Sample issue from the July 2000 Star Beacon

Predictions for the New Millennium

EDITOR'S NOTE: The following predictions were given to Sanni by Khinyeo, her Essossanian grandfather and guide. She was at first reluctant to share them, but felt it was important for Earth inhabitants to know these things.

Way beyond - some good - some bad - this depends on your Earth's populations.


All animal and plant food used as food will be genetically altered to produce higher yields and be able to withstand disease and fluctuation in climatic changes. All meat creatures will be biologically altered to fight off diseases so that antibiotics and other chemicals are not added into their feed and subsequently entered into human consumption.

More use of Earth oceans to reproduce seaweeds and other aquatic plants for Earth people's consumption. More foods will be produced via hydroculture or hydroponics. Plants grow in a liquid-enriched substrate. This will save on dwindling land space (2000-2015).


Mars (Mieu) will be colonized in 2016.


All people will be microchipped with implants which are coded with the following information: birth date, place of birth, all vital statistics pertaining to their medical histories, their social security number and their DNA will be decoded and added into this tiny microchip, which can be upgraded with more information. It will start out with newborns microchipped first. The microchip is inserted at the base of the back of the skull. Next, all people - young and old - will be microchipped. This will eliminate tons of paper work and save many forests as a tiny chip can be used to hold enormous amounts of encoded data. Every one will be entered into a global computer database. This will eventually be mandatory. Those who don't comply will be sent to "processing camps" to be "chipped" at another time. Some of these places will be under "clinic" guise, telling persons they need a "special" inoculation for an epidemic or pandemic disease. Most of this will be done under secrecy to avoid widspread panic. Also, all prisoners will be microchipped as well as other so-called misfits of society, to track them or monitor their movements.


All Earth vehicles will have satellite monitoring systems and "black boxes" that pinpoint the location of a crash or impact, etc. (2005-2020). Currently in developmental stages. All Earth ground transportation will run on rechargeable cells or batteries.

Cures for Disease

Most forms of infectious disease will be cured via changing the DNA and RNA codes, manipulating proteins and enzymes of cell membranes and chromosomes. New drugs will be created that will stop strains of mutant organisms that cause disease. A cure for AIDS will be developed via new drugs used for the altering of DNA and RNA strands of chemical "info" on the DNA and RNA. Cures for most cancers and inherited disorders will be discovered. This is ongoing. The work on this research is currently under way (2000-2035).

The blind shall see via implanted microchips placed behind the lens of the eye ("electric eyes"), hooked up to a tiny microcomputer implanted into the body, and bionics will be commonplace in medicine. Body parts will be grown from a single cell. Body parts will be cloned, etc., to prevent recipient-host rejection. More use of lasers to perform surgery, along with nuclear medicine, will make major operations less invasive, allowing speedier recoveries. Fiber optics will be utilized more in operations. Artificial blood will be commonplace. A universal artificial blood is developed.


Weather will be easier to forecast and predict, due to advanced orbital satellite technologies. A new computer imaging will allow for more accurate storm forecasting and earlier warnings. Weather and climate modification will be under way, bringing rain to places in drought or snow to places that have never seen it. This is a dangerous tampering with the Earth's ecosystems and weather patterns. This is in its experimental stages (2000-2040).


All elections and voting will be done by computer. All metal and paper currency will be replaced by a small card the size of a small pocket calculator. It will be used in place of all Earth's major forms of currency and can be used all over the planet. A universal or global economy will be established. This will replace coinage into one standard unit - a one-world form of universal money into which all nations' form of money will translate. This is already being seen with the Euro dollar in certain European countries. Smaller nations shall be absorbed into larger nations. It will be a blending of small nations' culture into the larger nations, a merging of various cultures into one large entity. Eventually a one-world government will rule over those smaller nations. No date, but I feel within the next 10 to 20 Earth years.


Earth man creatures will have to harvest melting glacier water to turn desert land into food-growing land to feed large populations of themselves. Everything will have to be recycled to break the grip of pollution. No date.


All housing will be built from recycled material as well as most clothing. This into the next century. Your planet must re-use, not refuse!


All vehicles will run on solar cell or alternative fuel sources, due to depletion of fossil fuel. Currently in developmental stages (2000 into millennium).

Air ships that fly by thought: Your hand held up to a sensor that reads your eye and mind (via telepathy) via headband connected to sensors. This does away with a lot of instrument controls. Vehicles equipped with night vision sensors allow for flight in all weather conditions and at night. All ships that fly will be stealth design and wingless discoid (saucer). The saucer that has been developed by secret governments (the Nazi/Hitler regime and others) is said to have built saucers from craft that were abandoned or crashed. The saucer is a form of experimental craft on Earth. All flying vehicles will have external sensors to monitor wind speed, height, pressure, altitude and all landing places will have sensors to guide approaching aircraft attempting to land. Most flying to be handled by computer. In many airplanes, pilots are replaced by computers with failure-proof or tamper-proof technology. In developmental stages.

The Moon

Your Moon ("Tia" in our language) to be terra-formed into a sister planet to Terra (Earth). Thriving cities will develop there (2029 into next century). (Remember, Earth will be watched to monitor its progress.)


Machines that can reproduce themselves as a clone, mostly nanotechnologies and robotics applications for deep space colonization and space travel. All robots will replicate themselves from a master design encoded into it. Many robots will be organic in structure. Some will be androids to serve as "eyes" in places it would be dangerous to send humans to. In experimental stage (early experimental at present).


Biodegradable clothing and clothes made of paper will be the latest fashions in 2019 into the next century.


Implanted microchips will accelerate learning in people of all ages, from first grade to college and beyond. A type of electric "smart pill." Books will be obsolete in the next centuries due to computers and CDs. Earth man will have the chance to expand his life span to over 100 to 120 Earth years after all disease is alleviated and aging is reversed and slowed down (next century).


Telephones will be obsolete with a device that allows people to communicate via telepathy with their implanted microchip and encoder/translator device, worn like a ball cap, with matching glasses that allow visual image of the person talking to the other "caller" (next century).


Hydroponics - growing plants in water-like substrate - will be used in space stations to supply food and oxygen.

Space Travel

Earthmen will discover and use worm holes and stargates as a form of shortcuts in space travel. Earthmen will learn that there are many universes beyond this universe. That is, if Earth has evolved to a non-violent global society. A hive society as others of space has evolved to millions of "years" ago in Earth time - this is in the year 5050 at earliest.

The Second Coming

The Ascended Master Light of many forms - many names - returns in his gleaming gold disc-shaped ship with his star fleet armada, to judge all inhabited worlds in all sectors and quadrants of the many multiverses that he and the council elders of the inhabited worlds have given a chance to change on a global scale - to show the other worlds that Earth is ready to join the Intergalactic U.N. of planet - to be cosmic neighbors in a multigalactic neighborhood. Some worlds will fail and will be dealt with via the particle beam. Other worlds will be welcomed with warmth and brotherhood into the large interplanetary U.N. with trade routes - cultural exchange visits between different species of peoples - sharing of technologies - things that will enhance all worlds involved.

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