What is ascension -- and how do I open to it?

An article from the August 2014 Star Beacon

By Terra Rae of "Team Earth"

Merriam-Webster Dictionary:
as·cen·sion: the act of rising or ascending; especially : the act of moving to a higher or more powerful position

Related Words: boost, hike, increase, raise, blastoff, elevation, levitation, liftoff, raising, takeoff, uplifting, upraising, upsweep, upswing

        In modern day terms of the Spiritual communities, "ascension" is used quite frequently. Yet if you ask someone their definition, you may come across many answers and ideas on the subject. "The act of moving to a higher or more powerful position" is spot on.
        Ascension can be looked at as a process of opening, and moving into a higher place on a frequency level, or a dimensional level. It takes dedication and work. That makes the idea of ascension different for each individual, since everyone is at their own unique level, or place of growth on their path. Some of us are finally moving out of what I call lower octave 3D.

Lower Octave 3D
        When I asked Aurora of "Team Earth" her idea of ascension, she said she saw a ladder, something like Jacob's Ladder, climbing up to a higher place.

"This is where I can access freedom of thinking, believing and being. I can shake off the 3D heaviness I sometimes get bogged down in. I can get out of the matchbox (very small place) I feel I have been put in. It is where I can find my true, authentic self, and can re-connect with my light body.
        "When I am in this heightened state of flying high, I can see myself in "the big picture" ~ who I am in the past, present and future! This is the place I can sometimes feel I transcend the Time Space Continuum."

Here From the Future
        We discussed this and came up with the idea that it is where we both feel we have come in from the future at some point in time! The Galactic Team has confirmed this with us, as they have said some of the light workers saw that Gaia needed help. We chose to come and assist in moving her out of the darkness that had gotten such a hold on her. You may want to ask yourself if you have come in from the future!
        I also feel that "ascension" is about opening our hearts to such a grand expanse that we are indeed able to transcend our 3D state, in a way we may have never done or felt before!

        This is one of the reasons the Crystalline Stellar Skulls have come to be with us again at this time. They empower us to pull ourselves out of these lower states of consciousness and emotions, to move up and fly again to great heights.

How We Spiraled Down
        I refer to the dimensions as having octaves, from 1 to 12, to explain the different levels that people function on, or the steps on the ladder, as you move up. We haven't always been in this lower octave 3D state. We spun down into this 3D state the last time Earth was flipped on her axis, around 10,500 years ago. This is when Gaia's second moon was pulled into Earth and exploded, and the Earth flipped on her axis. We had never been this low before! We forgot who we are!
        There were actually three different civilizations on Earth, in different dimensions, at the time of the flip. Atlantis is the one you may be most familiar with, and many of the people there were in high and low 5D, with the more advanced beings in lower 6D. They all had fifth and sixth dimensional bodies and awareness. The 6D beings could live a thousand years, if they chose to.
        The Sumerian civilization was started by the Anunnaki, who came from the planet Nibiru, and were in upper and lower 4D. It's where Noah and the Arc came from, and is the Middle East as we know it now.
        Uriger was actually the oldest civilization. It was not as scientific as Atlantis, as they were much more right-brained, and had a strong intuitive and peaceful sense. They had several great cities in a subtropical area known now as the Gobi Desert in Mongolia and upper regions of China. They functioned at upper 5D reality, and were able to keep the Anunnaki away for thousands of years, as the Anunnaki were looking for gold, and had settled into their own way of life.
        We have been in this lower octave 3D state here on Earth ever since, as we lost our ability to truly know who we are and our greatness, losing our direct access to Source and all that is. Many of us are now finally rising, or "ascending," out of these lower realms, and can actually breathe in, expand and become our magnificent true authentic selves ~ once again! We are becoming the master creators that we were brought forth to be!
        It is a process, since we now need to shed some of our experiences we have had in this polarity reality, not only from the 3D lives, but many others as well. There are memories and brutalities that are held in our cells, and buried deep. These traumas, old agreements and contracts can have an adverse effect on us, as we are moving forward on an "ascension" path.
        Since Gaia is healing rapidly, for her own ascension, her frequency is expanding greatly! The Stellar Skulls can help Gaia and us on our path to ascension!

Crystalline Stellar Skull Clearing

        I would like to introduce you to *Purity of Light*.
        He's a mover and shaker, and only works with and through the heart. He can ignite each cell with divine purpose! You may need your sunglasses for his intense light ~ his goggles are a reminder!
        "I am your Cosmic Ascension Warrior. My glorious purpose is to receive all that is not assisting growth, completely obliterate it, and allow for only growth of a divine nature. I am Purity of Heart! I gift this to all those who seek to work with light and love, and give you the ease of moving in that direction in your life. So all relationships heal, all love proliferates your being, your finances, your divine intentions, your projects, your visions, and all that choose to receive the highest level of love. Bring it in with my assistance"
        OK, here we go ~ breathe! Invite in *Purity of Light*. His heart sees in all directions ~ in all times ~ in all galaxies, giving him the ability to move forward at a very quick pace! Breathe him into the center of your heart, and then all clearing moves outwards, in all directions from there. You can do this with a sound or tone, as that amplifies.
        *Purity Of Light*: "Breath is key! Although, they do not need to see me, for I can appear in their mind’s eye. Perhaps someone does not have a computer, for I can ride in on the wave of permission.
        "Many are absolutely visual, and appreciate the depth of my eyes. For I can see right into your vessel of love ~ your heart.
        "Breathing deeply facilitates the process, so awareness of one’s breath is key. One needs to relax into the process, allowing that cosmic, divine consciousness to move inwards.
        "I sweep into the heart, releasing any emotional constrictions. I create an equilibrium, so the higher consciousness can float into your innermost sacred space, deep into the core of your original seed of light.
        "If you are sensing a constriction or emotional release coming on, let yourself relax into this. Again, breathing deeply, ever so deeply, and allowing yourself to float into your heart ~ seeing, hearing, feeling this deeply. There may be several layers to release. The key is to allow. When you have that space of trust of allowing and receiving, notice how you can seemingly float into a higher stream of consciousness.
        "You may see stars, stardust, a bright light, rainbows ~ filtering in. This allows me to then assist you in blasting out more and more of the old. It then gently moves from within to without, and creates a newer sacred space within ~ so you are mesmerized with a new brighter level of light, uplifting, allowing you to soar! Notice it may feel like you are lifted upon my wings. This is indeed the case!
        "We, as a team (The Crystalline Stellar Skulls) arrive like angels here on Earth, bring-ing you up further and further, "lighting" you up, as in creating your Being of light to feel more substantial within you. It lifts you up! The process of moving upwards and upwards ~ is truly 'ascending'.
        "This process is all-encompassing, moving out any extraneous darkness, heaviness, and obstacles from around, under, above ~ all around you. It is a divine vortex of light that comes forth and sweeps you out with my assistance.
        "Now notice, all colors of light move into a golden abyss, as you are swept out. You will become more and more accustomed to the process as you practice. Until you have it down, I can be your training wheels. I bring you up, allow you to adjust gradually, brighten the light, adjust the light more fully. It brightens, and you recalibrate, so you stay at this elevated frequency."
        Breathe this in, and notice how you feel, giving thanks to the Crystalline Stellar blasts of light from this Crystalline Stellar Skull!

        From Terra Rae of "Team Earth," dedicated to the Ascension Path and awakening others.
        Voice of the Stellar Skulls from the heart of Crysta of "Team Earth."
        For more Crystalline Stellar Skulls, information about "Team Earth," our Stellar Telecon Calls, and the work we do, go to our Website: www.StellarSkulls.com
Contact: info@stellarskulls.com


Read about the Crystalline Skulls in the June 2014 Star Beacon


This page updated August 3, 2014

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