from the DECEMBER 2022 Star Beacon
by Terra Rae of "Team Earth"
Here is the phenomenal Crystalline Stellar Skull for you to work and play with. *Blue King* addresses and opens the hearts of the underdogs, groups, new tribes, and communities. The elections were pretty lively, and *Blue King* can assist the new ideas and possibilities to be heart-based. He also loves working with the mighty whales and dolphins.
Blue King: It is with my divine pleasure that I introduce myself to you today. We have many things to discuss. My name is *Blue King*. I am mighty masculine, and I do indeed feel my divine feminine. So I create balance as I come from that level of being in touch with sacred and gentle energy. I do have a commanding presence, and it is unusual to have such a masculine and feminine heart connection.
I have been a seed of many planets. I can say that I, alas, came from a black hole in this Time Space Universe and was able to unite with energy from the very distant past -- before people were on this planet. Then I emerged as a young king and became quite a powerhouse over time.
TERRA: Can you tell us about your variety of spots?
BLUE: I have moved through galaxies, so there are some inclusions in my noggin from various aspects of my travels. The crystalline structure also came from aspects of the Crystalline Galaxy. So know that I have many lives enveloped in this current structure. I can move from place to place easily with my energy and was not visible to any eyes until I chose to be visible.
TERRA: What does your big heart love doing?
BLUE: My heart sends a powerful vibration, as with any healing or change work we do. You can feel my heart vibration radiate from within, and it creates such a loving vibration that it is essential to bring me to ceremonies where there are new tribes who need to meet and discuss things. They might be a tribe of dark ones and light ones -- or just folks who have enormous egos who need to feel their hearts, and to speak from that very significant area.
It is key to unite all hearts so there is common ground. So that is my straightforward but profound message -- to connect hearts and communicate from that sacred space.
Working Together
was hidden deep in a wall and asked to come forth so I
could do some extraordinary work. We send our hearts through every inch of our
being. My energy radiates with any heart, sound, or physical movement. And, of
course, with mere intention. So it is life-changing for those who need just
TERRA: Do you like it when we spin a hand over your noggin?
BLUE: Spinning works! It does feel explosive when you do that. You can hold my heart energy in yours and move your arms outward to send. So there are many modalities you can use to send my energy. You can position me any which way, for I send the intensity of my being out through every inch of my skull. So, positioning is no issue.
How to Send *Blue King*
TERRA: Since the Crystalline Stellar Skulls are so multi-dimensional, you can use a picture to send out his dynamic energy. Use one of these pics or print one off our website:
Call in his name and he is there and ready to work and play. You can spin your hand clockwise over the pic and shoot it off his head. State your intentions, group, person, or place you want to send the Beams of Light. Make a sound or tone when shooting Beams, as he travels faster with the sound. Since he loves to open hearts, send him to individuals, groups, your place of work, the new folks voted into office, and the ones already there. It may help them see from a heart perspective, as he unites communities, which is so needed right now.
*Blue King's*
Favorite Work
My most desired work is to unite communities and allow the under-dogs, or the downtrodden, to rise up with their hearts. To have those who kept them from their glory see what these individuals have been discussing. Thus, I allow these clear intentions to come forth. I erase boundaries so the upper echelon no longer feels like who they thought they were.They begin to understand and create harmonious change. It is my best way to serve the Universe and allow great waves of love and harmony to move forward.
Communicating with the
Whales and Dolphins
The whales have a lot to say and are not being heard. Can we send our heart lights with you so they can listen to us?BLUE:
We certainly can indeed! They are great examples of the downtrodden not being heard. Wecan send a loving vibration to your whales, dolphins
and water-swimming tribes looking for greater heart connections -- and to be
Can whales and dolphins speak through you, Blue King?BLUE:
We can do that at any time you wish, absolutely. I can be a voice with my photo ~ and the energy comes through just fine. Any of the skulls can send their presence through the visual. Most keepers of skulls are unaware of this.Sound Healing for
the Heart of Gaia
The Whales are actually doing sound healing to help balance the Earth's gravitational pull. What this in turn does, is connect Earth Mother's Heart, with our physical being hearts. Sound healing opens the love frequency to create other species and new babies, so humanity can evolve, grow and flourish.
Whales and dolphins are working with the pro-creation of all species -- Imagine that!BLUE:
Over many years modern technology, such as the use of sonars, has had a debilitating effect on the marine life. We will have to create a great deal of change and open the hearts of whomever is involved in this so they understand that there are other priorities, and not to create this current in the water.I am ever so happy to create the resonance of heart-opening without others, knowing what has come over them. It is a very subtle way in which we work. The cosmic consciousness of several minds and hearts is very powerful! This is always the case -- the power of two and a Stellar Skull, or the power of three and a Stellar Skull make it so astounding that the energy is felt many hundred times the original strength of my love and contact with divine order.
Call in your friends and family and Shoot Some Beams. They can be on the phone or on Zoom as well, since *Blue King* will get their energy signature. Join hearts with a sound at the beginning.Side Note:
While discussing whales and dolphins, I suddenly felt a powerful wave of heart energy move over me. Blue said they are giving thanks, and you might also find that softness in your heart coming from them as well. So pay attention to your heart when working with them.
Terra Rae and her dynamic Heartfelt Galactic Team, and "Team Earth" can track
and clear through the Time-lines, setting you free. She has mastered Emotional
Release with Past-life clearing. 5D Tacking and Scanning. Dedicated to the
transformation of Gaia, deep healing and Clearing to the Core with the
Crystalline Team is her passion.
This page updated December 4, 2022
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