from Earth Star Publications...

The final segment of the


by Ann Carol Ulrich



Second (updated) Edition Just Released December 2021

Deceptive forces are once again at play, ripping families apart
in a sinister plot to control Planet Earth.

A generation has passed since Johanna and Serassan returned to Earth.
On Karos, after 18 years of preparations and toil, the Galactic Center for the Performing Arts

is about to open. But Johanna's and Serassan's 17-year-old daughter, Crystal,
feeling the rebellious urges of adolescence, would rather go into space with the Estronian fleet.



Back on Terra, Manley and Dorothy's 16-year-old son, Blake Dobbs, is not happy about his parents' sudden decision
to move to the Four Corners. He meets the Light Being in what he considers to be a "lucid dream,"
but soon learns that "L.B." is for real when Earth enters the Photon Belt

and the family gets stranded in the dark in the middle of Nebraska.


Blake's mother, Dorothy, wakes up in a concentration camp while her husband, Manley,
has managed to escape the helicopters and is stumbling

around in a cornfield, lost in the seemingly endless night.


The Dobbs children, meanwhile, are aboard a space shuttle, piloted by The Light Being,
headed for the orbiting New Jerusalem, positioned nearby to assist Earth during its shift.
His goal is to reunite with his Twin Soul... but first he must obtain a physical body.


ISBN 978-0-944851-23-4
2nd Edition, 264 pages, paperback

$14.95 (shipping is FREE in the continental U.S.)

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This page updated June 15, 2023