edited by Ann Ulrich Miller
© 2022 (all rights reserved)
An article from the June 2022 issue of
Eerie orb in Texas night sky
My friend, Davina Ryszka, who investigated
UFO sightings in western Colorado many years ago, sent me an email about a man,
Sal Sanchez, in Texas, who witnessed sightings of an orange orb on multiple
occasions, moving around in the night sky this April. He recently caught the
object on film.
According to a local media report, Sanchez first saw the strange UFO in January while he was standing outside his home in an Austin suburb. "I just walked out and saw this strange light in the sky," he recalled, "I was looking around at all the planes in the air like, 'is anybody seeing this?' "
While it is uncertain if there were any other witnesses at that moment, the incident at the start of the year was just the beginning of a series of sightings for Sanchez. Over the last few months, the orange oddity, which he likened to a fireball, has appeared in the sky outside his home several more times with -- on at least one occasion -- the man's daughter and neighbor, who also spotted the puzzling UFO.
The ongoing case seems to have culminated, for now, with what Sanchez described as a "light show like you wouldn't believe." While the witness did not capture that particular event on film, he has managed to record some of the instances wherein the orb has made an appearance. As for what it might be, Sanchez was skeptical of the possibility that the UFO is a drone, due to his observation that it flies fairly low to the ground, yet does not appear to make any noise.
Enlisted by a local TV station to examine the footage, Texas UFO researcher Jane Kyle indicated that her initial response to seeing the video is that Sanchez had filmed a lantern. However, she eventually concluded that "it is definitely not," and noted that "the light is solid the whole time and it looks to be moving intentionally."
That said, she left open the possibility that the oddity may have been a drone, while Sanchez simply mused, "if it is something that is not of this world, why here in Kyle?" (-- Tim Binnall)
MUFON’s International Symposium
The 2022 International UFO Symposium is being held in Denver from July 7-10, 2022. The theme is "UFOs in the Spotlight." (About time!)
UFOs are showing up everywhere. Usually, you need to look up to see a UFO. Lately, when you turn on your TV, Podcast, look at highlighted stories on the Internet or in various newspapers, and not to mention social media. Mainstream journalists are now reporting on more and more possible sightings! The US Government has just released video of their encounters!
Disclosure at last? But can we believe them? If you want to learn more, you should come to the 2022 International MUFON Symposium. Some highlights of this year's program include:
• Field investigator training
• 90-minute experiencer sessions
• Private speaker panels
• Ron James' special movie preview of "Accidental Truth"
• Special movie event, "Phoenix Lights"
• Private speaker panels (Panel # 1: "From Tin Foil Hats to Accepted Science"; Panel #2: "How Hollywood covered Experiencers and Contactees"
• US Air Force Academy tour on Friday morning into the afternoon
MUFON® (Mutual UFO Network) is an all-volunteer, non-profit 501(c)3 charitable corporation and the world's oldest and largest civilian UFO investigation and research organization. Their goal is to be the inquisitive minds’ refuge seeking answers to that most ancient question, "Are we alone in the universe?" The answer very simply, is NO. You are invited to join them in their quest.
The event will be held at the Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel, 1550 Court Place (ph. 855-516-1090). Speakers include: Cheryll Jones, Peter Robbins, Michael Schratt, Kathleen Marden, Thom Reed, Paul and Joel Hynek (sons of J. Allen Hynek), Peter Davenport, Dave Scott, Craig Campobasso, Donald Schmitt, Ron James, March D’Antonio, and more.
Sounds like a pretty interesting conference
This page updated June 3, 2022
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