Arda jpg

by Arda Golden Eagle Woman

New Year's Message

"My Beloved Children: The past is the past -- LET IT GO!

"Allow each new day to unfold. Make ready to step into a glorious and joyful life of the abundance of love, joy, health, wealth and peace within.

"A new world is dawning. Do not dim its brightness with thoughts of regret, judgments, fears and negativity.

"Go forth with a smile on your face and a song in your heart.

"Ecstasy is your birthright and NOW is the time to claim it.

"Allow the power of Love to ignite the light within each of you and allow that love, that light to reflect the message that it is the Light and the Love of Mother/Father God in all Its magnificence.

"I surround you in my protective love as I join you in the celebration of your new and exciting life.

"I AM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL" as given on this 30th day of December, 1999 to


Contact Golden Eagle Woman by writing P.O. Box 885, Cedaredge, CO 81413.

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