Fiction Writing Skills
Welcome to Earth Star's e-mail course in Creative Writing! In 10 one-on-one lessons, you can "Improve Your Fiction Writing Skills."
The course is set for 10 one-week sessions, but you may go along at your own pace and take however long you'd like to get through the course.
The following topics will be covered in this 10-week course:
1st Week: Plotting
2nd Week: Characterization
3rd Week: Point of View
4th Week: Dialogue
5th Week: Theme
6th Week: Your Audience
7th Week: Structure
8th Week: Show vs. Tell
9th Week: Revising
10th Week: Putting It All Together
Cost: $10.00 per weekly lesson, or prepay $97.00 for the entire course. You will receive one lesson at a time and will be given some easy, fun writing assignments. You will submit your assignment to your teacher and will receive a response, with suggestions and constructive criticism of your writing.
By the end of the course you will have produced a short story or the beginning of a novel and will receive some ideas on how to get your work published.
If you are not satisfied with the course, you may receive a full refund.
About The Instructor:
Ann Miller has a Bachelor of Arts degree in English with a Creative Writing Emphasis from Michigan State University, where she graduated with honor. She has written numerous short stories and novels and is published under the name of Ann Carol Ulrich. She won a scholarship to the Aspen Writers Conference in 1982 and is a graduate of the Writing for Children and Teenagers Course.
Her novels, The Light Being, Intimate Abduction and Return To Terra
make up The Space Trilogy, published by Earth Star
Publications. Her most recent novels are Sonata Summer, Rainbow Majesty,
and In the Shadow of the Tower, The Legend of the Lantern, The Pouting Pumpkin Mystery, The Secret of
the Green Paint and The Mystery at
Hickory Hill are part of a series for teen-agers. She is
the author of the Night of the November Moon, a romance/mystery, and co-author of Permutation: A True UFO Story, with Shirle Klein-Carsh.
She is currently editor and publisher of the monthly Star Beacon newsletter on UFOs and metaphysics
as well as Wisp. She has helped many authors get their work published and in print through her consulting service. She will guide you through each lesson, and be at your disposal through
e-mail to give you feedback and valuable criticism on your own writing.
To view a list of all her literary works, visit Ann Ulrich Miller's Author Page.

You can elect to pay for each lesson individually, if you prefer, using PayPal. To pay for the entire course, scroll down.
First Lesson: $7.50
Pay for the entire course and SAVE!
Entire Course: $69.99
E-mail Ann Miller at
Please put "Writing Course" or "Questions" in your subject line!
This page updated November 16, 2015
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