Sheri's Sixth Sense
The Day the Earth Stood Still
from the April 2022 Star Beacon
By Sheri Gould
In this issue, I will be sharing an article sent to me by Dr. Richard boylan and some notes from me. Enjoy!.
by Dr. Richard Boylan
A Report: "April 14, 1964: 'The Day the Earth Stood Still' -- The True Story of the 'Alien Treaty' "
On April 14, 1964 one of the most extraordinary meetings in the history of the Earth took place.
The location was 15 levels down within a subterranean government installation situated under El Capitan Peak in the remote Guadalupe Mountains of northwest Texas (in what is now Guadalupe Mountains National Park), adjacent to the New Mexico border.
Present on one side of the meeting room were 24 representatives, personally selected by the four governments present. These four governments included the United States, the Soviet Union, the People’s Republic of China, and the Council of Europe. Two special forces guards stood sentry at the door, armed with M-16 automatic rifles with the safeties off.
Soviet Premier Nikita Khruschev headed the U.S.S.R.-selected delegation. Chinese Premier Mao Tse-Tung (Zedong) selected a self-effacing young man, a close confidant with expertise in international security matters, to represent him at this meeting as his Official Representative, and head the Chinese-selected delegation. The Council of Europe’s Secretary-General Ludovico Benvenuti had designated international law expert, Cambridge Professor, and Council of Europe Commissioner Anthony Bradley to represent the European Council at this meeting; and Benvenuti’s successor one month before the meeting, Peter Smithers, confirmed that appointment.
"Representing" the United States, and having already brushed aside duly-elected US President John F. Kennedy from the Preliminary Meeting, and not about to let Lyndon Johnson, only four months in office as President, represent the US at the Ratification Meeting, was the arrogant super-wealthy patriarch of the Rockefeller family, David Rockefeller, the organizer and self-appointed leader of the Meeting from the Human side.
Cautious about the Star Visitors, Rockefeller took a position by the door to assure a quick exit if needed. At his side was a recording secretary, a woman with long blonde hair. Rockefeller had assured her silence about what she would record by threatening her daughter if she ever talked.
Present on the other side of the meeting room were three representatives from the High Council of Star Nations (the governing body of the galactic federation of star civilizations in contact with Earth). These were: the Councillor for the Tall Zetas, the Councillor for the ‘Praying Mantis’ People, and the Councillor for the
Reptoid (Reptilian Humanoid) People.Also present were four Short Zetas, who served as security guards for the Councillors, and who were prepared to provide a quick exit, utilizing energy field ‘tunnels’, if required. Another Short Zeta served as Recorder of the proceedings for the Star Nations.
The purpose of this historic Meeting was to ratify an Agreement about issues that had been under discussion and worked on by way of Star Nations individual contacts with the Leaders of the Four Governments over the period 1957-1961. The purpose of these contacts was to get these Leaders to agree to a joint meeting to develop policy agreements that would stop the attacks on Star Nations persons and space vehicles, and permit the Star Nations to continue their protective mission here. The reason the Four Governments were present and not other nations was because these four were the governments who were engaging in attacks on Star Nations spacecraft and persons.
President Dwight Eisenhower had previously agreed to a Preliminary Meeting for the U.S., and by March of 1960, all Four Leaders had agreed that they would have representatives ready to meet in London on December 12, 1961 for that Preliminary Meeting. That Meeting developed the issues for further refinement, and follow-on individual discussions between Human representatives and Star Nations representatives.
Those well-developed positions were then to be brought to a Final Ratification Meeting of April 14, 1964, for finalization by the Four Governments and the Star Nations Council. (Fuller details about this 12/12/61 Preliminary Meeting’s location, activity, and who were in attendance at both meetings will be provided later in this Report.)
The principal issues for Star Nations in agreeing
to these Meetings were that 1) these Four Governments were persistently and violently interfering with the Star Nations mission to protect the living Earth (‘Earth Being’ in Star Nations parlance), and 2) to protect and assist the development of Humans, as well as the animal and plant life upon her.
The problem which the Four Governments
presented for the Star Nations was described by
Councillor Asheoma Meata, a Star Nations spokes-person not physically present at
the Meetings, as
follows: Star Nations was faced with difficult choices. Our own attempts at
direct communications with humans were met with violence and many records of
entrapment and torture of Star Nations Beings manifesting on this level (Earth).
It was at this same time that [planet] Earth Being was faced with problems of
destruction in the form of new [nuclear, electromagnetic, scalar, and quantum]
weapons developed. Our intervention in effort to protect Earth Being was not
favorably received by those who had the ability to ‘shoot us out of the sky’.
For Star Nations, we were not in a position to demand that only those true of
heart be allowed to speak with us. And without communication exchange and the
resulting Agreement, the chance was very high of Star Nations being forced to
withdraw all assistance from Earth Being.
Basically, Star Nations was seeking a cease-fire agreement, so as to be left unharmed to do their important mission: protection, restoration and upgrading of Earth, its ecosystems and the cherished fellow intelligent species upon it, Humankind.
The geo-plutocratic cartel, the Cabal,
[] through its proxies head-
ing the Four Governments, had quite a different agenda. They saw these
negotiations as an opportunity to take advantage of the Star Nations’s high
ethics and culture of dealing only in honesty, to manipulate the Star Nations
and extort advanced-technology information. The representatives pretended to be
acting as responsible officials interested only in Star Nations accountability
for its traffic in Earth’s skies, and in assuring cultural autonomy for Earth’s
peoples. The Cabal’s real interests lay elsewhere.
The Four Governments’ representatives demanded, in exchange for a cease-fire, that the Star Nations provide them with detailed information on the energy workings of Star Nations vehicles, equipment or other energy devices used while within Earth’s atmosphere. The Four Governments restricted how close Star Nations ships could come. The Agreement restricted the ultra-large motherships to a distance or location where they would not be readily visible by Humans. The smaller craft were limited to how low they could fly within atmosphere unless on a mission preannounced to the government.
The Four Governments insisted on scientific and technical assistance in making advances in the areas of energy (which would include energy physics), transportation (especially antigravity), and biology (which would come to include genetics and cell physics). These representatives also demanded that the Star Nations give them genetic samples of the Star Races who were visiting Earth, as well as distinguishing energy-signature samples for each of the Star Nations races, and the representatives insisted that the Star Nations provide continual information on the identity of every Human person whose consciousness/soul/personality was a Star Visitor before the current incarnation in a Human body, as well as every person who was an upgraded Human by virtue of having a few Star Visitor genes added to their Human genome: the Star Kids and Star Seed adults. This reporting requirement applied not only to Humans already alive in 1964, but all such persons born thereafter.
The Four Government representatives required that Star Nations refrain from any influence on religious institutions and establishments. Star Nations had no disagreement because they noted that gradual development in spiritual consciousness is protected by Source to allow freedom of growth and change to progress according to the Species. Additionally, David Rockefeller and his Cabal cronies also required that the Star Nations refrain from influencing the development and direction of governments and commercial trade on Earth. The Cabal did not want any ‘outside interference’ with their plans to control Earth’s government, institutions, and sources of wealth. Star Nations did not resist, out of respect for the fact that ‘oversight of development and the protection of the Species [are matters to] be determined by the Species.’
David Rockefeller and company had the audacity to insist that language be included in the Agreement that they had the right to represent Earth as ‘Dominate Species,’ (an ecology term for having stronger competitive abilities over other species.) In other words, Rockefeller was widening the old Manifest Destiny and Monroe Doctrines to assert that the Four Governments of Earth have the right to exert dominance over all other races they encounter in space. Indeed, the arch over the entrance way to Shriever Air Force Base, Colorado Springs, Colorado, the headquarters of the U.S. Space [Warfare] Command, has inscribed the motto, ‘Masters of Space’. [sic.]
The actual reasons that the Four Governments wanted all this information were several:
• The Four Governments did not want the Star Nations to have any influence on organized religions because those were powerful tools indirectly controlled by the Cabal to help manage civilian populations.
• Cabal-planted scientists within governments took and utilized the detailed information on the Star Visitor energy devices and vehicle propulsion and instrumentation for the purpose of back-engineering this information into technology to create advanced weapons systems, and then these weapons systems were used by Cabal-controlled military units, in con-
junction with devices to detect the energy signatures of the Star Nations craft and the Star Visitors themselves, to track, ambush, kidnap, confine, interrogate and torture Star Nations beings and shoot down their craft.
• Cabal government officials have told
Nations that ‘craft shot down were done by ‘mistake’
or due to ‘misunderstanding’ of [identification] infor-
mation provided [by Star Nations].’ The flight-altitude restrictions on Star
Nations craft enabled Cabal-controlled governments to plausibly deny UFOs for
decades, claiming that what was seen were ice crystals, inversion layers, or
migratory flights of geese, etc.
Not all information furnished by Star Nations was diverted to Cabal global-control purposes. Advanced information in energy, transportation and biology quietly released by governments have led to spectacular advances in science, medicine, communications, metallurgy, engineering, etc., and the Star Nations have gone the extra mile beyond Agreement-required areas of information to volunteer additional knowledge about spirituality, astronomy, psychic processes, star cultures, metaphysics, and other knowledge.
But Cabal scientists have accessed, monopolized and misused Star Nations information to fashion advanced technology for dark purposes, such as psychotronic mind-influencing weapons, scalar-energy artificial-earthquake machines, and electromagnetic-pulse and neutral particle-beam killer-ray energy weapons. They have also devised fleets of various antigravity craft of human manufacture, and made preparations for an all-out Star Wars to drive the Star Nations from Earth’s skies.
Cabal scientists misused genetic samples which the various Star Nations races had provided to the governments to engage in gene-splicing and cloning of hybrid-human Super-Soldier clones who would be endowed with advanced physical and psychic powers, in a plot to eventually use them against the Star Nations, and Cabal-oriented governmental officials wanted the information on every Human that the Star Nations visited so that they could follow up on such visits with rogue Cabal para-military kidnappings, drugging, interrogation and abuse of these Humans, who were then left with the false implanted memory that their contact and ordeal was part of an ‘abduction’ by ‘evil aliens’.
For its part in the Agreement, Star Nations accepted ‘continued responsibility to provide for the defense and protection of Earth Being, Human Beings, and Dependent Beings [all other Earth life-forms] from Outside Energy Beings (OEB). Star Nations pledged to ‘protect the [Human] Species against outside or external interference by OEB: Beings who are not represented within Star Nations, and who do not work within the Star Nations’ principles and mission objectives, but who work in Ego awareness still at their own [lower] levels of development.’ (Star Nations maintains surveillance and a protective cordon around Earth to prevent infrequent approaches by those lower-evolved beings. Such approaches are rare. In the 42 years since the Agreement was ratified, only four OEBs have been identified by Star Nations here, and these were prevented from going into circulation.)
The Star Nations did manage to secure Human recognition of their rights to continue activity consistent with the Star Nations Primary Mission of protection and ‘fostering the growth and development of the emerging Human Species in all manners consistent with the desire of Source [God].’ Further, Star Nations Councillors attested ‘that the Laws of Source [in particular, the Spiritual Law of the Protection of Man, and the Spiritual Law of the Growth of Man [6] are followed in regards to the selection and approach of all [Human] Beings for such purposes’.
Star Nations specifically obtained Human agreement for Star Nations ‘to manifest [appear, visit] to individuals for purpose of individual growth and development as requested by the individual, or as approved by the individual.’ [Agreement of 1964]. One of the primary purposes of contacts by the Star Visitors is to ensure that Star Visitors who incarnate as Humans are confirmed as such to Star Nations; and are provided with awareness and support by Star Nations, as these incarnates grow and develop on Earth. Star Nations also helps these individuals to become aware of and fulfill the Personal Mission they are working towards, as Source has authorized.’ Another purpose of Star Visitor contacts is to provide awareness and development work with those Humans who have been genetically upgraded, the Star Seed adults and Star Kids.
Let us now take a moment to put the development of the Agreement into historical perspective.
While several events made insiders in government aware of Star Visitors’ presence since at least the early 1940s, it was the June 1947 sighting of a formation of UFOs over Mount Rainier in Washington state by Deputy Sheriff and pilot Kenneth Arnold, and the UFO crash near Roswell (Corona), New Mexico, three weeks later, both widely reported in the newspapers, that brought broad public awareness of visitors from space. (This was the era before the UFO Cover-Up.)
President Harry Truman created a super-secret MJ-12 Committee to advise on how to deal with this development. The Army Air Corps (soon Air Force) gathered up the Roswell UFO wreckage and transported it to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, and then to Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico for study and analysis. As reported by Army Colonel Philip Corso, selected portions of the exotic devices and equipment were gradually transferred to favored commercial companies to be back-engineered into ‘brand new American devices’ without revealing their extraterrestrial ancestry.
The Star Nations increased the pressure on the US Government to acknowledge Star Visitor contact, by flying low over Washington, DC, and the Capitol repeatedly in July of 1952. Four months later, Dwight Eisenhower was elected US President. He soon had individual contact from the Star Nations (as did other leaders of major governments). President Eisenhower made arrangements and later met with representatives of the Star Nations on February, 20, 1954 at a dry lake bed in what is now Edwards Air Force Base. Two months later, on May 29, Eisenhower’s CIA Director, Walter Bedell Smith, Prince Bernhard of Netherlands, David Rockefeller, other top world financiers, later-Secretary of State Dean Rusk, later-British Minister of Defense Denis Healey, and other Western power leaders convened the inaugural meeting of the Bilderberg Council, a policy-making group top-heavy with Cabal cartel types, to plan unified global strategy. Uppermost on their agenda was what to do about the ‘extraterrestrial issue’.
After major government leaders had mulled it over for three years, Star Nations representatives began to meet individually with the leaders of the United States, Council of Europe, USSR, and China to explain the Star Nations mission here and to stop the wanton attacks on Star Nations craft. These discussions led to the convening of the Preliminary Four Major Powers—Star Nations Meeting of December 12, 1961. This Preliminary Meeting was held in The Grand Ballroom of the Duchess Palace, London, UK. Seated around a large oval cherry-wood table were 26 Human representatives, selected by the leaders of the Four Governments.
President Eisenhower had previously acquiesced in David Rockefeller’s insistence to head the US delegation and chair the meeting. Thus, newly elected President John Kennedy, only in office a few months and not fully briefed about the impending meeting, was faced with a fait accompli, although he resented the choice of people representing the US. Representing the Council of Europe was International Law Professor Anthony Bradley. Soviet Russian Premier Nikita Khruschev personally attended. Chinese Premier Mao Tse-Tung sent his most trusted confidant, an expert in international security matters, as his Official Representative. The Chinese went to considerable lengths to keep this individual’s identity undisclosed.
In addition to these leaders, the identity of some of the others in attendance has been disclosed to me by the Star Nations Councillor mentioned earlier, and are revealed here.
Laurance Rockefeller was present at the meeting, chaired by his brother, David Rockefeller. Also present was David Rockefeller’s chief advisor, herr Heinz (Henry) Kissinger, (whom the British newspaper ‘The Guardian’ called an international war criminal), and who was at the time a member of the US National Security Council.
The British Queen, Elizabeth II, was present for this Preliminary Meeting. Over the course of the Meeting, perhaps the Queen found the experience of hearing Reptoid, Praying Mantis, and large-eyed, greyish-skinned Zeta Councillors talking telepathically inside her head a bit unsettling. Or perhaps it was, as, Councillor Meata noted, that she was the only one at the table with [an] energy signature of ‘undecided in Awareness.’ (This latter phrase means that Elizabeth II, 35 at that time, was ambivalent as to whether to conduct herself in a way which gives primacy to Awareness of her relationship with Source (God), or whether to go along with the Cabal methods and agenda.) But whatever the reason, Her Highness absented herself from the subsequent Ratification Meeting. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, former Nazi SS officer, President of (Royal Dutch) Shell Oil, and co-founder of the Bilderberg Council, was also present.
The Councillor’s energy readings for the identity of another attendee point to this person’s being E.H. van der Beugel, Secretary-General of the Bilderberg Council, and successor to Joseph Retinger, who founded Bilderberg. Van der Beugel was President of KLM Airlines and headed the International Institute of Strategic Studies, London, (the British equivalent of the U.S. global policy group, the Council on Foreign Relations.)
The Star Nations indicate that all the other representatives, but one, were also of Ego orientation, (Star Nations parlance, for our purposes, for orientation towards a selfish, unprincipled, ‘me-first’ and uncaring approach to life). There was a solitary attendee not of that kind at the Preliminary Meeting: Dr. W.E.B. DuBois, then 94. This noted African-American scholar and civil rights activist, with a Ph.D. from Harvard, had been co-selected by USSR Premier Nikita Khruschev and the Council of Europe to be a representative. He provided insight which was very different from the rest of the Human representatives. Councillor Meata described DuBois as ‘of gentle energy and able to speak with open communication to the leaders of Russia and China.’ DuBois had ‘a strong desire to bring education between cultures, and this item was considered to be a primary concern.’ Before the Preliminary Meeting, Star Nations paid lengthy visits to Dr. DuBois, which took place in a protected environment without interference. DuBois definitely operated in humble Awareness of his relationship with Source (God).
When the representatives gathered on
12, 1961, the room bristled with hostility and resentment of having DuBois
present. Dubois advocated for going public about the Star Nations communications
with Humans. But David Rockefeller, the leader of the Meeting, ‘requested’
DuBois not to speak about the meeting and communications, a directive
Rockefeller gave the other representatives as well. In late August of 1963, when
preparations were being finalized for the Ratification Meeting the following
April, DuBois was found dead in his new home in Ghana, Africa. The Ghanian
government gave no cause of death. But DuBois died just hours before the August
28, 1963 quarter-million-person civil rights March on Washington, at which Dr.
Martin Luther King gave his famous, ‘I Have A Dream’ speech. Councillor Meata
noted that DuBois’s death was ‘under suspicious circumstances.’ The timing
suggests that the Cabal ‘sent a message.’ Thus, when the Four Major Powers-Star
Nations Treaty Ratification Meeting was held the following Spring, only 24 Human
representatives gathered; two of the attendees at the Preliminary Meeting were
not present: Queen Elizabeth II (alien-phobic) and Dr. W.E.B. DuBois (murdered).
Only a few human-interest details have emerged about the Preliminary Meeting. In what has to be one of the greatest gaffes of the Twentieth Century and beyond, when the Preliminary Meeting was just started, Laurance Rockefeller spoke up and said, ‘We come in peace,’ and then did a nervous laugh. The rest of the representatives nervously snickered, too. The Star Nations Councillors, who are exquisitely sensitive to the energy that communications come wrapped in, didn’t really know what to make of his saying that, and of the laughter. But given the track record of the Humans whom we know were present at that meeting, (excepting DuBois), Laurence Rockefeller’s travesty of interstellar relations had about as much sincerity as the Dolph Lundgren character in the schlock 1990 science-fiction movie of the same name, ‘We Come In Peace’.
The other Human-interest item was that at one point, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev got up and insisted on going into a side room for a private conversation with the Councillor for the Reptoid People. David Rockefeller strenuously objected to any side meeting at which he was not also personally present. But Khrushchev insisted and prevailed. In the side conversation, Khrushchev lobbied to try to get exclusive information on advanced weapons systems for the USSR. Needless to say, he got nowhere with the Star Nations Councillor in trying to pursue that agenda.
Over the ensuing six decades (and counting) since the Agreement of 1964 was ratified, Star Nations has honorably upheld its obligations within the Agreement. The Four Governments have not, as is obvious to anyone who has informed him/herself about their misuses of advanced technology, their continued shooting at Star Nations craft, and their misuse of information about Human Star Seeds to kidnap, interrogate, abuse, and attempt to mentally reprogram the Star Seed humans to forget who really kidnapped them, and misremember the Star Visitors as the bad guys.
With the Cabal strengthening its control on major governments and institutions over the subsequent almost-six decades, the situation has become dire. That is, until September 29, 2005. On that date, representatives of the Star Nations met with four Human representatives, including the Councillor of/for Earth, to conduct a Formal Hearing and Indictment of the Cabal for repeated violations of Universal Laws. The Cabal were convicted on such violations. The implication of those convictions is enormous.
Previously, as Councillor Meata noted, ‘It is not that the Star Nations were fooled by [Cabal] Humans, though. We were simply not permitted by the Laws of Source to make differentiation in energy determination [good/bad] for a Species still in development. Even when it was known that betrayal or manipulation was ‘probable’, based on energy readings, Star Nations was bound to see the developing Species without bias to the individual point of reference. Star Nations made
all effort to work with Humans with full respect to the governing bodies, laws, and leaders set forward to represent them. If you will permit, it was in all effect a ‘best effort’ by all of Star Nations to do what was needed.
It is now [since the 9/29/05 Formal Hearing] within the hands of the Star Nations to move forward with a new direction, and with the correct ability to differentiate between the Beings of Ego [Cabal] and those of Awareness who are Human. This means that now the Star Nations are ethically free to, and have now started to, discriminate against the Cabal in determining whom the Star Nations share information and assistance with on Earth. As time goes on, being left out in the cold will work to the dis-empowerment of the Cabal. As the Councillor also said, ‘Earth Being and Her safety, growth and happiness belongs not to those who are of pride and ego. It is the inheritance of the humble and the true of heart.’
I will close this report with one final reminder and admonition from my Councillor informant: ‘The time of transition is upon Earth. It will either make it and be born into a new world, ... or it will be seen as [stuck in] Ego upon [reaching] adulthood, and I cannot say what might occur if that were to happen, as it is no longer in the hands of Star Nations, if that were to occur.
‘Star Nations work in service to Light and to Source through the path of Awareness.’
For additional details, go to:
I wanted to share some additional
information relating to Dr. Boylan’s report. Regarding Dr. Boylan’s information
on the September 29, 2005 Tribunal of the indictment and conviction of the Cabal
for violations
of Universal Laws, I want to share a dream/vision I had on March 10, 2010, which
I then shared with Dr. Boylan.
My alarm woke me up on March 10, 2010 in the middle of a dream/vision. The words I heard were "atrocities, tribunal and high-council." The key points to this dream/vision:
I remember being in a huge room which looked oval in shape, filled to capacity with human-looking and non-human looking people. There were two huge wide screens up higher on the wall, each showing different atrocities being done to human and nonhuman alike, and it felt like it started from the beginning of Earth time. Testimony was being given to a representative of the high council (a human-looking male) of things each could attest to, although I don’t recall what was said. (Then my alarm woke me up.)
I immediately contacted Dr. Boylan regarding this ‘dream’ and he said: "What this sounds like is a process that may have gone on (or been incorporated by reference) during (or before or after) the trial of the Cabal: the 09/29/05: Historic Formal Hearing, Indictment, Conviction of the Cabal For Violations of Universal Laws. Since time is fluid for the Star Visitors, whenever this review of atrocities you saw took place, its results became part of the indictment evidence against the Cabal."
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
One additional thing I would like to share—my dear Star Sister, Yvonne C. is having a tough time of it health-wise right now, and I would like to ask your help in sending her healing energies, and I thank you ahead for your help.
I wrote about Yvonne C. in my book, in the chapter ‘Three Star Sisters.’ She came to visit me here in Wyoming for a few days, following one of the Dr. R. Leo Sprinkle’s UFO conferences, and the photograph at the beginning of that chapter is of her and myself at Devil’s Tower (WY). Yvonne loved this Wyoming energy and loved looking out the back porch and watching the horses running in the pasture.
Because of her experience here, she sent me a painting which she did of horses and Devils Tower and a Cloud ship! n
Copyright © 2022 Sheri Gould
Sheri's new book:
Sheri’s Sixth Sense, True Cases of Extrasensory Perception and Experiences of the Paranormal is available on and from Earth Star for $15.00 USD.
This page updated April 1, 2022