Using the Golden Ray
An article from the February 2024 issue of
by June Deborah Meek
It is January 13, 2024. I haven't focused on the Earth since November 16, 2023.
The reason why is because my sinuses, ears and bronchials were bothering me the beginning of Thanksgiving week. I was drinking dandelion root tea with honey for two days, and by Thanksgiving, I felt better.
But whatever this is, it comes and goes. Then comes and goes. So last week, I bought a mixture of herbs in an herbal tea for the respiratory system and I drink a cup every day. Besides, I don't get sick and I know that what is going on is not normal.
Then a few weeks ago, the ringing in the ears began. I’d be given a break from this for one or two days, but then the ringing would come back. And I would hear it all day. A year or so ago, I had read that when Star Ships are up above, we hear ringing in our ears -- and that sometimes, the ringing is the Star beings trying to communicate with us.
But since they are in higher dimensions, we hear their attempts at communication as ringing in our ears. Moreover, at least I can still hear normally and can eventually ignore the ringing. At least when I’m concentrating on other things.
So on December 15, out of sheer frustration over this ringing, I sent out the telepathic message that ... "if you are trying to communicate with me, please speak to me in a language I can understand." And surprisingly, I received an immediate answer. A male voice telepathically told me "you are being healed."
So I began checking out different hertz frequencies. I settled on one video for the 1100 Hz frequency. And when I heard what it sounded like, I was stunned. It is the exact tone I hear when I hear the ringing in my ears. So next, I called up my neighbor Bruce, and let him hear the sound over the phone. And last week, Bruce told me that he, too, is now experiencing ringing in his ears. But his sinuses are bothering him, too.
Both of us are suspicious about our sinuses bothering us, and the congestion in my bronchials, and Bruce believes that the chemtrails have begun once again, and that they are trying to make people sick. For a few days, I was coughing so hard that I almost lost my voice, even though my throat wasn’t sore. One day last week, we actually had blue skies and sun here in northeastern Ohio. Bruce was out and about, and saw the chemtrails criss-crossing the sky and making their usual large X's. It angered him. Yes, they would love to X most of us out.
But the ringing in my ears has worn on me. It’s gotten very old. The last two days when I have awakened, the ringing is already there and it goes on all day. I want it to stop. I even bought a blood pressure unit in late December, to check my blood pressure and to rule that out. It’s normal. 120/70, like it's always been.
So today I decided to ask Arch Angel Michael about it. Michael told me that the ringing is caused by massive interference being done on purpose. They are specifically targeting Light Workers and Light Warriors. But I had read about this a few months ago. I just didn't know that ringing in the ears would be one of their tactics.
Anyway, Michael did tell me that the interference will be stopped. I asked if it could possibly be electromagnetic frequencies. Yes. And he also told me that they are spraying chemtrails again in order to make people sick, but that the chemtrails would stop. And this is what has caused our sinuses and bronchials to be affected. But at least I'm coughing up whatever was in my bronchials, and my sinuses and ears feel just about normal.
Then I told Michael that I would be focusing on the earth after we finished talking, and asked him what color ray should I use? Gold. And I can magnify it as high as I wanted to. Whatever came to mind, use that magnification.
He also told me that my help is needed, but he understood why I haven't focused because I wasn't feeling good.
Then I sent it down through the North Pole, all throughout the inside of the earth, throughout all of
the tunnels and to all of the soldiers and kids that they are saving underneath our feet.
I also sent this golden ray to the Inner Earth beings, in case they need it. And to the Star beings who are also in the tunnels, helping to rid our Earth of those beings that have to go.
Then I sent the Golden Ray out through the South Pole. I was waiting to see if any more huge, dark entities would come out. But none did. So I sent this gentle golden wave into all of the ley lines and meridians. Then into all of the male and female vortexes. The female soul thanked me and told me that everything is moving in the right direction now. And she thanked me for helping out, but also knew why I haven't, and asked me if I was feeling better! Yes. Much better, except for the ringing. And the male soul also thanked me.
So, I then focused on the equator and sent the Golden Ray down into the earth. But I didn't see my usual dolphin or whale, and that concerned me. But after a few seconds, I did see them. The female soul told me that the whales and dolphins are also helping out, which didn't surprise me. I know they have been.
Eventually, I went to the cave in the core of the earth where Dor is. We talked for a while. I asked him how much longer is this nonsense going to continue. Dor told me that the forces are going after the evil star beings underneath Israel. That is where the most horrendous battling would occur and is. Well, if they've been there for about 350,000 years, I'm sure they won't go down without one hell of a fight.
And Dor told me that a lot of truth will be coming out this year. Well, the year started out with a bang with a judge ordering the names of Jeffrey Epstein's clients to be released. I already saw the list a few years ago, but I also know there are names missing from it.
We are also moving into the Chinese Year of the Dragon in early February, so I asked Dor if dragons exist. Yes. I have yet to see one, so I had to ask. And my next question was "Are there good dragons and bad dragons?" Dor responded that most of them are good.
So I then focused on sending that golden wave of energy up and out through the Earth's surface and into the air. To have it move over every living thing, inside and on
the surface of the Earth and for the birds in the sky. Then I sent it out into the universe.
Then I went back out into space and looked down on the Earth. I decided to send that golden wave to the Ukraine, Israel, Palestine and to every other country where the people have risen up and are going against their corrupt leadership. I tried getting down underneath Israel, but I still can’t break through to see what is going on there.
But I did see a quick glimpse of the Queen of the reptilians who is under there, and she is enraged. But the human soldiers aren’t the ones going after her or her minions. The Pleiadeans and Venusians are, and they have the technology to get the job done. Our human soldiers don’t have the weapons to take her or her minions out.
In closing ... GOD, I hope the floodgates of Truth will blast open this year. So many of us have been waiting a few decades for this to happen. But Dor did tell me that 90 percent of humans are awake now, and this is what scares the hell out of the cabal.
Once people are awake, they don’t go back to sleep.
June Meek is a regular contributor to the Beacon and writes from Ohio.
This page updated March 12, 2024
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