UFO DISC-ussion
edited by Ann Ulrich Miller
© 2023 (all rights reserved)
An article from the
December 2023 issue of
George A. Filer is Chief Editor of Filer’s Files, which haven’t appeared in this newsletter for quite a while. George is the MUFON New Jersey State Director and MUFON Eastern Region Director.
The following are some of the sightings he published in his latest issue on line. You can explore the wealth of information at www.nationalufocenter.com. He accepts and encourages donations.
Nov. 15 UFOs over Vietnam: General George Brown states: "I don't know whether this story has ever been told or not. They weren't called UFOs. They were called enemy helicopters. And they were only seen at night and they were only seen in certain places. They were seen around the DMZ in the early summer of 1968. And this resulted in quite a little battle.
"And in the course of this, an Australian destroyer took a hit, and we never found any enemy, we only found ourselves when this had all been sorted out. And this caused some shooting there, and there was no enemy at all involved but we always reacted. Always after dark.
"The same thing happened at Pleiku in the Highlands in '69." -- General Brown, as former USAF Commander Chief of Staff, of 7th Air Force addressing the appearance of UFOs during the Vietnam War at press conference in Illinois, October 16, 1973.
General Brown, as former USAF Commander Chief of Staff, of 7th Air Force addressing the appearance of UFOs during the Vietnam War at press conference in Illinois, October 16, 1973.
"As Intelligence Officer, I was the first officer to brief General Brown each morning daily while in Saigon, Vietnam." (George Filer)
General George S. Brown became Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on 1 July 1974, the highest rank in the military, and first Air Force officer to hold the position since General Twining ... until 20 June 1978.
I had orders to fly F-4s in Vietnam, but was transferred to 7th Air Force Headquarters as an Intelligence officer to brief General Momyer almost every morning, and on Aug. 1, 1968, General Brown as Seventh Air Force commander, the generals were responsible for all Air Force combat air strikes, air support and air defense operations in Southeast Asia.
I predicted a major North Vietnamese attack around the Tet Holidays in our Daily Intelligence Report. General William Momyer and I were criticized by General William Westmoreland the Army overall Vietnam commander for alerting our air bases for attacks. As we predicted, the North Vietnamese launched their biggest attack of the war.
Unidentified craft (UFOs) were frequently mentioned along the DMZ during 1968. General Brown treated all ranks with respect and was always friendly, even when I was just a Captain. He became Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 1978 to 1982 and was well aware of UFOs.
General Brown was quite upset about our 7th Air Force F-4s being blamed for attacks on friendly shipping. We discussed the possibility of UFOs, helicopters or F-4s being involved. The following report tells the story.
The Vietnam Attack on an Australasian Destroyer
On June 17, 1968, Aim7 Sparrow missiles struck a US Navy heavy cruiser and Hobart, a Royal Australian Navy guided-missile destroyer. How did this happen?
In mid-June 1968, numerous US Navy and allied vessels were operating in the vicinity of Tiger Island, just on the North Vietnamese side of the DMZ. The ships were deployed to interdict the "maritime Ho Chi Minh Trail," which used small boats to deliver supplies to insurgents in coastal areas, as well as to engage North Vietnamese targets with gunfire. UFO lights were reported both in the air and under the sea.
The USS Boston was a 17,000-ton heavy cruiser, modified from her original World War II configuration to carry a Terrier surface-to-air missile aft. Commissioned in 1944, Boston had served in the Second World War. She was one of a few vessels to receive a conversion to the Terrier missile system.
Boston was in Vietnam primarily because of what her guns could deliver to Vietnamese shore targets. Boston was accompanied by USS Edson, a 4,000-ton Forest Sherman class destroyer with a heavy gun armament. A US Coast Guard cutter and two small "swift boats" PCF-12 and PCF-19, were also in the area. They were needed for close-in coastal patrols during the Vietnam War.
By November 1966, there were 84 PCFs on patrol with Task Force 115 (Operation Market Time). The 50-ft. aluminum craft had radar, an 81mm mortar and four 50 caliber machine guns. traveling at a speed of 24 mph.
They reported firing on UFO lights and had their machine guns’ fire appear to be returned, hitting their boats. Six-man crews aboard 51-ft. unarmored aluminum vessel journeyed upriver, facing the constant threat of naval mines, ambush and rocket fire from an enemy bunkered on riverbanks just 30 feet away. 50 caliber machine guns swift boats, operated in teams of three to five for interdiction of Viet Cong supplies along the 1,500 miles of rivers and canals. They also searched vessels and other craft for weapons and were utilized for transporting US Navy SEAL teams.
To read the rest of this article, visit:
US State Department Cables Warn Do Not Discuss UFOs
This story was on the same Filer’s Files page.
Gordon James Gianninoto writes, "I had brought this up first when Julian Assange stated there were UFOs mentioned in many US State Department official cables. Nothing much has transpired since he admitted he had seen such cables, and that they existed.
Now I learn that Freedom Of Information activist pursuing the US government documents concerning UFOs, Larry Bryant, has identified one such cable dated from November of 2005, in which the US State Department specifically instructed US Embassy personnel in the Ukraine NOT to discuss 'UFOs entering Earth Orbit', or concerns the Department of Defense has with such matters.
According to the contents of a US State Department "cable" message was recently acquired from the wikileaks … a huge cache of such official communications ...
Certain State officials have warned their personnel to refrain from discussing (even among themselves) the reality that planet Earth apparently is being reconnoitered by alien spacecraft (aka UFOs).
The document in question reportedly was sent to a diplomat at the US embassy in Kiev, Ukraine, stating: "It is critical all embassy staff understand that they are not to discuss under any circumstance concerns DOD [U. S. Department of Defense] has with UFOs entering orbit, once again the seriousness of this matter cannot be overstated."
Peru Nazca Lines UFO and Andes Mountain Runway Shaved
According to the video on YouTube, two medical professionals took an early morning flight in a Cessna plane to observe the Nazca Lines in Peru, near the foothills of the Andes on New Year's Day. In the YouTube video, at 3'28, the aircraft is flying through rain clouds, when suddenly a UFO appears in a hole in the clouds at left, about 20 to 30 feet from the plane and seemingly on a collision course. The grey disk rapidly changes course and disappears back into the clouds, all within the space of a couple of seconds.
Subsequent slow footage and still
frame analysis of the incident clearly shows a flying saucer-shaped object. Is
it possible the UFO was an alien
craft navigating above the mysterious Nazca Lines?
MUFON reports that in early 2017 several "unusual" bodies and parts of bodies were examined after being given to the Inkari Institute in Cusco, Peru in 2016. The location of the find as well as the name of the discoverer have been kept secret to prevent grave robbing. All of the bodies are hominid, still have all of their internal organs but have only three fingers and three toes. The bodies have all been preserved for perhaps thousands of years. Some of the bodies which are only two feet tall, are believed to be reptilian and have a skeleton structure similar to a frog. They died about 1,100 years ago. Their DNA does not match anything on record.
CMS continues to amass sighting reports from around the globe. In October 2023 there were 732 sightings reported to MUFON through CMS from the following countries
You can see the chart by going to Filer’s Files: Nov. 15 2023 --
UFOs Over Vietnam -- National UFO Center.
This page updated December 1, 2023
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