From the February 2000 Star Beacon


Shame on the Beacon

Dear Ann,

Gregg Braden is a client of mine and I noticed an article in your January issue which references Gregg and his work profusely. I sent the article to Gregg and here is his response:

1) The first paragraph of the article was lifted, word for word, from the back cover of Awakening to Zero Point.

2) Mr. Braden has never said that migraine headaches, cramps and muscular networks or flu-like symptoms are related to earth changes.

3) He never references 12-strand DNA in his writings and saying that he does is damaging to his reputation.

4) Parts of the foreword from Awakening to Zero Point are written verbatim in the text of this article. I believe this is called plagiarism.

5) Tremendous liberties have been taken with Mr. Braden's work. In the future, if you wish to reference Gregg or his work, please contact me for verification of facts.

Arielle Ford
La Jolla, California

EDITOR'S NOTE: In last month's article, "The Shift of the Ages Has Already Begun," much of Gregg Braden's work was lifted from various sources without his permission and used incorrectly. He wishes to disassociate himself from this article. If you wish to know Gregg Braden's view on the "shift of the ages," look for his new book, The Isaiah Effect: Decoding the Lost Science of Prayer and Prophecy (Harmony), which will be in bookstores in April. The Star Beacon greatly regrets its poor judgment in allowing the article to be printed. It came to me in an e-mail and I neglected to check out the source or the possibility that facts were distorted and information pilfered from one of Gregg Braden's books. I am a great admirer of Gregg and his work and recommend his writings and teachings.

-- Ann Ulrich

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