Who is Earth Star?
in spring of 1987, Spirit directed me to start publishing a newsletter about
UFOs, in an effort to help the contactees. That's when I became an associate
director of UFO Contact Center International, a nonprofit organization out of
Seattle, Washington.
THE STAR BEACON has grown over the last 34 years and goes to subscribers throughout the United States and abroad. I welcome your letters and will consider articles on the subjects listed on the index page.
Also available is
Index listing (not complete yet) of the articles over the past 34 years, along with a
brief description. The Subject Index is available for free on-line, and is a
valuable resource for the UFO researcher or anyone interested in UFOs and
related phenomena.
I am Ann Ulrich Miller, editor and publisher of
THE STAR BEACON. I grew up in a Wisconsin, and obtained my degree in Creative Writing
from Michigan State University.
In April 2015, my memoir, STEPPING FORTH, An American Girl Coming of Age in the '60s, was published. In May 2009 I released my spiritual autobiography, THROUGHOUT ALL TIME, the story of how I met my soul mate. In November 2018 my romantic suspense thrilled, THE DREAM CHASERS, came out. In June 2010 my light worker novel, RAINBOW MAJESTY, was released, inspired by my metaphysical life in Paonia, Colorado. SONATA SUMMER, another romantic suspense novel, was released in June 2012. I write novels, by the way, some of which are under the name Ann Carol Ulrich. They are all listed in the Book Gallery and all are available from Earth Star Publications and Amazon.com. Be sure to check out My Literary Works at annulrichmiller.com.
I welcome your correspondence and invite you to write me at starbeacon@gmail.com.
This page updated October 6, 2022
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