The Meaning
of It All
© 2023 (all rights reserved)
An article from the December 2023 issue of THE STAR BEACON.
Photo by Doug Elmore
Living in an uncertain world
I am absolutely certain that I am not the only one feeling this. There is tension in the air. Conflicts and wars appear to be breaking out at the drop of a hat. Our world feels like it has fallen into an abyss of confusion, hatred and demoralization. We don't know what we're going to wake up to the next morning.
Worse, we can't trust our media. Who are we to believe? This Information Age we find ourselves in is a confusing mess of people's rantings, paranoia, propaganda, and the danger of being swept up into an inescapable prison and police state. Is this all just a big bad movie we are being forced to watch? Who is in control and pulling these strings?
Did you know there are news programs on TV that only offer us their cherry-picked, slanted information they want us to hear? In other words, they don't want us to know what is really happening. They try to manipulate us with fear tactics and blown-out-of-proportion, slanted stories that are not telling you everything, and especially not the truth.
They want to ram absurd and disgusting ideas into our brains that oppose our morals and all that we’ve lived by in our own lives. If we don't go along with their agenda, then we get labeled as "racists," which lately has become a word that has nothing to do with a person's origin, but everything to do with "disobedient pieces of scum."
How easy it is for us to be brainwashed by them. They know all the tricks … the subliminal messages in commercials, the angry, emotional outbursts of some TV hosts that want you and me to take the blame and feel guilty because we do not go along with their B.S.
This is nothing new. This has been going on for decades. Most of us recognized it for what it was, then dismissed it and continued on with our lives.
Unfortunately, there are too many who have chosen to buy into it and just go along with the program. They would rather march in step and follow the wolves leading them to slaughter than listen to the beat of a different drummer and seek Truth.
Sometimes the truth is ugly. We tend to want to shy away from the ugly things and concentrate only on Love and Light. But I don't believe there are enough of us yet to conquer wickedness with Love and Light alone.
We need to sharpen our awareness, become educated about what is really happening, and then spread the word to others who may be confused or simply want to ignore what is going on.
This past autumn, an author client of mine published her latest book, which is
probably the most gutsy book of truth-telling I've ever read. The book is
called A Spark of Truth, and the author is Marilyn
L. Redmond from Washington state. A Spark of Truth shares information
not commonly known because so many of the media censor the things they don't
want you to know about. Possibly they may even fear repercussions if they do
reveal it.
But Marilyn is not afraid, and she reveals so much that it will blow your mind. You can order the book at or on
When things get as overwhelming as they are now, we lightworkers wonder what we can do to help. Well, our thoughts are important. They are something we take for granted. Thoughts are powerful. They can heal. They can also hurt people.
Controlling our thoughts takes practice. Meditation is one way of learning to control your thoughts, but don't take my word for that because I've always been rather unsuccessful at meditating. I do a form of meditation, however. I use creative activities to keep my vibration high, such as through playing music, working outside in nature, or relaxing by doing some art. Focusing on something beautiful and fulfilling keeps those horrific thoughts and emotions from inflicting your physical being, which is controlled by your brain, after all.
A month ago, I let myself get caught up in negative emotion, which led to this nasty cold virus that has lingered for over a week now. I started remembering all of the terrible experiences I suffered in 2023, starting with major appliances (three of them) breaking in my household and needing replacement or an expensive repair job.
Next, the lawn sprinkler system broke and I had to buy a new controller and get it fixed. The excess water from that led to my spending hundreds of dollars to get my septic tank pumped.
New chickens I adopted and started raising in the spring increased in population to the point where I had to give away two-thirds of them as I could no longer afford the feed them all.
Stress went sky high when I had trouble capturing the birds as the two mother hens and their chicks had forsaken the crowded chicken coop to live in the bushes outside… and we had a terrible snowstorm in late October that kept me awake all night, worrying about them.
Health concerns also forced me to voluntarily give up my indoor cat, who was the sweetest guy but always sick. It almost broke my heart. But at least I still have my feral outdoor kitty, Cami, and four remaining black hens, one of whom actually has tried to "crow" a few times … which sounds very weird as you can imagine. I'd never heard of anything like that before.
Finally, things are settling down. My cold will be over in another week or two and Christmas is ahead. We should try not to let the world's chaos affect my life more than it has to. I'm sure 2024 is going to be a much better year!
Ann Ulrich Miller, Star Beacon publisher, anticipates a very busy winter with publishing projects and another year of Star Beacon ahead!
Be sure to check out my Author website to read about my wide variety of books at
Posted December 1, 2023
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