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Karen Weinant Gallob

A Pat Garrett, Leigh McCracken Mystery

Curs, Curmudgeons, and Cops Confront Crime in Croissant

It's the dog days of summer, and Sheriff Garrett should be able to leave the hit and run behind him. He has no hard evidence that the truck seen by the Black Widders swerved intentionally to hit the animal, or attempted to hit the woman. The injured sheepdog has been successfully treated by the new vet. In fact, he has deposited the new vet and her precocious little daughter at the Peaseford Veterinary Clinic with old Doc Clary. Sure, Doc has that notoriously cold and unfriendly wife, Annabelle, who, it is rumored, hates dogs, but that's just gossip. She has never been known to hurt anything. All is well, isn't it?

No, it isn't. Garrett tells Deputy McCracken that he is hounded by doubt. He fears that the hit and run is a harbinger of more trouble to come. This year Croissant is the site of a hostile political campaign. He worries. Strange things happen in Croissant. After all, this is the town where the cow dog lives, the one who climbs trees.

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Karen Weinant Gallob

A Pat Garrett, Leigh McCracken Mystery

Sheriff Pat Garrett and Deputy Leigh McCracken had very little "sheriffing" to do in the quiet little Colorado town of Croysant since the Biedermann murder case, but suddenly, they are confronted with a child's bones stuffed into one of Alma's precious dolls.

As if that isn't bad enough, next they find themselves dealing with fires, more skeletons, plus mobs of PETA people protesting a chicken factory farm that no one seems able to locate.

Worse yet, Jenny Threewinds might be up to no good. Garrett has never been able to admit to himself that he loves her, and now she seems to have taken up with a handsome stranger. Garrett thinks this is just one more example of his bad luck with women until he learns that Jenny is searching frantically for a mysterious lost doll.

ISBN 978-0-944851-38-8     $11.95 paperback
Plus $5.00 shipping & handling

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EARTH STAR, PO Box 267, Eckert CO 81418

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by Ann Ulrich Miller

Sometimes the clown, sometimes the comforter... Here is the true story of a very special canine and the human lives he touched that would never again be the same. Anyone who has ever had a true companion dog understands the special bond between an animal and the lives he has enriched. Ranger is an Australian shepherd/blue heeler of unusual intelligence and devotion who comes into the lives of two people seeking a second chance in life.

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Romantic Suspense
by Ann Ulrich Miller

Last summer in Aspen... Rhea fell in love with Parker Sherwin while on scholarship at the Aspen Music Festival. But her dreams were shattered one week before their wedding, when a forest fire claimed Parker's life.

by Ann Ulrich Miller

Unable to leave the one place where she'd found happiness in her life, Rhea remains in Aspen and struggles through the winter as a "local."

Enrolled for her second summer at the Aspen Music School, Rhea meets Trey Michaels, an outfitter, but she insists on remaining faithful to Parker, whose spirit jogs at her side during daily runs along the Rio Grande Trail.

She doesn't dare tell anyone that she shares conversations with her unseen lover.

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by Ann Ulrich Miller

"This memorable tale will move you to tears, inspire you with hope, uplift you with joy." -- John Cali, Conversations With Chief Joseph

"In Rainbow Majesty, Ann Ulrich Miller has masterfully woven richly drawn characters, suspense, love and self-discovery into a captivating story. Readers for whom this is an introduction to spirituality can understand its presence in their own lives through the characters' experiences, and already enlightened readers will applaud the clarity of universal truths throughout this greatly enjoyable book." -- Suzanne Ward, author of Matthew, Tell Me About Heaven and other Matthew Books

ISBN 978-0-944851-32-6  June 2010


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True Stories of Star Beings on Earth

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February 2010
UFOs/SPIRITUALITY   Retail $15.00

An anthology of Star Beings living on Earth and within the population. An intimate view into the lives of those who have awakened to their Extraterrestrial identity.

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 A Cosmic Love Story by Ann Ulrich Miller

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"I laughed out loud about the nibbled underpants. And I'm still giggling."    -- A.R.

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