The Meaning
of It All
© 2023 (all rights reserved)
An article from the October 2023 issue of THE STAR BEACON.
Photo by Doug Elmore
The 'Original' Meaning
Some people never know just what love is …
And others never know just what they’ve missed …
Those words are the beginning of the song written by Richard Gregory, who wrote the music The Meaning of It All, back in the 1980s. Unfortunately, Dick passed away more than two decades ago. He used to love to perform in front of small groups of people, particularly light workers.
I first met him (along with other delightful people) at the 1985 UFO conference in Laramie, Wyoming, when Dr. R. Leo Sprinkle held those wonderful and informal events for many years. I was lucky to attend a few of those UFO conferences. Sheri Gould wrote about them many times in her column, "Sheri's Sixth Sense," which hopefully one day she may resume in this newsletter.
At that time, Dick Gregory lived near Devil's Tower in Wyoming, but had driven his truck to western Colorado later that summer (1985) and stopped at our home on his way to visit a girlfriend. I was expecting my youngest son at the time, and I remember my ex-husband, Jeff, listening patiently in the room as Dick entertained us for more than an hour. (Jeff probably was a bit leery of a "stranger" showing up at our house like that!)
I had tape-recorded his songs and still have that cassette. I learned to sing most of his songs and then I transposed them into piano arrangements in the late '90s. Eventually, I began playing and singing them on my guitar. Whenever I feel the need to raise my vibration and let go of undesirable feelings that emerge from disheartening events in the news, I turn to music … and Dick's music, for some reason in particular, left a deep impression on me.
So what is the meaning of it all? Why has our world fallen into such chaos and negativity? The headlines and newscasts seem to be nothing but disastrous news, corruption and hopelessness in a world that appears to be heading for societal break-down and certain destruction.
It is hard to find the true meaning when so much contradictory stuff (falsehood) is thrown at us day after day, hour after hour. I don't have the answer. But I believe there will be a positive outcome after all of this chaos plays out.
Most lightworkers I know believe that there is a reason why things happen the way they do. Waking up, for instance. Maybe a lot of what is happening is to help people awaken. There are still a whole lot of our fellow humans on the planet who refuse to wake up to what is going on. I'll be the first to admit I don't have all the answers.
But I do believe we have a wonderful future. And I am not alone. I have a lot of faith, and I know from experience that the greatest energy is Love. One of the most inspiring messages that I have learned was from Esther Hicks and Abraham Speaks. You focus on what you are wanting in order to make it a reality. I have written about this before. "We create our own reality" is not just a new-age talking point. It is a powerful tool that we all can use. And it happens whether we believe in it or not.
Quite often, human beings ignorantly misuse this power that we all possess. We often let ourselves get caught up in disillusionment, meaning we get sucked into emotional outbursts whenever we feel we are being threatened in some way. It could be an annoying remark from an outsider, or a disagreement with a loved one. You might become annoyed because you have to perform some menial task when you have other things you'd rather do.
For example ... Often I will sit down to eat a meal, and one of the cats suddenly appears at the patio door, wanting in. (This happens so often that I believe my cats are psychic.) Instead of getting annoyed, I get up, let them in and feed them, then return to my food and resume what I was doing. I do not scold them when I realize they just want to join me during a friendly meal.
Or ... I'm driving somewhere on the highway and suddenly the car behind me whips out and passes me when there is a car heading toward us that could cause an accident. Instead of cursing and getting all frantic, I slow down and make sure everyone is going to survive the incident. Rather than throw out a cuss-word, I take a deep breath and thank God everyone is all right.
Relationships lead to small disagreements once in a while. I used to get all flustered and emotional when my partner became moody. Assuming it was my fault, I would feel sorry for myself and become sulky. Sometimes it would be awhile before things turned around … but they always did. But at the time, I thought it was the end of my relationship.
Now, when these little flare-ups occur, I accept them for what they are. Not the end of the world. Not even "divorce worthy." I allow my partner to blow off steam and recover from whatever is bothering him, and I go about my life knowing it's temporary (and it always is!)
Getting along with others requires patience, compassion and fortitude -- especially in relationships. After all, people are different and react in different ways. Some blow off steam and rant and rave.
As for myself, I find it helps to play music … though, once in a while, a 'scream room' sounds like it's not a bad idea. (Just kidding.) But usually I calm down almost right away. Creativity raises our vibration. Pouting lowers it.
Mostly, it is politicians and world news that disturb me most of all. But I have come to realize that just because we are overwhelmed with all kinds of opinions and beliefs that clash, it doesn't change what I feel deep inside.
Yes, it is disturbing to "watch" people getting hurt on TV news, or listen to politicians who lie to us (not all of them do, of course). I can see right through the ones that are deceptive, actually.
Allow others to have their opinions, even though you don’t agree with them. The Real Truth lies within you. You know what the Truth is, and it is not what is being forced upon us by those who wish to control us and take charge.
If this is confusing to you, just go into a quiet room and meditate for a few minutes. You can ask whether something is true or false. Look Within. Then be an example of an enlightened being by having patience and unconditional love, especially toward those who might lash out at you.
You may discover you are more powerful than you ever imagined.
And as for myself, I know someday I'll find…
The meaning of it all … the meaning of it all.
(Thank you, Dick.)
Ann Ulrich Miller, publisher of The Star Beacon since 1987, cannot retire because it is just too much fun ... plus her cats won't let her.
Be sure to check out my Author website to read about my wide variety of books at
Posted October 5, 2023
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