Chrystle Clae

Sample article from the February 2000 Star Beacon

Astrological Valentines Special

by Chrystle Clae, Astrologer/Psychic

Are you wondering what to get that special person who already has your heart? The following are suggestions for each astrological sign, but remember to take their rising sign into account as well. You may find some are written with tongue-in-cheek, but there's a truth to it all.

Aries (March 21-April 20)

Anything red! A trophy that says "You are ALWAYS right!" An eye pillow scented with lavender.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)

A gift with long-term value, such as antiques, their favorite collector's item (from comic books and baseball cards to fine jewelry).

Gemini (May 22-June 21)

Two gifts! A cellular phone, pager, any communication device.

Cancer (June 22-July 23)

A sincere HUG! Something homemade/home-baked. A kitchen gadget.

Leo (July 24-Aug. 23)

A compliment. 100 compliments! Take out an ad saying they are wonderful, fun and attractive. (None of these has to be true to get the desired response.)

Virgo (Aug. 24-Sept. 23)

Any practical gift. Maid service for the day. A gift certificate to a health food store.

Libra (Sept. 24-Oct. 23)

Something lovely! A painting, jewelry, a poem, flowers (you get the idea!).

Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 23)

Lingerie. A massage. Make a memory!

Sagittarius (Nov. 24-Dec. 21)

A theater ticket. Dinner and dancing. Horseback riding! An airline ticket.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20)

An herb garden kit. Money. Money. Or money!

Aquarius (Jan. 31-Feb. 19)

A new computer attachment. A Time Travel or UFO novel. A surprise party!

Pisces (Feb. 20-March 20)

A decorative indoor waterfall or fountain. Crystals. An aquarium. A foot massage.

And remember and remind others that whatever the question -- LOVE is the answer! Happy Valentines Day! I hope the heavens open up to shower you with blessings of Love!

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