An article from the August 2023 issue of
by June Deborah Meek
On May 23, 2023, I focused on the earth by projecting my mind out in the universe. This time, I combined the energies of the white light fire and gold. Sent it down to the earth.
After I did the usual -- which includes sending protection and healing to the soldiers and the children in the tunnels -- I went to the core of the earth. Spoke with Dor, and he told me that I can now just focus on the earth once a week.
So this was good news to me! It means that every light worker, light warrior and the benevolent star beings inside and on the earth are getting the job done. We are moving in the right direction. Plus, many people are awake now.
Then the fires were set in Canada. It came out that plastic was placed where these fires were set. The smoke from those fires made it down to all of the New England and Midwest states. I live in northeastern Ohio, right outside Cleveland, and the sky looked cloudy. It was actually the smoke from those fires. I didn’t smell burning plastic, but my neighbor Bruce did. Smelling it made him nauseous, so he went inside his house.
The rains came and cleared up the sky. But my friend Kelly, who lives outside Toronto, told me that something was very wrong because of those fires. It was affecting everyone in that area.
So I focused twice, but was blocked from seeing anything. All I saw was gray in that part of Canada. Then on June 24, I focused again. I was out in the universe and focusing on that part of Canada, and I was shocked to see what looked like a gigantic hole in the earth. No portal or dimensional hole could possibly be that huge, but then again, I’ve seen other things that I didn’t think were possible.
So I magnified the white light fire by one zillion times and sent it down to that hole. It didn’t do anything. So I tried a few more times, but got the same result -- nothing. So next, I used my sword and cut all around that circle of darkness, popped it out of the earth, stabbed the middle of it with my sword and flung it into the central sun.
Then I saw a very huge black entity come out. He had black, webbed wings and he was angry. And I was surprised, because I thought all of these huge, dark beings had been removed. I was wrong.
So I shoved my sword into its chest, but it had no effect. This was a soul, and I can’t destroy a soul. I’ve been able to destroy dark, AI beings.
They shatter into thousands of tiny, black pieces that disintegrate. Thus, with this dark entity, I had to call on higher help. And I wasn't sure who would answer my call. Then I saw a huge arm and hand come out of the central sun, grab this entity and pull it into the central sun. And I had the strong feeling that this huge arm and hand belonged to the male half of Creator.
Then I sent the white light fire into that hole, and eventually that entire area was glowing a brilliant white light. Then I continued doing what I usually do when I focus on the earth.
I keep trying to see into the tunnels under the earth. But I’m being blocked. But I do see the tunnels. They go all the way down inside the earth and all around the earth. So because Dor and Arch Angel Michael told me that I’m being blocked on purpose -- because I won't be able to handle what I see going on in those tunnels -- I just send protection and healing to all of the soldiers, children and other good people who are being rescued. At least, the ones that are still alive.
On July 9, I focused on the earth. I combined the green, gold and violet rays and sent them down to the earth. And the earth is glowing brilliantly. When I looked down at the North Pole, I saw a huge being come up. But this being was a good being. So it was a relief for me to actually see a benevolent being coming up out of the North Pole!
This was a first! But then I fell asleep without even knowing that I did! And this never happened before. So it makes me wonder what happened. Did I leave and go out and do something?!
I woke up a while later, and was shocked that I had fallen asleep! So I began to focus on the earth again -- but fell asleep! So when I woke up a while later, I just figured that I wasn't meant to focus on the earth this time. And I’m still wondering what happened, why did I keep falling asleep without knowing I did?
On July 12, I sat outside on my patio and focused on the earth. Once again, I used the green, gold and violet rays and sent them down to the earth. I saw the earth enveloped in the violet ray.
Then I was interrupted by my neighbor Bruce. He didn't know that I was focusing on the earth. This is why I lay down on my couch in the house when I focus on the earth. So I won’t be interrupted.
After I answered his question about the heirloom garlic seeds, and he walked back towards his yard, I shut my eyes and continued to focus.
As usual, I send the combo energies down through the North Pole, into the core of the earth and then out through the South Pole. Then have the energies move all throughout the inside of the earth.
Then I send the energies into all of the male and female vortexes, all of the ley and meridian lines and the equator and straight down to the core of the earth. Then have the energies move all throughout the inside of the earth.
When I went to the core, where the cave is, and where Dor is inside the diamond octahedron, I asked him how everything is going. Are things getting better? How much longer will it take, even though I know that even he doesn’t know. Because everything is fluid and constantly changing.
Anyway, Dor told me that the Inner Earth people have joined in the fight to free the earth from these dark beings. Plus, the Pleiadeans and Venusians are here, boots on the ground. With the Venusians, they can go way down into the earth where no humans can go. Because the Venusians live under the surface of Venus.
And the Arcturians are in their ships up in orbit. It seems that Creator allowed the gloves to come off last year, which I did find out.
The benevolent star beings no longer have to ask Creator permission to do anything, because the dark ones have gone too far.
Creator has said enough. And the female half of Creator is really angry over what is being done to the children.
With the Arcturians, they watch and wait for the dark ones to try and leave the earth in their space ships. Once their ships leave our atmosphere, the Arcturians disintegrate their ships.
But I don’t know how many have been disintegrated. There is word that some of the dark ones’ ships have crashed onto the earth, but don’t expect the news to report on it.
Not long after I woke up on July 12, I did hear three planes flying above. They were not passenger airlines. They were flying very fast and low, and all three flew over my house heading west.
Unfortunately, I wouldn't have been able to move fast enough to get out of the house and look up. They flew by that fast. And I sensed that they were military planes.
Anyway, after I listened to Dor, I sent the combo energy up and out through the surface of the earth in all directions. And then out into the universe. Then I had these energies really pound down hard on those in power, who are determined to keep doing as much damage as possible to the earth and to us.
I’m hoping that some way, somehow, those energies change their minds and hearts. If they have hearts left. Because they don’t have much time left to turn to the light and do the right thing.
In closing, I opened my eyes and enjoyed watching all of the lightning bugs flying around my two yards. One of the best things about summer!
June Meek is a regular contributor to the Beacon and writes from Ohio.
This page updated August 1, 2023
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