is Jana Nolan's best novel yet!
Released from Earth Star Publications September 2019
ISBN 978-0-844851-54-8
208 pages, paperback, $11.95
What if ...
after making a wreck of your life and destroying
the ones you loved, you could go back and live your life again?
choices would you make? Or are you doomed to repeat the same mistakes?
A con man who has made a fortune by preying on others comes home after
many years and realizes how his choices have affected his family and
friends. But a miraculous discovery offers him a rare second chance.
Will he make different choices this time? Or is he doomed to repeat
the same patterns?
NOLAN is the author of
The Old Henderson Mine,
Mind Power, Sounds of Fear, Secrets of Sleeping Indian
Mountain, Pure Vengeance, The Unexplainable,
and Return to The Old Henderson Mine. She was born in Montrose, Colorado, and
is known for her unique story lines, readability and charismatic
characters. Her books appeal to all readers. She enjoys long walks and
horseback riding.
You can order the book through Earth Star for
$14.95 postpaid
Send to:
EARTH STAR PUBLICATIONS, 20665 Del Ray Dr., Eckert CO 81418
Colorado residents please add 82 cents sales tax
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