what appeared to be a pearlescent glow around the object. Sanni simply stated, “That is my father and he wanted for you to see him.” When asked about the colors of the ship, Sanni explained what was seen was the ion force-field around the ship.
       On a different day, while driving the mountain ranges and stopping to take pictures, Sanni noticed a disc-shaped craft just above the peaks. The craft zipped away just as a military probe entered the scene, looking like a cross between a white owl’s body and the wings of a black bat, with no wing flap.
       Later, through Sanni’s transmitter, Khinyeo told his daughter that the ship was for her to see and the military probe was meant for Jujuolui to see. Khinyeo explained that he had to take off because of this military probe. There is a special piece of government equipment nearby that locates any anomalies in the skies and sends a signal to the satellites. Once the anomaly (ship) is locked in, a type of laser beam technology used by these satellites may fire upon them, causing the ship to malfunction and sometimes crash.
       The major event was Commander Sanni Ceto speaking for MUFON on Sunday, April 6. This was only Sanni’s third time speaking in front of a group of people because she is afraid of humans. With her large energy crystal in hand, Sanni started off expanding the minds of her audience with her fascinating and true story. For almost two hours, Sanni spoke to the group, followed by a question-and-answer period for another hour and a half.
       One gentleman was quite in need of Sanni’s services. He had been run down in his vehicle, which totaled the car, and was also having a military helicopter hover over his house long enough for him to see a uniformed person holding a machine gun pointed directly at their house. Obviously, this kind soul was afraid for his life and that of his family members. Sanni immediately stood up and administered a clearing on this man’s energy system, with no expectation of receiving payment. Sanni also informed him of many ways in which to add protection around himself and his family.
Below are a few comments sent to me (Cari) after the meeting by those that attended:
       “Sanni’s presentation impressed me very much, including the vastness of her knowledge, and the quickness and thoroughness of her responses. I’ve never heard the totality of all she covered coming from one person or source before. She presented things I’ve experienced or read or seen or heard from many sources, all rolled up into one. For someone hearing her talk who may have been skeptical, she was either a very good actor, or the ‘real thing’ (which I believe to ‘know’ she is).” — Jackie
       “I would like to thank Sanni on behalf of our MUFON group for the wonderful information she shared with us on April 6. Her life story was heart-wrenching and certainly explains her current outlook on people in general. She answered any and all questions with amazing clarity and depth of technological knowledge as well as a broad overview of the entire grey/human ongoing relationship. We were very fortunate to have her speak to our group.” — Pat
       “Recently our MUFON group was honored to have Commander Sanni Ceto as our guest speaker. What a wonderful soul she is. So full of information and compassion for all beings, even for the bad reptilians. In spite of Earth’s dangerously primitive swarm (i.e., the so-called human race), causing enormous suffering to Commander Sanni, she continues with her mission of waking up Earth’s ‘Sheeple’ to the reality of the shadow government and to the presence of good and bad aliens amongst us. May the light continue to guide and protect Commander Sanni Ceto.” — Scott
       “I am a Section Director for and a Field Investigator of MUFON... Commander Sanni Ceto is who she says she is. After reading both of Sanni’s books and getting to know her on a personal level, I know for myself how Gray she really is, and I cannot be convinced otherwise! Anyone evolved enough would see it for themselves. So many ‘events’ have occurred around me while in Sanni’s presence that I could write a small book. Commander Ceto was an awesome speaker for our group. Sanni was non-stop with the information she knows, and answered every type of question posed to her during a very lengthy Q & A period. What impressed me most is how Sanni’s answers came without any hesitation whatsoever. Sanni is one of the most loving, compassionate beings on this Earth and more people could benefit from her vast knowledge. You are welcome back anytime, dear Commander.” — Cari
       “I was gifted with one of Sanni’s dolls, after meeting her. My initial reaction was to ‘stay back,’ as there seemed to be some ‘life force’ in the doll initially that made it feel ‘real’ and ‘alive’. At first it was a little overwhelming, it also felt like that doll and I had some kind of ‘connection.’ When I got home, I took it out to see my horse. She is very sensitive, and I use her for horse therapy. She took a very active interest in the doll, checking it out from head to toe, and back again. Then, suddenly, she also stepped back as I had. The ‘life force’ comes and goes, though less intensely, and it is a gift I will always cherish.” — Jackie
       A local public television show that reports on all things paranormal had some of their crew members attend to check out the Commander. It was later told that the crew was “blown away” by Sanni’s speech and invited her on to a future taping of their show. Way to go, Commander.
       Sanni’s return home to Colorado was very difficult for her. The warm air, lower altitude, 12,000 Grays beneath her feet needing her assistance, other nearby MUFON groups to attend and teach at, and making some special friendships were pulling on Sanni to stay.
       This ET is now in the process of moving her base to her new home in Arizona. We welcome you and your people with open arms, our dear Commander Ceto! God speed your return.

       EDITOR’S NOTE: Sanni Ceto is making a move again for health reasons, and for those stated above in the article. If any Star Beacon fan wishes to help by sending any donations, that would greatly help Sanni. Please send them to: P.O. Box 1357, Sierra Vista, AZ 85636. (If writing a check, please make it out to Cari Barlow, for the sake of simplicity.)

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