Is Aug. 11 solar eclipse destined to bring change?

by Guru Rattana

The solar eclipse on Aug. 11, 1999 is part of one of the most powerful astrological configurations of this century. As you read this article, you may recognize some of these phenomena in your life already. Eclipses are often felt months before the actual event and their effects last long afterwards. The purpose of this article is to examine the nature of this event, its possible impacts and what it means for you and me.

The Grand Cross

Four potent energies are lined up in a grand cross. So what is a grand cross and why is this so potent? A grand cross is formed when two things happen:

(1) Two planets, or sun and moon (in this case the sun and the moon together, with the moon eclipsing or covering the sun), are opposite each other in the sky.

(2) A second set of planets (or sun and moon) are directly opposite each other. The result is that four planets are at 90-degree angles to each other and two sets of planets are directly opposite or opposing each other. In astrological terms, planets at 90 degrees square each other.

This relationship of the planets to each other creates a certain energy that is felt and played out in our earthly experiences. Squares and oppositions are where we get our energy to do things. They are about being motivated or even provoked to action. The "grand cross" of Aug. 11 combines four squares and two oppositions, all at the same time, plus a solar eclipse! In summary, there is a tremendous amount of energy that needs to be put to use, to be expressed or to be dedicated to a goal.

This astrological configuration not only gives us the energy to get things done, it contains the greatest potential for growth. And as most of us have realized already, growth is not always easy. This could be why in astrology the squares and the oppositions are called "hard" aspects. The struggle comes when we resist our lessons. This energy can be rewarding and productive when we cooperate with it, consciously handle our challenges, and use it to create our dreams and accomplish our goals.

The amount of energy available in grand crosses, accelerates the growth process, presents us simultaneous challenges and confronts us with decisions that will result in complete and total change. "The reward for handling the energy positively is the potential to make a huge evolutionary leap." We may feel this energy challenge us to make big changes right now. I have personally felt like there are many things that to be done all at once.

What Kind of Change?

What kind of change can we look forward to? First, we have to see who are the players. Saturn in Taurus is in opposition to Mars in Scorpio. Saturn teaches us our lessons without compromise and is willing to wait it out until we get the point. Taurus is determined to get its needs met and wants beauty and honoring of the Earth. Scorpio energy ensures that the lessons will be deep, meaningful and long-lasting. The Mars urge wants action, is aggressive and keeps the foot on the accelerator. Pressure cooker and time bomb are two ways to characterize this combination.

Then there is the eclipse in Leo which opposes Uranus in Aquarius. Both eclipses and Uranium energies are unpredictable, volatile and electric.

Add the squares or the 90-degree interactions. Mars square Uranus creates energy that is fast-acting, trigger happy, rebellious, unrepressed and in search of a cause or a fight.

Saturn square Uranus creates energy that pushes us to wake up and take quick and drastic action for a worthy cause. The Sun and the Moon squared Mars set the stage for lots of high drama, internally and externally. The Sun and the Moon squared Saturn says just do it - take unemotional action and get the job done.

And by the way, Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus and Leo are fixed signs, which "accumulate, maintain, and use power. They give strong will, determination, and fixity of purpose. They do not let go easily or willingly ... they refer to desire, resources and values." Fixed signs reveal our motives. When they are in hard aspect to each other, squares and oppositions, they challenge us, create stress and tension and present us with conflicting values. The release of the tension is inevitable and it is often as dramatic as earthquakes and volcanoes.

There are a lot of contradictory energies confronting us. There is no way to predict what can or will happen. Although it is pretty safe to say that our consciousness will determine the nature and the quality of the result.

Something is brewing that we can't ignore, that we have to take action on.

Implications - Take Action

What does this mean for each of us personally? To find out, we have to tune into our own guidance. It may also hit us right in the face too. And whatever that might be, the key is to USE the energy. Do something with it.

Choose to implement a project, move on something that you have been wanting to do for a long time and not quite had the guts or resources to bring it to life.

Kim Rogers-Gallagher explains: "Squares are internalized arguments, but oppositions are open debates. With so much of that confrontative energy grinding against itself, this grand cross will present situations that force us to act, and to make choices þ maybe tough choices. The fixed signs mean that change is inevitable, and that it's going to be permanent, too." If your reaction is "Where can I hide this one out?" the answer is that you can't! No one is just going to sit this one out. Either we choose to take action, or action will be taken for us. (i.e. accidents, demotions, losing jobs or even life itself.) This energy is not to be silently endured.

This energy is to be used to grow, to change, to take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves. It is time to be bold and courageous.

Identify your dream, define it as a realistic project and do what it takes to make it happen. It could happen very quickly, almost supernaturally and with surprising results. Get busy, concentrate, get and stay involved in your project, keep focused on your goal, act with total integrity and dare to keep your eyes open as you ride the crest of the wave of your destiny.

In order to take advantage of the energy and the opportunities that are before us, we must act with courage, be self-reliant and be willing to take initiative.

The New Millennium

In terms of global changes, here is a list of descriptions of what could be manifestations of the energy unleashed in this eclipse. The planetary line-up on Aug. 11 could well lay the foundation for the end of the world as we know it and for a new one to emerge in the 21st century. The inappropriateness of many cherished belief systems, dogmas and systems may be exposed. This may come as a shock to many, but it will also lead us to the realization that there is much more to life than we had ever imagined. There will be many changes in our personal, interpersonal and collective lives. Not all of these changes will be peaceful. Our greatest challenge is to act from our hearts, with the integrity with the goal of the well-being of all and honor the Earth. We are the co-creators of the new millennium. Our conscious choices will determine what we create.

Many blessings on your path,
Guru Rattana


June-July 1999 Mountain Astrologer, "Millennium form: The Solar Eclipse of August 1999," pp. 10-21.

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