The Meaning of It All
© 2023 (all rights reserved)
An article from the April 2023 issue of THE STAR BEACON.
Photo by Doug Elmore
Helping Each Other
Never has there been a time in my life that I've come to recognize how important it is for us all to be supportive of one another. It may be in different ways than you would at first think.
Recently, I happened upon a person in need. When I drove into the parking lot of my son's business, I did not expect to be “in the right place, at the right time,” to help someone who had just received a phone call that her two-year-old child had been run over by a car.
I drove her home while she talked with her older daughter on the cell phone. I knew she was frantic and frightened. The ambulance was on its way, but the woman was terrified that it wouldn’t get to her house in time.
Fortunately, we arrived within five minutes. She thanked me with tears in her eyes. On the way back to my son’s shop, an ambulance and three squad cars came speeding up the highway, lights flashing and sirens wailing. The next day, I learned her child was all right -- just bruised badly. Thank goodness it wasn't worse. And I was glad that I said extra prayers that night to help the family with whatever they may be going through.
I admire people who volunteer as firefighters and work in rescue squads. Where would we be without humans helping fellow humans? And maybe not so dramatic, but I really appreciate people who reach out to others at a time of need, even if it’s only a sympathetic conversation or other kindness.
Quite often in our society today, people are afraid to get involved with others who are in need. The news media have conditioned many of us to believe there are so many “bad” people out there, just waiting to rob or to kill us. If you are a single older (or younger) woman, you are usually suspicious of men who stare, or worse, start following you.
I hate to sound paranoid, but I'm afraid it is the way our world is right now. I hope that things will change, and soon, because I remember the days when people weren’t afraid to greet one another, to stop and offer a helping hand because the chances of being assaulted were much slimmer.
The news media have conditioned many of us
It is so important, especially in these dangerous times, that we look out for one another. Most of the people I encounter in my small town are friendly and will wave and smile when you walk past them. If you strike up a conversation with a stranger in the hardware store or at the grocery shop, they are 99 percent of the time friendly, outgoing, and pleasant people who do not want to harm anyone.
When I was in my 40s, my former husband would often pick up hitchhikers … and I worried a little about whether the person was going to accost us in some way. But Ethan seemed to have a built-in “radar” for whom he could trust, or not. His elderly friends would often chastise him and warn him that he was asking for trouble by helping people out.
Fortunately, nothing untoward happened to us. But hat was a different era, not as dangerous as now.
But my point is that we really should be more open to others in need. The sayings, “What goes around comes around” … and “do unto others” are beliefs I've always valued. But how about now?
I’ve grown a bit suspicious and now I often hesitate to volunteer my assistance for my own preservation. It’s kind of a shame to have acquired this attitude when I call myself a light worker. But at the same time, common sense and good judgment go a long way in keeping us safe.
We can still help other people. We can still be friendly toward them. For instance, I often smile at strangers in the grocery store. We can offer our Light in simple ways and when it is needed. I do not want to bury my head in the sand and be afraid to go anywhere.
I truly believe that having a positive, loving
attitude helps us create the reality we live
in. Bad things do happen, of course … but I've
always felt there was a reason when they do.
Call it karma, or perhaps just an opportunity
to use our judgment and strengthen our wisdom.
And I feel so blessed having lightworker friends who have such big hearts and truly care about humanity. You are what keeps me going.
Ann Ulrich Miller is publisher of Earth Star Publications and The Star Beacon. This spring she is raising eight baby Aracauna chicks in her “mini farm” backyard, wondering how her cats are
sure to check out my Author website to read
about my wide variety of books at
Posted April 2, 2023
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