The Meaning of It All
© 2022 (all rights reserved)
An article from the December 2022 issue of THE STAR BEACON.
Photo by Doug Elmore
It's not all that it seems
I'll bet a lot of you will agree that 2022 has been a challenging year. We knew we were in for dark times and our mission as lightworkers is here, now, and even more important in the days and weeks ahead as we enter 2023.
Recently, I returned from a short vacation to my home state of Wisconsin. After the trauma of going through fraud victimhood earlier this fall, my sister Laurie bought me a round-trip ticket and I flew from Montrose, Colo., into Milwaukee a few days before Halloween. Since I hadn't flown in over six years, I was a little apprehensive. COVID affected many of us in a negative way whereas a lot of us no longer feel comfortable or safe away from our home bases.
Wisconsin was beautiful. Never mind that there was a snowstorm here in Colorado the morning I departed and that flights were delayed. Luckily, I did not miss my connecting flight in Denver. Of course it was late when I landed in Milwaukee. Laurie was there to meet me. Her home in Janesville is welcoming with a peaceful, fenced backyard with trees, grass and dozens of bird feeders. From her cozy sun room, I enjoyed watching birds and squirrels that appeared in her yard.
We talked and caught each other up on family news. One day I rode with my brother Jim and his wife to our hometown of Monona, We drove through streets I remembered as a child and saw the house we grew up in, which hadn't changed. That alone seemed strange as most of the other homes had been remodeled, most of which had added a second floor. Our neighborhood near Lake Monona was more beautiful than I remembered, especially being there that time of year.
We met our younger sister, Alice, at Dexter's in Madison for lunch. We visited the cemetery in which my parents and grandparents had their remains. Afterwards, we drove to Darien, out in the country where my brother and his wife live, and took a hike down to Turtle Creek on their land. It was beautiful and very therapeutic … the entire trip was amazing! I felt rested and invigorated when it was time to return to Colorado and to Doug, who met me at the airport.
I know that a lot of us are disenchanted with how things are going in the world right now. We've just survived another scary election in which it appears there were more shenanigans going on with ballots and possible cheating. We begin to wonder, will it ever get better? Will our votes ever count, can we ever trust the system in place, or will we continue to be screwed over by all of the corruption?
I have no answer at this time. But I do carry a positive attitude. One way I'm able to do this is by NOT giving in to the B.S. the news media feeds us on a constant basis. I know people who are glued to their TVs, soaking up disinformation like sponges, so indoctrinated by what media is forcing down their throats. We all need to wake up! This is our time. We are lightworkers, not sheeple. We will pave the way to a better, freer, fairer future for all. Politicians are not who we need to turn to for resolving these issues that are leading our civilization toward destruction.
If you believe you are powerless to help the situation, STOP! We will survive these times. We as lightworkers will light the way for those who are faltering and uncertain. We need to help others wake up. We have been promised that there is a bright and wonderful future for all. The dark side, I am told, has already lost. But now it is up to we, the people, to move forward with loving intentions.
Reading Suzy Ward's "Matthew’s Message" at the beginning of every month is always a major boost to my morale and fills me with certainty and assurance that we are on the right track. Even though it always seems to take longer than we want it to, the Force is with us. Relax … turn off You Tube and mainstream media propaganda, and focus on healing your own spirit and body so that when the time comes, you can enjoy the fruits of enlightenment right here on Planet Earth, our home.
Ann Ulrich Miller
, author and publisher, intends on continuing to do what she loves best for as long as possible. Keep the faith and know peace within your heart. Lightworkers unite! If you wish to contribute something (no matter how small!) to help her recoup the thousands of dollars stolen from her in September by an on-line con artist, please visit
sure to check out my Author website to read
about my wide variety of books at
Posted December 3, 2022
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