An article from the April 2023 issue of
Exclusive Special Report
by June Deborah Meek
This article has to do with what happened in East Palestine, Ohio on February 3, 2023. I found out about it through emails on February 4, because the news didn’t report on it until almost two weeks later.
During the ensuing days, I found out that the toxic burn of the chemicals in the Norfolk Southern train derailment had already moved into other states. It went into the clouds and the winds took the toxic chemicals east, west, north and south. (See picture diagram above of the states about a week after the so-called controlled burn.)
The wind carried those toxins throughout most of Ohio, into parts of Pennsylvania, New York, most of Indiana, a small part of Illinois, most of West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, and the upper portions of Georgia and Alabama, and also partly into North and South Carolina ... then into a part of Canada. I’m sure the winds carried those toxins much farther by now.
My concern was with the rivers and creeks that feed into the Ohio River. Plus, the Ohio River connects into the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, which is right across the border from East Palestine.
Check out this photo of the Ohio River. The toxins are in it. The city of Cincinnati shut off their drinking water supply from the Ohio River. So far, I haven’t found out anything more concerning the Ohio River. And this concerns me, because it connects into the Mississippi River, along with other creeks and streams. And yes, there are lots of dead fish, animals and pets in East Palestine and the surrounding areas.
I happen to live two and a half hours northwest of East Palestine, and I knew that the wind would eventually bring those toxins up to northern Ohio.
Norfolk Southern wanted to bury the toxins in Texas. They refused. Now they want to bury the toxins in Sandusky, Ohio, which is right on the Lake Erie shore line!
On the evening of February 7, I heard a Black Hawk military chopper fly over my house. It was heading east to west. When these choppers fly overhead, they fly low, and they are very loud and will shake and rattle everything below them. And since I’ve seen them flying over quite a few times these last few years, I don’t have to go outside and look to know that they are Black Hawk choppers.
Thus, I found it interesting and wondered what was up. Where were they headed, and why?
On February 8,the planes were chem-trailing like crazy. The sun was out, it was warmer, and the sky was blue. But as the day wore on, it clouded up due to the chem trails. Plus, my cat wouldn’t go near the back door or even get onto a window sill. This is not normal for him. He always wants to go outside. So he knew, and then Iknew that the toxic burn chemicals made it up to where I am.
Then later on, it began to rain and I wasn’t happy about this. Because the rain would bring that toxic stuff down onto the earth. But I also got the intuitive insight that the chem trails that I saw earlier in the day were not chem trails. The planes were spraying to clean up the air!
So I asked Archangel Michael if what I was sensing was true. He said yes, and that what happened in East Palestine was being cleaned up by higher beings. Because, basically, East Palestine was “nuked.” (See photo below.)
Then, when I woke up on February 9, my sinuses were bothering me. Plus, my cat still wouldn’t go near the back door or onto any window sill. But I myself had been going outside each day to put down bird seed for the birds and squirrels. And I was checking to make sure that I didn’t see any dead birds and squirrels. So far, I haven’t seen any dead birds, squirrels or other animals.
On February 10, I woke up with my bronchials bothering me, along with my sinuses. And my cat still wouldn’t go near the back door or onto a window sill. I watched as he looked at hisfavorite sill, but wouldn’t jump onto it to look out the window.
Then I decided to make homemade chicken soup with lots of fresh garlic. Later on, I took a Sudafed for my sinuses and NyQuil for my bronchials. Usually, I would make dandelion root tea, but I didn’t feel like waiting 110 minutes for it. I wasn’t feeling good and just wanted to lay down. And before I went to sleep, I heard my mom tell me, “Junie, you will be sent healing energy while you sleep.” And I thanked my mom, who was helping me from the Other Side.
When I woke up on February 11, I felt back to normal. And my cat went to the back door and wanted out. So I let him out and watched as he drank some rain water from one of the stones along my sidewalk. So I knew the rain water was okay. And so far, the birds and squirrels were still coming to eat the bird seed I had put down each day. So, pay attention to your pets. They know.
My neighbor, Bruce, told me that he had found what looked like silvery white stuff on his vehicles. He’d never seen that before. So he wiped some off with a paper towel and put that in a plastic bag. He wants to find out what it is. I told him we both know what it is. My car goes into the garage, while his vehicles stay in his driveway.
I told Bruce that—when I was washing and drying clothes -- I looked at the filter in my furnace and was shocked at how dirty it was. I had just put it in last fall; it was brand new! So I slid it out, put it into a large plastic bag and dated it. Then I put in the permanent filter that came with the furnace.
So we both knew what the cause was. Plus, Bruce spends more time outside than I do when it’s cold. He likes being outside. And he told me he was losing his voice from breathing the air. And he was freaking out because he told me being outside doesn’t feel right, something is wrong.
Yes. The toxic burn fumes made it up to where we are. And we are not that far away from Lake Erie. Probably less than 10 miles.
On February 14, as I was driving a few streets away, I heard a helicopter. I stayed at that stop sign until that helicopter flew past my car, so I could see it. It was one of those double-bladed green military choppers that also fly low. This chopper was flying in the direction of my house, going south to north. Plus, I have been seeing them quite a bit these last few years, and again, something is going on. I just don’t know what.
Then finally, what happened in East Palestine made the news. But they still hadn't received any help. Not until Donald Trump let it be known that he would be going there. Trump brought lots of bottled water and food for the people there. And as I told my one sister, people have forgotten about what happened after Hurricane Katrina hit.
DON’T EXPECT the federal, state or local governments to help you. That was the lesson everyone should have learned from Hurricane Katrina. The East Palestine fire fighters had to have food donated to them from churches. People from the surrounding areas were the ones sending the food for them!
Later on February 14, I saw, in my mind’s eye, an all white cat. The vision was crystal clear. Then the healthy white cat’s face turned into a very sickly cat. Especially the cat’s eyes.This grabbed my heart and made me hurt.
Then I saw a bear and then a wolf. So I focused and sent healing energy to East Palestine and the surrounding areas. The animals were reaching out to me for help. This tore me apart, because these animals are innocent. They don’t deserve to die from breathing in toxic chemicals. Neither do any other animals, insects or the fish and other critters in the poisoned water. Nor the people who live there.
Back in 2009, I found out that if the cabal -- deep state, whatever you wish to call them -- knew that they were going to lose control over the world, they would poison the Great Lakes in America, and blow up all of the high-rise highway bridges across the country, to make sure the tractor trailers wouldn’t be able to deliver food to the grocery stores.
This is why it’s a good idea to jar food from your garden, which I’ve been doing for years. And to stock up on canned goods, bagged rice and beans, and other food that doesn’t need to be refrigerated. Along with stocking up on water.
With all of the train derailments near rivers, streams and creeks, it seems that their tactics have changed, because I know that the Great Lakes are being protected. I don’t believe these train derailments are accidents. They are acts of domestic terrorism. We also had a train derail in Springfield, Ohio, that was near the Mad River, Buck Creek and Beaver Creek. And the most recent train derailment had a fuel tank go into the New River in West Virginia. That container leaked the gas into the river.
A pipe bomb was found on a track in Pennsylvania. So now, people in every state are checking the railroad tracks, which is a good idea. Especially if the tracks are near bodies of water.
And in Bedford Heights, not far from where I am, there was an explosion in a metal manufacturing plant that killed one worker and sent the others to the hospital who suffered burns. I instantly knew
that this was done on purpose -- another act of domestic terrorism. There have
been other acts of sabotage at other manufacturing plants in America.
On March 6, I focused on the earth. I did what I usually do, sending healing and cleansing energy. Along with focusing on East Palestine, the entire USA, along with sending this healing and cleansing energy to the soldiers and children who are underneath the earth -- sending them all that they need.
That worldwide battle under the earth is still going on. And I asked Dor about these train derailments and explosions. Dor told me that the “evil ones” know they’re losing, and now they are going to do as much damage as they can before they go down. Which is what I figured.
But Dor said that we are getting higher help, and that the earth is being cleansed of the damage the cabal is doing. And that East Palestine is being cleaned up by the higher beings.
These acts of terrorism against humanity are not limited to America. They are happening across the world. So I hope that all the light workers and light warriors are doing what they can to help out. And those who are religious? I hope that they are doing a lot of praying.
We will get through this. Much will happen before it ends. But I think this year will be the year of massive exposures, which began with East Palestine and then the censored film footage of January 6 being shown by Tucker Carlson on Fox News.
That film footage is not new to me. It was all over the internet before the massive censorship began and before those videos were taken down. But I hope that Tucker shows the film footage of the man in the basement of the Capitol building. He was handing out baseball bats and wooden boards to Antifa through the basement window.
(EDITOR’S NOTE: It is too bad that Fox News threatened to fire Tucker Carlson if he showed any further footage of those videos. Not everyone knows this.)
Meanwhile, what makes matters worse is that the sensors on those box cars did go off and notified the people on that Norfolk Southern train that one of the steel wheels had overheated and was melting. It was also on fire, and then set the box car behind it on fire.
They ignored the warning. Recently, the Governor of Pennsylvania admitted -- or rather slipped up -- when he stated that Norfolk Southern tipped him off about the East Palestine train derailment BEFORE it happened! And I’m sure that Ohio Governor Mike DeWine was also tipped off. He actually thought it was funny!
But I recently found out that he’s now wearing a grey boot which is hiding the ankle bracelet he now wears. And I learned that Mitch McConnell supposedly slipped and fell in a hospital. I doubt it. When he appears in public, and he, too, is wearing a grey boot? He is also covering up his ankle bracelet.
In closing, I’m not sure if I want to start a garden this year. I need to find a means to test the earth in my garden, to find out if the soil is safe to grow vegetables.
But one thing is for sure. I can’t wait until these evil people are finally brought down forever.
The earth is our only home. They can't be allowed to destroy it.
June Meek is a regular contributor to the Beacon and writes from Ohio.
This page updated April 2, 2023
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