Sheri's Sixth Sense
Antarctica and Dark Pyramids
Part 2
from the December 2022 Star Beacon
By Sheri Gould
I wrote about the Dark Pyramid which was found in Alaska, in the August 2022 issue of The Star Beacon, with the information coming from Linda Moulton Howe's website. In that August issue, I mentioned that some of the information came from a remote viewer. I will be sharing Dina Napier's remote-viewing experiences for a better understanding of the dark pyramid, which she refers to as the Black Pyramid.
Linda Moulton Howe received an email
from Dina in February 2017. Dina had listened to Linda's presentations online
from, and on
Coast to Coast AM radio for many years, and thought that Linda could understand
or maybe even have answers for her.
A little background on Dina first -- she was born in 1973, and her parents separated when she was just eight months old. Her mom took her life in 1979, and when Dina was seven years old, she began having vivid dreams of her mom. At age 12, she had a face-to-face encounter with a 4-foot tall reptilian…
At the age of 22, Dina started having realistic dreams (like remote viewing), showing her some kind of map where she was being taken to in Alaska. She "saw" a small building in the middle of nowhere with a single light on a pole that lit up an entrance, surrounded by a chain-link fence and barbed wire. There were other people there, some of whom looked familiar to her, plus their "guide." They were all dressed for the cold, wearing pea-green colored fur-lined coats with large fur-lined hoods, waiting to go inside, as it was cold and blizzarding.
The "guide" was well-muscled, about 6 ft. 5, dark slicked-back hair, and extremely white skin; he was expressionless, and seemed "very cold" in his demeanor. Dina "knew" the whole group were scientists. The "guide" took everyone to a very dark room, except for an orange glow from some small lights on the wall. They then went down a cement staircase (maybe 50 feet) to a bare room, except for a metal desk with a few papers on it, and a couple of shelves on the wall. The "guide" opened the only door to that room, which was an elevator, and they all got into it and went down ... and down ... and down. Dina had no idea how far down they went, but when the elevator door opened, they walked into a bright laboratory with many computer screens on the walls, and they were told that this was their workspace. They each had a room for sleeping and a common area with a kitchen and rec room.
Dina realized in the "dream" that they were there to study a huge, onyx-black pyramid discovered there … She "understood" that this black pyramid was producing energy at an increasing rate with unknown consequences -- this energy was leaking from the huge black metal! (The scientists were warned that they would be "eliminated" if they ever talked about this "black pyramid.") Once the scientists began studying these energies, the energies began leeching into their workplace, with some of the scientists becoming telepathic and others levitating. Their "guide" disappeared and the scientists began "falling apart" with the energies seeping into the pod, and Dina knew she had to get out of there.
Still in this remote-viewing dream state, she was able to get back to ground level on the ice, and "saw" three large triangular, pearlescent, pinkish-colored spacecraft which rose up out of the ice, and she felt the ground shaking. Dina said that as the spacecraft rose up, they took her "mind" with them!
In a matter of seconds, the three crafts swooped across the earth, and traveled back in time and went over the Giza plateau in Egypt! Dina "saw" energy coming either from the ships down to the three pyramids, or the energy coming up from the pyramids to the spacecraft.
She knew she was remote viewing what it was like some 20,000 years ago, because the Giza pyramids looked glistening white -- very new looking. She said the whole landscape was very different from the present time, as she saw lush plants, like in a tropical area, and not desert sands as it is now.
Linda then asked her (in their phone conversation) if she saw the Sphinx, and she said no, because it wasn’t there then.
(Now, a quick sidebar story on the Sphinx … In 2016, Linda received emails from Jared Beeler from Priest River, Idaho [who had a UFO sighting, along with his family, when he was 14, seeing a large multi-colored disc near their Salmon, Idaho home], regarding the Alaska Anomalies, sharing that when he was in the Army in 2005 at Fort Richardson, Alaska [where I had a contact experience when I was 8 years old], he was sent up north to a mountaineering training camp in Black Rapids, between Anchorage and Fairbanks, sharing a story about a Sphinx, just like in Giza, that he said was about a four-day hike up Castner Glacier from Black Rapids. He said that "just like the Dark Pyramid," the group around the Sphinx was heavily armed and that they were doing some sort of investigating on it. His sergeant told him he didn’t know who they were, but that they weren’t regular Army! Jared also said that all the satellite imagery goes out of focus and blurry for that area…)
Now, back to Dina: Another question Linda asked Dina was if she had a "gut sense" that something is coming -- perhaps soon -- relating to the Giza pyramids from 20,000 years ago that she was shown, and the Black Pyramid in Alaska which may be millions of years old.
Dina felt that the energy up in Alaska is going to get to a point where a lot will be revealed, and that the government and secret programs won't be able to stop it. She felt that all the black underground pyramids in Alaska and Antarctica will be activated, creating heat, and there will be a lot of ice melting and flooding due to the pulsating energy coming from the buried, black pyramids on Earth.
Dina feels that these black pyramids are before Giza -- that these are the original pyramids -- before any other cultures built their pyramids. Her understanding of the Alaska pyramid is that a lot of energy is coming out and she feels that the black pyramid has something to do with what happened with Noah’s flood -- like it’s scheduled on a timer -- an Earth-cleansing thing.
She also feels that wherever these megaliths and pyramids are found, the planets (like Mars) and moons (like Saturn's moons and Earth's moon) end up destroyed whether it's planned or through war. It's like these black pyramids are a "tag" on a planet or moon.
Dina also said, though, that she's seeing a "huge push from the Light side to start helping people become more aware, more open-minded -- to see things for what they really are, and hoping and praying that Light's agenda continues to push as hard as it is."
(Great minds think alike! After I wrote most of my article below on Antarctica for the December Star Beacon issue, I received October's Star Beacon in the mail with Ann’s "DISC-ussion" of Antarctica, which gives great information to coincide with this article! Thanks, Ann!)
Antarctica's Secrets
I recently watched a 2 ½ hour YouTube video with David Wilcock and Corey Goode about "The Antarctic Atlantis." David shares quite a bit of ancient history.
He asks, "Why Antarctica?" and then shares that "Antarctica is where the founding fathers of the people calling themselves Illuminati [cabal] supposedly crash-landed when they came to Earth, and became what the Bible calls the 'fallen angels.'
"They believe that the fallen angels are real, but that because God of the Bible wiped out their people in Noah's flood, and that God must be evil because this 'Adam' species (which is us) is wicked and they think they with their ancient knowledge and high technology -- which they crash-landed here with -- are the good guys.
"So, they actually believe that they deserve to rule the earth and that we are not worthy. They see us as an invasion, even though they invaded us."
David gets into amazing information about the Book of Enoch, which describes this ancient history, except this was not approved to be put into the Bible; although quite a bit of information came from Jesus!
He also shares a lot about the giants, and that Enoch’s great-grandson was Noah, and that the flood was created to cleanse the Earth of the "Watchers," and Noah preserved the plants, animals and people -- one of each species -- in some kind of extraterrestrial craft -- so that we would survive the flood.
The pre-Adamites, which were giants and had elongated skulls, were not completely wiped out from the flood. They knew that there were builder-race ruins below the surface in Antarctica, estimated at 1.6 billion years old, and then began colonizing the underground bases built by the ancient builders, because it was still tropical (the earth hadn’t shifted on its axis yet).
David then shares stories of John Kerry and Buzz Aldrin going to Antarctica, and then he talks about the excavations of ruins of cities and woolly mammoths, and more!
This is definitely worth the watch! The YouTube video of "The Antarctic Atlantis" is at:
I then watched an episode of William Shatner's "Unexplained." He shared that pyramids were found beneath the Antarctic. A 2016 satellite image revealed a perfect man-made pyramid, just like the ones in Egypt, except larger! This pyramid is perfectly square (2 kilometer sides), with non-natural walls of four 90-degree angles, and has been under the ice for millions of years, covered in ice sheets more than a mile deep, in minus-49 degree temperatures, with 100 mile-per-hour winds.
He said that until about 4000 BC that continent was free of ice. In 2017, German scientists took core samples, finding more than 60 different taxa (species, family or class) of plants, similar to what is found in the rainforest. (Linda Moulton Howe says that between 34 million and 100 million years ago, Antarctica was warm and tropical. Then at about 33 million years ago, the temperatures dropped and ice and snow piled up.)
And next, I watched a YouTube video of January 23, 2019 with Linda Moulton Howe interviewing a retired US Navy Petty Officer, Brian. Linda had received a 1/2/2015 email from him, sharing that he had flown C-130 cargo and rescue missions in Antarctica from 1984-1997. He shared that one time, during an emergency medivac crisis, he and his crew flew across a no-fly-zone to speed up the trip, and saw silver discs darting around the sky over the Transantarctica Mountains, plus they also saw what they weren’t supposed to see -- a huge hole (the size of a football field) which was an entrance to a human/E.T. research base under the ice.
Then at a supposed 'air sampling camp' near Marie Byrd Land, some dozen scientists disappeared for two weeks, and when they reappeared, Brian and his flight crew were to pick the scientists up. The scientists looked scared and wouldn’t talk. (I heard elsewhere that the scientists were taken off-planet for those two weeks). Brian and his crew then received orders "not to talk" and were told "You did NOT see an ice hole. You saw nothing."
Brian said that non-humans were and probably are now working on this planet. He said that talk among the flight crews was that there is a UFO base, and that some of the crew heard talk from the scientists that EBEs worked with the scientists beneath that ‘air sampling camp’ large hole near the pole.
I also viewed Linda Moulton Howe’s documentary "Alien Secrets Below the Ice," mainly because of Dina's statement that the black underground pyramids in Antarctica would be activated. Linda interviewed a Navy Seal (Lt. Commander), who called himself Spartan 1, for the interview.
In 2003, Spartan 1 was assigned to go
to an
underground facility at Beardmore Glacier in
Antarctica, to extract a scientist who was photo-
graphing and studying thousands of carved symbols and glyphs which resembled
Egyptian and Mayan, but was unknown.
What Spartan 1 found was a black octagon structure which protruded about 18 feet above the ice and snow. He saw a strange door, made of shiny black basalt -- approximately 23 feet high and 18 feet thick -- and the door opened with the slightest touch of his finger and was self-activating (the door would pivot -- there were no hinges), to reveal a huge nine-acre room, which had no central pillar to hold it up, and that it took 15 minutes to get from one wall to the next wall, which was approximately 50 feet below the ice.
Then he saw a ramp which went down and down to two other octagon entrances and ramps, reaching more layers of the large structure one to two miles deep in the ice. He believes this facility has been active since the 14th/15th century. Temperatures outside were minus 40 degrees, and inside, a balmy 68 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit. He said that this compound is in three stages hidden under the ice. Each door is approximately 18 feet to 30 feet thick, and that there's more than one facility, all stretching over 62 acres. He said that back-lit lime-green lights automatically turn on when you enter the rooms in these structures. The ceilings are 22 feet to 28 feet high, and the walls are solid black basalt, about 18 feet thick, lined with unknown hieroglyphics.
(Apparently, Mars has buried archaeology that matches the same hieroglyphs and symbols on the moon along with what was found deep inside Antarctica.) On a door was etched a "black sun" symbol and a star-chart showing showing three universes.
Then, Linda talked with Marine Spartan 2, who said, "Antarctica contains wonders beyond what most can comprehend. It has ties to space and technology beyond belief." Spartan 2 worked with Senior Intelligence officials over the past decade, one being the Cyber Command which serves as a US Navy Central Operation Authority for US Navy Networks and Space Operations.
He says the US has communicated beyond our solar system with advanced humanoid intelligences. Communications also include interstellar trade!
Now, some other notes Spartan 1 and Spartan 2 shared with Linda:
Apparently, our military has communicated with more than one race since the 1960s. They all have a human form except for minor differences in eyes, mouth and body structure. They have a basic human shaped head -- some larger and some smaller skulls -- and that these are the ones they are in contact with. This race said that "they seeded us."
In fall 2017, an "asteroid" traveled into our solar system, which was given the name Oumuamua. What's interesting about this is that it traveled into our solar system going from 57,000 mph to 97,200 mph after it took a mysterious hair-pin curve. A Cyber Command space official said it is an old derelict ship -- not a rock. Spartan 1 said their guys were on Oumuamua months before anyone knew it was out there.
Spartan 1 also said that there are structures on the inside and the backside of the moon -- and that they're building a huge mothership on the moon. He said that supplies that were "supposedly" going to the space station, were actually going to the dark side of the moon.
Volcanic eruptions and massive movement of the tectonic plates caused the flood (from Noah's time) and was not done by God, but by aliens, because we were destroying our planet.
There are Stargates, which are square (not round like in the Stargate TV series) with a water film, which when you step into it, you’re immediately at the other place. One, which is used a lot, is in Gakona, Alaska -- and the exit point is Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Other stargates: Alberta, Canada, Argentina, Egypt, Australia, and several in South America.
This is incredible information that Linda shares -- due to her tireless efforts to get information out to us. All credit is given to Linda Moulton Howe for this article. There is such amazing and mind-boggling information on her website:! Thank you, Linda.
The video, Antarctica: Alien Secrets Below the Ice, is well worth the watch! You can purchase the DVD for $30 from, or you can rent it or buy it on-demand from Amazon or Vimeo.
Dr. Richard Boylan shared some interesting information through emails, which relates to the above article: The U.S. Government has a spaceship which can travel to other solar systems!
The Nautilus Deep Space ship is an enormous semi-cylindrical vessel, about a half-mile long and three football fields wide. Nautilus crew of seven is integrated, with a crew of two Consultant Astronauts from the Altair Aquila (Eagle) System, and five US Navy/USMC Aviation Astronaut Space Cadre. It is the pride of the US Navy Space Command and the Marine Forces Space Command. Nautilus gets mission direction from NASA and ESA (European Space Agency).
The Nautilus is forbidden by Star Nations to engage in battles outside our solar system. It must make peaceful trips only -- in deep space. And, any visit to another solar system requires Star Nation’s prior permission (until Earth earns admission to the Star Nations Alliance [which I wrote about in my book].
Home port for the Nautilus is the Mount Barrow Facility on Marine Corps Forces Space Command’s Sector of the USMC Chocolate Mountain Aerial Gunnery Range, Yuma, Ariz.
Keeper of the Trees
My apologies for the error in October’s issue with Pat’s "Keeper of the Trees" article (it had missing paragraphs), so here it is again:
I "saw" myself as a young Native American woman married to a Circuit Riding Preacher. We would travel the countryside to various settlements during the summer months. We would always stop and camp at a certain point in the river bend, where there were many beautiful mature trees. It was our favorite spot.
I "heard": "You are the Keeper of the Trees." The vision faded and I was again in my kitchen. I heard a chainsaw start up just outside my back door. I rushed out to see what on earth was happening. The fellow turned off his chainsaw and explained that So-and-So had hired him to cut down the trees. I recognized the name as belonging to our neighbor to the south. After my explanation, he drove away to the correct location.
This was in a time pre-cell phones, and I dialed my friend Monna to relate the story. She had told me earlier in the week that she had a bad head cold and sore throat. As I waited for her to answer, there were many clunks and beeps on the line. Someone eventually picked up, and thinking it was Monna, I rushed to relate my story, saying: "I know you don’t feel like talking, so just listen." I rushed through my story and there was dead silence on the line. A voice stated, " My name is Mona and I have a daughter named Pat. I don’t know what you are into, but it sure is interesting." She then hung up.
I dialed the real Monna and she said her phone had rung once and shut off. We had a good laugh over who or what was messing with us.
This took place at my residence in Colorado just outside of Denver. It was on a warm summer night, and I was relaxing in our hot tub, enjoying the night's sky. There was some light cloud cover, but you could still see the stars through them. As I was staring up, I noticed what I only could describe as a shadow of light behind the cloud cover.
I had to clear my eyes to make sure of what I was seeing and that it was not those spotlights you see sometimes, like for a sale or an event, reflecting off the clouds. It most definitely was behind them and was massive in size -- about the size of a house and a fast mover. It came out of the west and made a wide lazy turn to the south. It looked to be following the I-25 Interstate south as I watched it disappear from my sight.
In my home, I have always positioned my recliner in front of our sliding glass door and I have binoculars at my side for quick and easy access for looking out onto our backyard to the south, to see the sky day or night.
We lived in the flight path of Denver International Airport, about 20 miles to the west, and DIA was to the east. We could see planes coming and going all the time. Some late nights sitting in my chair, I could see lights low in the sky -- moving -- and they looked to be just above the treetops and off the south -- not in the DIA flight path.
First, I thought -- oh, okay, helicopters -- but they were too far off for any identification that they were just lights. Then, looking on Google maps, I found the Colorado Air and Space Port about 15 miles to the east from DIA and thought okay, this might be the lights I'm seeing.
Then, one night, I could hear what sounded like a heavy helicopter and could see its lights heading my way, straight over the top of the house, but trailing off the side -- and behind, at a close proximity to the helicopter, was a series of lights in a diamond formation, larger than the helicopter outline.
I ran upstairs to the kitchen window to have a better look -- I also have a pair of binoculars in the window sill up there -- and as I grabbed them, I also grabbed a pen and paper to draw what I was seeing. I drew it several times to make sure what I was seeing. I could not tell if it was making any noise because the helicopter was so loud.
To this day, this was unlike anything I have ever seen, and I believe what I was seeing was a Military Escort of an Unidentified Flying Object.
Before I retired, I worked the early morning shift and had to be on the road to work by some-times as early as 4 am. This one early morning, as I was going over the I-76 overpass just outside of Denver, I saw what only can be described as like a pin-point of light -- it was like a real bright white LED light traveling north as I was heading east -- it was very strange and unusual. I stopped on the overpass to watch it -- no traffic on the road at this time of the morning. It then started to descend in an arch and disappeared in the distance. I did know that in the area of its disappearance were several little lakes and ponds. Very strange!
One other sighting was at my place of work. My office was in the shop, and while sitting at my desk, I felt the urge to leave my desk and go out back of the shop and look up. The bay doors were already opened, and when I looked up, I saw three really white objects moving quite quickly. Only one was caught on film.
And my last unusual sighting: My son and I were just coming out of Best Buy, heading to the car in the parking lot, and I looked up and noticed this huge 'cloud' all by itself. It was a blue sky kind of day, and the 'cloud' was the only one of its kind in the area, and I thought "how very strange" is this.
I took several pictures of it and got in the car and tried to keep an eye on it as we were leaving the parking lot, and as we got out to the main street, I went to look for it and it was gone ... ah, wait, what? -- it was less than five minutes and now nothing! This was truly an amazing sighting! (see photo)
Bob sent me the photo of this 'cloud,' and I intuitively was given the information that this was a Procyon craft in cloud cover! I sent the photo on to Dr. Richard Boylan, who confirmed my information that it is a Procyon craft!
It comes from the Procyon Star System in the constellation Canis Minor, over 11 lightyears from Earth, and it is usually the eighth brightest star in the night sky; its size is twice the diameter of our Sun!
As Ann has shared with many of you earlier, "Sheri’s Sixth Sense" will be taking a hiatus after this December issue. In the meantime, I want to say thank-you to everyone who contributed articles to "Sheri’s Sixth Sense," and a thank-you to all of you who read my writings and ramblings! I especially want to thank Ann for giving me a voice these past five years in this amazing journey of being StarSeed!
At this special Holy season of the year, I wanted to share that the "Star" of Bethlehem is a Star Ship that guided the Magi in their journey to Bethlehem. They followed the "star" until it poised in the place where the child Jesus/Yeshua/Sananda
Love, joy and the expression of peace and happiness changes the vibrational energies, bringing man into a higher element. Let’s extend this vibrational energy to overshadow every single day of the rest of this calendar year, to the next year, and on and on. The Holy season is the Light that is ALWAYS with us. May your celebration of Light, whether it’s the Yule, Hannukah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, Solstice, Dongzhi or another, fill your heart with Universal Peace.
Thank you for letting me share all these wonderful stories with you!
Thank you, Sheri, for all of the wonderful information you have shared with Star Beacon readers! We love you.
You can purchase Sheri’s information-packed book, Sheri’s Sixth Sense, True Cases of Extrasensory Perception and Experiences of the Paranormal, available from Earth Star, P.O. Box 267, Eckert CO 81418, for $15 + $3 S&H).
The ebook is available from Kindle for $4.99.
Copyright © 2022 Sheri Gould
This page updated December 5, 2022
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