The Meaning
of It All
© 2023 (all rights reserved)
An article from the August 2023 issue of THE STAR BEACON.
Photo by Doug Elmore
No room for doom or gloom
NOW, more than any other time in history, it is imperative that we focus on what it is we are wanting. Many years ago, I listened often to Esther Hicks channeling Abraham. The information left a deep impression on me, and in these days, it seems more important than ever that we pay attention to what it is we want, both presently and for the future.
Manifestation is a powerful tool that all of us have the ability to use. Not a lot of people understand the concept or how important it is to focus on what we desire. Many do not realize that it is a fact that we create our reality. I was reminded of this recently when I grabbed a little booklet off my living room bookshelf, and took it along to read in a waiting room. The booklet is titled The Intenders Handbook by Tony Burroughs. (ISBN 0-9654288-1-8), first published in 1997 in Pagosa Springs, Colo.
The little booklet is small enough to fit into a purse or pocket and is less than 70 pages. I met Tony once when I was living in Pagosa Springs, and I knew his former girlfriend, Vicki Harding, who passed away about 10 years ago. The concept is simple, yet people often slip and focus on the “wanting” of something rather than their “intent” to have or experience what is desired.
Mind Focusing is my personal term for these concepts. “We create our own reality” is not just a new-age phrase. We are creating all of the time and may not realize it, especially when dark thoughts or feelings of “lack” take precedence, distracting us from fulfilling our desires and needs.
Distractions in my life led me down a disturbing path of confusion and shame. Why couldn't I remember the simplest things? Was I becoming so forgetful that I might have dementia? The more I worried about it, the more vulnerable and scared I became. But I refused -- absolutely refused -- to go down that path and succumb to vulnerability.
I am not alone in admitting that I felt my life had been taken over by the iPhone and TV. Naturally, I was aware of the warnings about negative energies coming from these electronic devices that most of us carry around 24/7. Even though I would watch my TV for maybe an hour, to catch the national news, I hadn't realized how badly it affected me until Tucker Carlson got fired from Fox, and suddenly my favorite news channel was no longer something I wanted to watch. I turned it off. I won't go back to it. As a result, I've discovered that I am a happier person.
Keeping informed about what's happening in our world is still important to me. I'll listen to talk radio and keep abreast of what’s going on despite how disturbing it is. I won't bury my head in the sand. I can accept others' rights to have opinions different from my own, but I usually find it difficult to debate them. I won't argue or insist that someone who doesn't believe the way I do should conform. That is not my path.
Despite the fact that “chaos” occurs every day, I have come to realize that it is the reason we reincarnated on this planet. Think of it this way. If you're playing a video game and always winning, where is the challenge? I think I would quickly get bored with the game. I see life on Earth pretty much the same way. Each day there seems to be a “crisis du jour.” Something goes wrong, whether it’s minor or huge … and our role is to resolve it the best we can. Sometimes the daily crisis might be a wasp sting, or it could be something tragic such as harm that has befallen a loved one or friend.
Some days are full of challenges, and some lucky days there is hardly anything to even mention. My philosophy is to get a handle on the situation as soon as possible. Don’t put it off. Don’t turn an annoyance into a disaster. Procrastination is tempting, but certainly not a solution.
Back to “intending” and creating your own reality. Ask for that which is the Highest Good. Never ask for something that is going to harm another. Their karma will take care of them. If you appreciate what is around you, even though it may not be as wonderful as you think it should be, just keep an image in mind of how you’d like it to be. Focus on the good and not the lack of something.
Also realize and know that you have Guides! They are not there just to follow you around. They interact with you, if you will let them. I often feel my guides with me. No, I can't see them, but I know they are there. I just KNOW. And they are very good about messing things up when you insist on going down the wrong path. You will probably be annoyed at first, and ask, “Who is messing with me?” But they are only doing their job. Their goal is to steer you in the right direction and for the Highest Good.
An Attitude of Gratitude goes a long ways. Be thankful for everything … even the things you mess up. It's easy just to let out a curse and blame yourself for being stupid. But instead, why don't you stop and think a moment. Then say, “Thank you, spirit.” In most cases it was for your best interest, after all.
And don't be hesitant to talk out loud to your guides. I do. Actually, it pleases me that they are there with me, and there have been plenty of times when I know they kept me from harming myself or others.
So, when you believe the world is going to end, and that doom and gloom is gonna get you in the end… you might want to think again. You may think you have no control over what goes on. But you are wrong. We are powerful beings, especially when we do the best we can to help others and to not chastise ourselves. Love is the most powerful force, and the more you love, the stronger you get.
Be sure to check out my Author website to read about my wide variety of books at
Posted August 1, 2023
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