False Flag Warning
for Lightworkers

An exclusive interview with Niara Isley

from the OCTOBER 2023 Star Beacon

The following telephone interview took place on Saturday, Sept. 23, 2023 with Star Beacon publisher Ann Ulrich Miller and Niara Isley, author of Facing the Shadow, Embracing the Light, available on Amazon.com


NIARA: Thank you very much, Ann. I really do appreciate you doing this interview process with me. We can go ahead and jump right in now.


 ANN: OK. I wondered if you could explain what the False Flag Alien Invasion is and who you believe is behind it.


NIARA: Well, the False Flag fake alien invasion is something that I believe it going to be done by our government. I wouldn't even say "believe," I'm pretty sure of that. It was first talked about, to my knowledge, by Dr. Carol Rosin, and she was a protégé back in the 1980s or late 1990s -- I'm not sure of those dates. But she was a protégé of Dr. Verner von Braun, who worked in our government in space technologies. And he warned her that the government would try these different things. I forget the whole list, but he said it like the government was going to play cards. And he predicted when 9-11 was going to happen, where the Twin Towers were destroyed, and it was going to be our own people.


He said that way back then, long before it happened. And then he said, "The last card they’re going to play, Carol, is the fake alien invasion card."  He said it would all be a lie. And I’m going to give a link to that interview with Carol Rosin, where she describes all of this, for your readers. And I’ll give it to my readers too, when I put this on line.

Anyway, it’s really disturbing. So basically, that’s some of the background of the False Flag alien invasion. What I believe it is … or will be … is our shadow government or our Deep State government will be using back-engineered craft that they have been developing from UFO crash retrievals over the years.

You know, they have had engineers working on that, to develop their own space-based technology. And so the False Flag alien invasion will either be carried out by these back-engineered craft or captured working extraterrestrial craft, and I even saw a video, I believe, about a laser mounted o nthe nose of a jet. So, it’s just whatever aircraft can deliver these directive-energy weapons. 

And I believe these directive-energy weapons -- which are like lasers -- will be used in a False Flag alien invasion. And who is behind it, I believe is what we now call the Deep State, what I used to call in my book the "shadow government." The shadow government is like a rogue element in our government that does its own stuff -- that does everything according to what it wants to … its own agenda.

The agenda appears to be to bring everybody under one-world government, and not in a good way for we, the people. It would be the ultimate control of the human population in some of the worst ways imaginable. We would be like a human herd and we would be subject to their whims. If they wanted to cull a number of us, they would just wipe us out. Or last … we would be managed in such a way that we would barely be able to have free and independent thought, let alone the other freedoms.

ANN: So this is basically the goal of the perpetrators instigating this operation?

NIARA: Yes, I think … a researcher who passed away a while back, named Jim Marrs … he wrote a book called The Fourth Reich, and this is the kind of thing he was talking about in that book … The Fourth Reich.

You know, it's something that … you know, I think that there are other White Hat elements in our government that have been doing their best to defeat this. You know … and I think they’re still working on it today, and I pray that they're successful.

ANN: Can you give some examples of who those White Hats might be?

NIARA: Well, I followed the Q Drops, when they started in 2017. And that gave me a lot of hope that there was a plan in play to take back our government, and it’s been kind of hard to follow because Q kind of mostly went off line in 2020, and the last post that he made back then … I think it was December of 2020 … was that song, “We’re Not Gonna Take It Anymore.” I think by Twisted Sister. And it was a good song to end with.

Anyway, we haven't had the Q Drops to kind of give us hope … or keep us propped up for the last three and a half years. And it’s been a rough time, but now we have this wonderful lady, Jan Halper Hays, who's coming out and saying so much about things that are going on, and she almost directly quotes the Q Drops in a lot of her interviews. So that’s really renewed my hope that something’s afloat that’s going to turn things around for us.

ANN: Can you predict when they might attempt this False Flag invasion? And do you think they’ll be successful?

NIARA: Um … I don't when they will do it. It's my hope that by me doing this interview and uploading it on line, and you publishing it in your newsletter, that … the more people who know about it, I'm hoping the Left becomes a likelihood because they can't come in and do this and then blame it on extraterrestrials. Too many people are going to be knowledgeable and realize that it's our own government. I mean, our own government perpetrated 9-11, and this would be just the same. It would be a False Flag alien invasion and it would be perpetrated by this rogue element in our government.

The purpose of it is just to strike fear in people's hearts, scare the heck out of them, kill a significant portion of us, and then I wouldn't be surprised … I don't know this for sure, and I haven't heard anybody else talking about it … but it's possible they might have some other kind of thing  fly in and appear to stop the False Flag alien invasion. And if that happens, they will probably put a threat on people that you have to sign onto this New World Order, and you have to submit to it if you want us to be safe. Because obviously we have the technology to stop this kind of invasion, but if you want to be safe, you have to do exactly what we say, and what we want you to do, and … that can mean all kinds of things. You know, that can mean submitting to medical authority, and I won’t go any deeper into that right now. Your readers probably already have an idea what that means.

They want us to believe in the Climate Change crisis and that basically, they want to reduce our numbers. They want to get rid of cattle and herd animals and food animals … and probably even our pets, because they're telling us that we can't afford to have that "carbon footprint." But it's all a lie — just a big fat lie.

ANN: I think most of us realize it’s B.S.

NIARA: They’re trying to make us out like we’re the problem because we have this “carbon footprint.” We should walk around, hanging our heads, that oh God, we contribute to all this pollution. It’s all a lie -- it’s all bullshit. Like you said, it’s bullshit.

ANN: Is there anything the Space People can do to help us?

NIARA: Well, that's a big question. I have a fantasy that I've held for a lot of years that if they were going to do a False Flag alien invasion, it would be perpetrated by our government, that it would be the perfect opportunity for ETs to fly in to stop the False Flag alien invasion, save millions of lives, and then land and introduce themselves to the people of Earth. But I don’t know if that’s something they would do or not.

I would love for them to do it. I think it would be a great introduction of them to the people of Earth. But I have no idea. That just continues to be my hope that something like that might happen.

ANN: I know there was a Non-Interference Clause or some people spoke about it.

NIARA: Well, the government has done this campaign of ridicule about anybody who sees UFOs or talks about aliens and everything else like that. And they get labeled as "crazy." That's changing now with David Goresh, who's come out as a whistleblower, and there's all sorts of stuff going in Congress in our government now, about UAPs … which is the new word for UFOs.

But that is part of the reason I wanted to do this interview is because they’re not really looking back at the history of UFOs and extraterrestrials, in regards to nuclear weapons. They keep talking nuclear this, and nuclear that, and everything else like that. And I'm not saying that a nuclear event or incident could not happen. I'm not saying that at all. But I do say this. There’s a documentary on Amazon Prime called "UFOs and Nukes." If someone has Amazon Prime, they should watch that.

Then they'd get a good education about what ETs have actually done with our nuclear weapons, and the fact that they haven't attacked us when we were vulnerable with our weapons down. I think that's a really important thing to do, but I don't hear any of that being talked about it Congress now.

I did hear this one senator talk about … and it almost sounded to me like a script. He said, "These aliens will turn Earth into a charcoal briquet."

Now with all my background, my knowledge, and my research, that sounds like something that is a scripted remark generated or designed to generate a bunch of fear in a population. "Oh my God, there's aliens here. They don't like us. They could attack us, and they could destroy our whole planet."

You know, I mean … come on, you know … the history speaks otherwise. And the whole campaign of ridicule about UFOs and ETs. I guess the thing I want to point out here about that is they kept it secret for so long, and if there was any communication with extraterrestrials about this secrecy, the extraterrestrials … at least the benevolent ones … probably agreed to it because our government says the population is not ready to know that you really exist at this time. And they probably said, "OK, we'll stay away and wait for such a time as you think it's good and to introduce yourself to the people."

But, if the government pulls a False Flag alien invasion on the people, then they're basically saying to people, or revealing to people that extraterrestrials do exist, because they'd be blaming it on extraterrestrials. So, if the extraterrestrials have held back from contact, because our government said that people weren't ready, then doing a False Flag alien invasion would remove that barrier to contact.

The ETs could be up there … "Well, look at that … they're attacking their own people, and they're blaming us for it. So what are we going to do about it? Are we just going to sit up here and watch it, or are we going to stop it and introduce ourselves to the people of Earth?"

This is one of the reasons why I hope that they would take this opportunity to do it, but I have no idea if they will. You know, they may be very strong in their position that we have to work out our own problems down here for ourselves.

ANN: Wow, so what can we as Lightworkers do to fight this False Flag and help others who may not realize what it is?

NIARA: Well, I think people just need to read this article about it, come and listen to our interview. They should talk to people about it and just mention the possibility that these possibilities do exist. And even if people just think they're crazy, it's better just to put the seed in their thoughts, so that if something does happen, they can go, "Oh shoot, something's really happening that looks like what my friend told me."

And as far as what people should do, if this should occur … you know, if you start to see something like that happening, I would seek shelter as far away … or as deep in the Earth as you can get. If you start to see something happening, you need to run away from the scene of it as fast as you can. And if somebody tells you you can't evacuate the area, don't listen to them. Find a way around them and get the hell out of there. Because that happened in Lahaina. Lahaina was not a False Flag alien invasion, but what happened in Lahaina is a taste of what a False Flag alien invasion could look like.

But if it was a False Flag invasion, it would be worse than what Lahaina was, and Lahaina was pretty darn bad.

Those are my thoughts on this whole False Flag alien invasion. Is there anything else that came up while we were talking that you want to ask about?

ANN: Well, no, I think that pretty much covers it, Niara. It's been very helpful, all this information is just great to hear it. It's good to know that there's some hope and things that we can do, spiritually.

NIARA: On a spiritual level, people can imagine … I can't emphasize enough how much the power of choice counts. But we need huge numbers of people to exercise that power of choice, and they need to choose in love and harmony with the people around them, whether they're known or unknown people … just humanity at large. Think about humanity and wanting humanity to live and thrive and learn to love each other again after these past few years of division and hatred.

Just imagine the best possible world you can, and then feel the feelings as if it's a reality. If you can do that, that helps exercise the power of choice through your consciousness. One of these days I'm going to start getting videos up about how consciousness can really make a difference.

There are a lot of people putting that information out, and I know there is a lot of good information, but I have things that I want to add to the mix that I’m going to be putting out as well.

ANN: All right … one last little question: Do you think Donald Trump is going to be back?

NIARA: Do I think he'll be back? I think so. I think he will be, and I hope with all my heart, and I pray with all my heart, that he will be, because I think he's really the only guy I can think of that can help rebuild our country and straighten out this mess. I think he has what it takes to do that.

And I really like Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. I like him very much. But I'm not absolutely sure he has a grasp of the scope of the situation that we're facing on this planet, like Donald Trump does.

ANN: Well, maybe they'll partner up, who knows?

NIARA: Well, yeah, that doesn't look very positive for that right now. But you never know. If he doesn't get the Democratic nomination, and he wants to be part of things going forward, maybe he would agree to be Trump's running mate. I think they’d be a pretty unbeatable team.

ANN: There’s a lot of good possibilities out there for sure. And keeping a positive attitude is so very important right now.

NIARA: I think it will be interesting. I'm just throwing this out here right now, and maybe there's no basis for it, but Tulsi Gabbard switched forces, so to speak, and just left the Democratic party, and spoke out about all their shenanigans, I have to wonder … if they wanted a woman running mate, I think she would be probably a good choice. 

ANN: I agree!

NIARA: As long as she and Trump could sit down and hammer out the details of what that would look like together. And she's a patriot.

ANN: Well, yes, and thank you for being a patriot and for granting me this interview.

NIARA: I appreciate it, and thank you for giving me the chance to do this in a way that I can get it out to people. 


Niara's best-selling book, Facing the Shadow, Embracing the Light, is a true autobiography with the subtitle Journey of Spirit Retrieval and Awakening. The paperback is $29 on Amazon.com. The Kindle version is $17. This is the story of one woman’s induction into the world of extraterrestrials, flying saucers, shadow government operations and finally, her own transformation. Through trying to understand what happened to her, with the larger context  of such activities even more disturbing than the trauma and abuse inflicted upon her personally, she comes to remarkable insights into the crucible that is our world today as she takes her own spiritual journey of personal healing.


Page uploaded October 5, 2023

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