When grief is not allowed to surface and be released in the form of tears, etc., it then turns into
depression. This will create the feeling of being weighted down, of carrying the whole world on
one's shoulders, thus feeling victimized.
Anger can also lead to depression if not confronted and allowed to surface through expression. It
then will seek to be recognized in covert ways, such as breaking things, creating so-called
"accidents," striking out and hurting others, etc.
Repressed anger can be very damaging, for at some time it will explode itself in order to surface
and be released. When it is buried and not allowed to express itself, it then begins to fester and
becomes Rage this is when murder, accidents, wars, rape, etc., occur.
It can be likened to a volcano that has sat dormant for years and centuries, building pressure
within. Then, when this pressure can no longer be contained within, an explosion occurs.
When one does not allow oneself to grieve, express anger, i.e. to express and release these
emotions -- bottling them up, shoving them down, covering them over with pills -- downers or
uppers -- they hide their true feelings. Thus no longer is one exploring their true Beingness, but
the false persona of themselves. This will, sooner or later, create so much inner turmoil that it can
no longer be contained.
These emotions will then do one of two things cause one to commit suicide in order to escape
the inner turmoil, or will erupt like a volcano, creating destruction and pain. So, rest assured that
these feelings will either be handled at the time they are created or will fester and grow. Thus they
become the proverbial mountain instead of the little mole hill they started out being.
True freedom comes from honoring oneself enough to express and handle any emotion, especially
the negative, at the moment of conception. Entrapment occurs when this is not permitted and is
hidden away deep within until, one day, all hell breaks loose, shaking one to the very core,
destroying your own life and the lives around you.
The truth never hurts anyone. Instead, it paves the way for understanding and love. It is the
healer. Lies, deceit and non-confront are the destroyers.
So there are two choices: Handle your grief, your anger as it arises by confronting,
communicating and taking off all judgments. Or... bury them and allow them to fester until they
become a mountain of overwhelming negativity.
I leave you in the Light of God's Unconditional Love.