by  Anthony Raby

Nine Gripping, Mind-Blowing Stories of the Dark and Grim

Released from Earth Star Publications
January 31, 2018

ISBN 978-0-944851-52-4
167 pages, quality paperback, $15.00

Explore the world from the perspective of Anthony Raby in this chilling and thought-provoking collection of his fiction stories and intriguing poetry ... GENIUS!

SHE LANDS, CAUTIOUS AND ALERT. The silence is oppressive and tangible; thick as blood. She stalks forward, drawing her rapier and a dagger with nary a rasp. The moonlight gives a luxurious silver glow to the headstones and creates deep voids of shadow. She knows her quarry; her predator could lay in one of these dark pools. She picks her walk among the tombstones and comes to the crypts. The shadows deepen here, and she pauses a moment. She glances around, tracing every small sound. Her nostrils flare to sense a smell out of place. She continues moving through the paths between the crypts until she is in front of a particular one. Its light gray stone sharply contrasts with the dark iron door, like a portal of darkness amidst walls of light. The family name sits above the door, a proclamation and a silent witness. She knows this one. She turns the handle and finds the door opens, easy and silent.

"Hello there, little one," says a voice from the past and nightmares.

Anthony Raby, a native of Wisconsin, is a writer, editor, poet and playwright currently incarcerated in the United States Disciplinary Barracks at Fort Leavenworth. He is a contributing writer for The Star Beacon and Inmate Shopper. He is in the 2017 Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges, and is currently pursuing his Bachelor of Arts degree in English through Adams State University.

This collection of stories and poems is his first book.

Order from EARTH STAR, 20665 Del Ray Dr., Eckert CO 81418 (check or M.O. for $15 + $3.50 postage)


This page updated June 1, 2024

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