Sample article from the June 2001 Star Beacon

Healing Vibrations


Three friends (Paul, Gary and Chris), who had walked the Earth during the end of the 20th century, are now working together among the masters. There they have researched and determined the best Earth physical Healing Vibrations an individual can use to correct and remove related Earth illness virus lessons called HIV and Herpes.

The Healing Vibrations are being released here, in writing, because they do not want anyone to become wealthy using this knowledge during any steps in the healing applications. This knowledge from the masters is in no way owned or the property copyright, patent, trademark, etc. of any Earth individual.

The Healing Vibrations are so simple that the ownership rights include all similar and related Earth vibrations. Do I need to warn anyone that this ownership demand is not Earthly it is from the realm of the Universal Masters? They do not warn a second time so beware.

The PGC Healing Vibrations are two parts of root beer and one part of pineapple juice. Use one 3 oz. healing vibration to not only correct and remove, but also establish immunity to the virus lessons. The first application I mixed a 12 fl. oz. A&W, caffeine free, root beer (carbonation boiled off) with a 6 fl. oz. unsweetened Hawaiian pineapple juice (not diet).

The first correcting applications from Tucson, Ariz., have as yet not been reported. Please inform use of any results that you may have for any applications using Healing Vibrations.

The second Healing Vibrations from the realm of the Universal Masters are vibrations to correct and remove all effects caused by defective genes located in the chromosomes (especially No. 4 for Huntington's Disease) by saying: Z-S; T-X, P; Q-X.

Healing Vibrations have to do with one cause for an effect called excess weight (obesity) for humans or animals. That cause, for the effect, is the lack of (1) Vitamin K, (2) potassium, and (3) chromium. Different forms for the similar effect can be caused by the lack of any two of the three (1-2-3) identified vibrations: (1-2), (1-3), (2-3). "Shed," never lose weight. If you identify lost your guides and teachers may find it for you, and maybe even give you some more to keep you happy. If you state you lost a diamond ring, don't you want to get it back? Shed weight!

Please inform use of any applications of the Universal Masters' Healing Vibrations. Write: Healing Vibrations, c/o Earth Star, P.O. Box 117, Paonia, CO 81428-0117.

Name withheld by request

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