Throughout All Time
A Cosmic Love Story

Ann Ulrich Miller

Throughout All Time is Ann Ulrich Miller’s memoir that tells about the man who traveled 2,000 miles to meet her and caused an unexpected disruption in her life.

This book deals with more than just two people who discover they are twin flames. The experiences they shared included UFO sightings, synchronicities, and the heart-wrenching fate of watching her husband suffer with a terminal illness. Anyone who believes love ends with what we call “death” will come away, after reading this story, with a different perspective.

May 2009
Retail $17.00
6 x 9, 320 pages
ISBN 978-0-944851-29-6
Autobiography / Spirituality

Ann Ulrich Miller has a B.A. in English from Michigan State University. She has edited and published The Star Beacon metaphysical newsletter since 1987 and is the author of three books in her Space Trilogy series, as well as three romantic suspense novels. She has worked for various newspapers, in all capacities, in the last 30 years. She is the mother of three grown sons and was an associate director of UFO Contact Center International. She currently resides in western Colorado and continues to assist authors with their books, through her own publishing company. Her memoir, Stepping Forth, An American Girl Coming of Age in the 60, came out in April 2015.

Some testimonials:

“Moving, inspiring, and heart-filling.”

“First, let me tell you what a big help your book was to me. The last part of your book deals with what you went through in Ethan’s last days. The vividness of your description — of those last days, the work of hospice and your grief to follow — I couldn’t read it without tears. I guess death is never an easy thing to deal with. Really enjoyed that reading. I may even take to reading it a second time.”

“You made it crystal clear that soul mates don’t necessarily have an easy time of it. I connected well with your struggle in the relationship with Ethan. Your writing has helped me get a handle on (my wife) passing. But that doesn’t make my grief any easier. I keep thinking about what you went through — what you are still faced with.”

“I think one of the reasons your book appeals to me is because much of the life experiences you describe are played out commonly to varying degrees in many people’s lives but I don’t usually have the opportunity to read about how someone else experienced it. Your honesty and description of your feelings hit a chord in me.”

“I laughed out loud about the nibbled underpants. And I’m still giggling.”



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Spiritual Nourishment


Volume VIII

produced by EARTH STAR PUBLICATIONS • P.O. Box 267 • Eckert, CO 81418 • Phone: 970.759.2983



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