Sheri's Sixth Sense
Conferences, ETs and Yellowstone
from the June 2022 Star Beacon
By Sheri Gould
11th Rocky Mountain Conference on UFO Investigation
This conference was held at the end of June 1990, at the University of Wyoming in Laramie, which I attended. Approximately 150 people attended from the US, Canada and Europe. Five different workshops were held, to include a Reincarnation Workshop given by Marilyn Sprinkle; a workshop on "Dreams and What They Communicate" by Penny Goodson-Kjome; a "Participant Discussion of UFO Experiences" moderated by Jane Rock; a workshop on "The UFOExperience: An Invitation to Grow" by Dr. June Parnell -- discussing Experienced Anomalous Trauma (EAT) and positive integration of the UFO experience into one’s life; and "Discussion/Support Group for Spouses and Family Members of UFO Experiencers," moderated by Ann Foster.
Speakers at the conference included Dr. Michael Grosso, speaking on "UFOs and the Millennium," equating the similar qualities of the ancient Experiencers (from the Bible) with the present day Experiencers, and how the Book of Revelation fits into the scheme of things. Ann Druffel (co-author of The Tujunga Canyon Contacts) spoke on "Contact Control: Techniques to Ward Off Abductions." Dr. Jim Deardorff talked about the book titled Talmud Immanuel. According to Dr. Deardorff, the Pleiadians told Billy Meier of Switzerland where some ancient Aramaic documents were to be located, and these scrolls are a more complete interpretation of the origin of the New Testament, to include information on Immanuel (Jesus), reincarnation and UFOs. The Talmud Immanuel has been translated into German by Meier. Dr. Deardorff’s book, Celestial Teachings: The Emergence of the True Testament of Immanuel (Jesus), talks about the Meier translation.
All of us were also treated to videos from Jennifer Brown-Jacobs of the Portland UFO Group (PUFOG) on Angel Hair. Angel hair is a sticky, fibrous substance reported in connection with UFO sightings, or manifestations of the Virgin Mary. It has been described as being like a cobweb or a jelly. Reports of angel hair say that it disintegrates or evaporates within a short time of forming. One theory among ufologists is that it is created from "ionized air sleeting off an electromagnetic field" that surrounds a UFO.
The Keynote Speaker was Dr.
Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, a former Chief Medical Officer of Northern Finland,
speaking on "European UFO
Experiences -- Views of a Chief Medical Officer." She talked about the
approximately 25 countries represented at the "Dialogs of the Universe
Conference" held in Munich, Germany, and about many of the experiencer cases in
Europe, and of the "cloud ships." Of special interest was a top-secret document
from South Africa regarding a craft shot down in South Africa the year before
and the request of transport of the "visitors" to Wright-Patterson, Air Force
Base in the US.
Incidentally, two planes went from Wright-Patterson to South Africa immediately after the incident, and the two planes returned to Wright-Patterson AFB with "secret" cargo.
Dr. Luukanen-Kilde shared with everyone her personal experience of a craft which landed on the ground approximately 100 yards from her apartment and stayed on the ground about 15 minutes. She said that there's been thousands of years of contact with ETs from not only other planets, but from different dimensions as well.
I personally felt the overall view of
this confer
ence was spiritual-positive growth and outlook coming from many of the
experiencers, and the ecological need to help our planet and oneness with the
On the way down to the conference, the three of us traveling together saw a huge transport tube (portal) appear over Shirley Basin, Wyoming, and then a ship appeared for a couple of minutes and then disappeared.
During the weekend, five "cloudships" stayed over Laramie, and through my "sixth sense," many "Beings of Light" were there throughout the conference.
On the way back home from the conference, we had some exciting things happen as well, once again in Sybille Canyon north of Laramie. We saw a "cloudship" actually keep pace with our car! We were guided to go to the big rock at the picnic area, where we toned in the ships previously (see the December 2021 Star Beacon article), and "cloudships" appeared all around us.
We were guided to send energies to Mother Earth, and special energies were sent from the ships through us to the center of the Earth for a healing of the "Mother." In return, all of us received overwhelming heart chakra energies from Mother Earth and all of us realized the importance of sending the Light wherever possible. These ETs are here to help our planet and to help us raise our personal energies to coincide with the raising of the vibrations of our planet that is now taking place.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Global Sciences Conference
In August 1993, my friend Monna and I had a booth at the five-day Global Sciences Congress held in Denver, Colorado. There was a wide range of speakers from scientists to channelers to inventors to chiropractors -- and those in between. Our "Wyoming Women" booth (inspired through Pat's Wyoming Women metaphysical newsletter) represented the diverse interests of us Wyoming women.
I also represented the UFO Contact Center International (UFOCCI) with related items and information for those that possibly have had contact experiences. The guidance I'd gotten way back in April and May 1993 showed that it was important for us to attend this conference. I was getting blocked right and left when planning to attend Dr. R. Leo Sprinkle's Rocky Mountain Conference on UFO Investigation, which I usually attend every year, and the way was made easy for attending Global Sciences.
Unfortunately, most of the speakers at the Global Sciences Congress came from fear-based thinking and we found ourselves overwhelmed by all this. With the majority of the attendees made up of people from the professional community, I was very surprised at all the negativity there because of the fear factor.
But there were a couple of bright spots, too. One of the speakers was Connie Shaw, a wonderful lady with a beautiful aura, who spoke about her association with Mother Mary -- through the dream state, in her meditations, and through visions and solid-form appearances to her.
Connie told of her trials and tribulations with her devout Catholic family and friends, who told Connie she wasn't a practicing Catholic and didn't attend mass "religiously" like they did, and therefore wasn't entitled to receive this one-on-one relationship as are the clergy, who are the only "ordained go-betweens" with "heaven" and earth -- and certainly not her!
Unfortunately, the Catholic church, in their ultimate wisdom, felt it was their duty not to release the predictions they'd received from Fatima and Medugore, so Mother Mary decided to bring these predictions through the "lay" people in order to get the information out immediately. You can find Connie's book, Mary's Miracles & Prophecies, on Amazon and other booksellers.
Another beautiful lady with a
beautiful aura is Claire Applegate Papin. Claire had her booth next to ours
(which we found out later had been "preordained"), and Claire was selling the
audiotape version of
Annie Kirkwood's book Mary's Message to the World, of which Claire is the
voice of Mother Mary. Claire also had an audio tape called "Mary's Lullaby" for
sale. The lullaby, complete with lyrics and melody, came singing through
Claire's lips one evening before retiring. Claire was amazed that such a
beautiful song would come to her so simply, having never written a song before.
Then, to her surprise, a message as an inner voice followed: "This song is a blessing. It will be sung in many homes," given to her by Mother Mary. Instantly, Claire saw a vision of families singing this song while storms raged outside their homes. Claire was told the song would be recorded at the right time and place with the right people. Through a series of synchronicities, this all took place and Claire herself sings "Mary's Lullaby." The words of this lullaby are simple:
Fill this home with Love,
Fill this home with Light and Love --
Rejoicing all the way we know,
Praising all the way we go.
Fill my being with Peace,
Fill my being with Peace and Joy.
The Starseeds shape the flow,
the process as we know.
Blessed Love Divine -- Light and Love.
Claire has an absolutely beautiful voice and she even looks like Mary from a vision that appeared to me of Mother Mary a few years earlier. While writing this, I’m listening to "Mary's Lullaby" and a vision came to me of "seeing people safe inside their homes, with doors and windows shuttered, while the storms are violent outside." To me, this vision represents our selves, our bodies -- which are protected from all those outside influences that are trying to create havoc with our thoughts in this present time. To listen to "Mary's Lullaby," or to read about her book -- "Mary's Miracles and Messages -- A True Story of a Visionary's Journey" (available on Amazon), go to:
On the day we were leaving the Global Sciences Congress, Monna and I both felt that we didn't accomplish our purpose for being there, and we felt sad and frustrated because it seemed that the fear-factor prevailed throughout this conference and the Light energies seemed very inconsequential.
That day, we received a (telepathic) message from Jorrud of the Ashtar Command -- "I have heard your cries for help, for the mass mind needs to have an awakening that would not be forgotten, for if there is no jolt of awakening, this planet will continue to sleep and the planet will not exist. For that which is the Mother also cries and those who bring temporary higher energies through their prayers do not pray for the planet; they pray only for their own safety -- not the safety of their neighbor, nor the safety of their homes and cities -- but of them only. They cannot see beyond the walls of their own abode. This is a travesty.
"We are here above you in our ships. We have heard your cry and have come to respond. We have come to tell you that you have caused a change. In your mind you feel nothing has been accomplished, but you have changed the energies, even though in a small way. All these people will move out to their areas and this change that has been implemented within their bodies is like the energies of our ships that you have brought to this area -- brought to the people. But, through them in their areas, these energies will expand to those they come in contact with --and those people that they come in contact with. You have changed the Earth in this capacity for this is considered the ‘snowball effect’ and it will continue.
"The energies received by each will in return be received by another. These are changes of the DNA structure within causing your remembrance --causing vision. Many will find themselves in strange places for they will access the dimensional timewarps and find themselves in areas totally unreal to them and they will question and they will see -- they will see Lights. We have felt the energies of those speaking of your governments. We know the travesties are occurring and we cry with you, for those who are in power are not from the heart and we cry for those that we see that have no ‘hearts’.
"Go back to your homes knowing you have accomplished much. And think of it in this way -- do not talk of your feelings of ineptness. Do not talk of your feelings of not being able to help, for you HAVE, and we honor you, and we have placed others within the conference in special areas, and if you can visualize the symbol that represents the Star of David, at those points are those who bring in the highest of energies. Go with heads up high, knowing you have caused wonderful change. Visualize this in your mind. Visualize each one going to their respective homes and visualize them talking with everyone that they come in contact with and visualize them receiving these energies, for it IS done. We love you and we thank you."
We came home feeling better about our purpose for attending the conference, even though it took some time to get our energies back to par, and we felt that the highlight was getting to know Connie and Claire!
Are We Avatars for them (The Watchers) ...?
We think of the "Watchers" as other worldly beings (maybe even the Giant Nefilim) standing by in spaceships off the Earth, like God or Santa Claus, monitoring what is going on down here, whether we are naughty or nice, or they are just being there to make sure we don’t blow up the planet.
Well, guess what --I now believe otherwise, that they may be much closer to us than we previously thought. I first began to wonder about this after reading In the Presence of Aliens, in which Janet Bergmark details her experience with a small, tired, frazzled little being who has been accompanying her on her journey through this life. This is not a Spiritual Guide, but a small ET who lives in her aura, who is here to observe and create a dual human/alien consciousness. This little being has been with her through many, many lifetimes, and is just worn out from the journey.
In James L. Walden’s book, The Ultimate Alien Agenda, he was shocked while in a regression session to learn that he was "harboring" a Reptilian entity in his aura. He ran screaming from his session. He later reconciled to the fact that this was at his invitation.
A man who attended one of the UFO Conferences in Laramie was traveling through northwest Wyoming and happened to drop in at a health food store that had an herbal practitioner on staff. He asked to have a healing session with her and she treated him with a tincture of White Angelica. As she worked over him, they both saw a small ET fleeing the room. She confided this story to me as it left her shocked and uncomfortable.
A friend was napping on her sofa when she awoke to observe two tiny beings entering her coat closet. She was very upset as she was not a believer in UFOs or Alien beings. She immediately jumped up, ran to the closet and yanked the door open. Nothing was there. She chalked it up to a "Lucid Dream" (in which you awaken within your dream and observe yourself dreaming) and accused me of "bringing them down on her" as she knows I am a firm believer in them.
A group of friends and I visited "The Teton Mystery," one of those crazy little off-kilter fun houses at Hoback Canyon, south of Jackson, Wyo. The tour made me very dizzy, so we exited to go next door to enjoy a meal at the Horse Creek Station restaurant. All seemed normal until I rose to leave and the dizziness suddenly returned. The next thing I knew, I was hitting the floor, unconscious. While out -- apparently thrown out of my body -- I observed two tiny ET beings standing over me, looking agitated and disoriented. They scampered off toward the east end of the building.
Signage at the site of the "Teton Mystery": "What Is It? Frankly we don't exactly know but within a small circular area surrounding the Mystery House, you will both see and feel various physical disturbances not found in normal locations. The fact that these strange phenomena may be photographed from any angle rules out the possibility of optical illusion. However, we know of no scientifically acceptable explanation of the phenomena. "We know you will be entertained and feel your visit was time well spent. * It’s confusing * It’s educational * It’s fun *There is no danger."
Unfortunately, the "Teton Mystery" and the Horse Creek Station are now closed and will be replaced with the Hoback Fire Station.
I have not relayed these stories to frighten anyone, and your chances of sharing with the Watchers are very slight. They will not "jump" you or possess you, but are there by Soul agreement. They will not help or advise you; they are here to only observe.
UFO Incident in Yellowstone National Park
I do not recall the exact time this happened, but it would have taken place in the winter of the late 1990s or early 2000s.
A friend had just joined MUFON as a Wyoming Investigator of UFO incidents. She received a phone call from a fellow MUFON Investigator who was located in Cody, Wyo., who relayed to her that there had been a UFO that had crashed at night in the northeastern quadrant of Yellowstone National Park.
She immediately grabbed her camera and headed to Wapiti, Wyo., which is just outside the eastern entrance to Yellowstone. She arrived to find the Cody Fire Department trucks just turning back from the entrance. They stopped to answer her questions about what was happening.
They had been turned back from entering the park by seeming M.I.B.s (Men in Black), although the Fire Department personnel did not identify them as such, only as "Government types." She was forced to return home empty-handed. If these were true M.I.B.s, how did they get there so fast, and how did they even know to go there???
I thought to contact Tom Dongo, UFO expert, who was in Sedona, Arizona. He confirmed that indeed there had been a UFO crash in Yellowstone National Park, but had no further details. Tom has since written eight books on the Paranormal, UFOs and ETs, and has written on the strange goings-on at Bradshaw Ranch in Sedona, very similar to Skin Walker Ranch in Utah.
Although the incident was never mentioned in the news, the next day they did report that a Park Ranger had been killed in that exact area. Incredible coincidence...!
My friend heard no more of this from MUFON, which led to her resignation from that organization.
After reading Pat's article on the "UFO Incident in Yellowstone National Park," I would like to add some additional information which was shared with me regarding this incident.
A person I have known locally for many years would always share his ongoing ET experiences with me. He used to work for one of those '3 letter' agencies out of D.C. Anyway, he shared with me some information regarding the Yellowstone National Park incident.
He told me about a blind man that he knew that lived in Cody, who was always listening to his police scanner, and always listened to everything going on in the area. The blind man shared with the '3 letter' guy that he heard on the scanner that a craft had crashed in Yellowstone National Park, and that the military came "out of the woodwork," closing all the entrances to the Park, and not letting anyone in -- not even the fire trucks -- although flames could be seen. And ... nothing was reported in the newspapers about it.
Thank you for letting me share this with you!
Sheri Gould is the author of S
heri’s Sixth Sense: True Cases of Extrasensory Perception and Experiences of the Paranormal ($15 from Amazon, Kindle ebook $4.99).Copyright © 2022 Sheri Gould
Sheri's new book:
Sheri’s Sixth Sense, True Cases of Extrasensory Perception and Experiences of the Paranormal is available on and from Earth Star for $15.00 USD.
This page updated June 3, 2022