The Space Trilogy

by Ann Carol Ulrich


Who was that mysterious, attractive man sitting beside Johanna Dobbs at the ballet last night? And what happened during 45 minutes of missing time when she visited the lady's room just before intermission ended?

Suddenly Johanna finds her life turned upside down in a bizarre abduction. Her struggle with her own sanity strengthens her for what is to come -- a journey aboard a mother ship to a planet colony where her abductors want to breed with humans to acquire a new race.

Amidst the stir of rebellion, Johanna has fallen in love with Serassan and must choose between her allegiance to Earth or a life with him on an uncertain world.

ISBN 978-0-944851-02-9
178 pages, paperback, 1988
Cover art by Kelly Donovan    


Johanna and Serassan return to Earth on a highly secretive mission to save humankind. But will they be able to stop the major catastrophe that has already begun?

Manley Dobbs, Johanna's brother, has set up a UFO Contact Center in DeKalb, Illinois, in honor of his missing sister. Dorothy Myers, fresh from an abduction while traveling through Nebraska in the middle of the night, ends up at Manley's doorstep seeking answers. So does the lovely but strange Kapri, who cannot remember anything that has happened to her.

The Dark Forces have unleashed a doomsday machine to bring a premature Armageddon to Planet Earth. But, ironically, a UFO debunker, along with Manley and a spiritually high Indian tribe, might have a chance at turning everything around before it is too late.

ISBN 978-0-944851-06-7
204 pages, paperback, 1994

      Cover art by Ethan Miller

And the final segment...


Eighteen years later, Johanna and Serassan's 17-year-old daughter, Crystal Dobbs, is feeling the rebellious urges of adolescence as she tries to defy her parents by joining the Estronian space fleet rather than help make the new Galactic Performing Arts Center on Karos a success.

On Earth, Manley and Dorothy's 16-year-old son, Blake Dobbs, is not happy about his family's sudden plan to move to the Four Corners area, and meets The Light Being in what he considers to be a "lucid dream." But Blake soon learns that "L.B." is for real when Earth enters the Photon Belt and the family gets stranded in the dark in the middle of Nebraska.

Deceptive forces are once again at play, ripping families apart in a sinister plot to control the planet, and Blake's mother, Dorothy, wakes up in a concentration camp while her husband, Manley, has managed to escape the helicopters and is stumbling around in a cornfield, lost in the seemingly endless night.

The Dobbs children, meanwhile, are aboard a space shuttle, piloted by The Light Being, headed for the orbiting New Jerusalem, positioned nearby to assist Earth in its chaos. His goal is to reunite with his Twin Soul... but first he must obtain a physical body.


ISBN 978-0-944851-23-4 -- 304 pages, paperback, $14.95
Cover art by Emma O'Brian

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