Sample article from July 2000 Star Beacon

DISC-ussion by Ann Ulrich

saucer gif


It is getting close to the Love and Light Conference. If you did not receive a brochure and are interested in attending or passing the information on to someone, please inquire by writing Earth Star at P.O. Box 117, Paonia, CO 81428; fax 970/527-2433; e-mail: It promises to be another excellent conference with eight speakers and numerous workshops. If you get your registration in by Aug. 1, it will only cost $35 (doesn't include workshops that range in price, nor the barbecue, which is $7).


This month is a busy one! Ethan and I have just moved into the big house on the property, the one in which former columnist Julian Joyce inhabited. We have rented out our mobile home to lightworker Honey Lee French, a longtime friend and favorite. We are busy at work searching for a way to bring another lightworker, Sanni, to Paonia, and things are moving very quickly.

Meanwhile, I ask you to send prayers to Adona, who is a channel and special star sister to me. I just found out her life is in transition again as she seeks her rightful place to begin once again her spiritual work. Adona has been living and working in Denver for a few years and needs our prayers to help lift her out of a negative situation.

Our heartfelt condolences go to the family of subscriber Rev. Milton Nothdurft, who made his transition on June 6 in Prescott Valley, Ariz. Milton was a Methodist minister and a UFO researcher since the 1950s. He was a kind-hearted, compassionate man who befriended Sanni and gave her comfort for many months through written correspondence. We will truly miss Milton.


The world's first interactive, searchable crop circle database is now online. It's working now and includes diagrams, photos and longitude/latitude grid references where available. Check out


Lena Jacobson is an engineer and technical writer who lives and works in California's Silicon Valley. Recently, she was invited by author Zecharia Sitchin to be part of a small group to accompany him to Italy the end of March earlier this year. Sitchin was invited to speak at the International Convention on the Mystery of Human Origins in Bellaria, near Rimini.

The convention was covered by local, national and international news, and Zecharia Sitchin was interviewed by Italian national radio and television. The group was present at the interviews.

Another prominent part of this trip was the group's meetings with Monsignor Corrado Balducci, who works in the Papal offices of the Vatican and who was also a presenter at the convention. The Monsignor met with the group twice for lunch and discussions, at which time he answered questions about the Vatican's views on extraterrestrials. This was also the subject of his convention presentation.

The gist of the presentation by the Monsignor was remarkable, although this could be part of the Vatican's repentance of its own sins and its decision to "come clean" after 2,000 years of oppression, suppression, repression and lies.

The Monsignor stated the Vatican's official position on extraterrestrials. First, extraterrestrials have been taken off the Vatican's list of demons. Second, he acknowledge Sitchin's research and called him a friend. During discussions, he implicitly, according to Lena, admitted that the Vatican is in agreement with Sitchin's findings. (Note: If you have not reach Sitchin, these findings are in regard to the 12th planet called Niburu, which NASA detected about 15 years ago and calls Planet X, and to the regular extraterrestrial visits on Earth by the Niburian inhabitants.)

Last, but certainly not least, the Monsignor stated that these beings, who look like us, have not only been on this planet since historical times, but have been here in recent times - that is, in our lifetime. (Note: You may recall some rumors circulated over the years about the Pope's extraterrestrial visitors.) According to the Monsignor, the Nibiruans will also return very soon and thus the Vatican needs to find a way to prepare the Christian community around the world if the Catholic Church wants to preserve its role in the life of the people.

(Information from Dawn at the Maya Mystery School Web site: (

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