edited by Ann Ulrich Miller
© 2022 (all rights reserved)
An article from the December 2022 issue of
investigator Davina Ryzska sent me a presentation by Michael Schratt, an
aerospace historian who is working on preserving our history of UFO encounters.
The short documentary reveals much about crash retrievals that have taken place
before and after Roswell, with more information on crashes to come out on his
next presentation.
I took notes while viewing the video on YouTube. Leonard H. Stringfield (1920-1994) wrote UFO Crash Retrievals, The Complete Investigation Status Reports, I-VII (1978-1994). [$65 on Amazon]. It is a treasure trove of information that has been hidden from the public for decades.
Michael narrated this fine
presentation, complete with illustrations. I suggest you see the video yourself
at Project Camelot’s website:
The first case was a retrieval in 1942 at a US Army base in northern Georgia. The craft was 15’ wide by 10’ high (three
levels). Four crew members’ bodies were retrieved. They were 5’ tall, weighing
90 lbs., and had large black eyes and milky white skin.
In November 1946 a craft was retrieved in Arkansas, which was 15’ in diameter, 7’ tall and 18" flat around the outer circumference, with 10"x15" windows wrapped around it. It was loaded onto a train and transported to Wright Patterson AFB.
In 1946 a man who worked at Wright Patterson had brought his 6-year-old son to work. The boy was thirsty, so they visited the soda pop vending machine when someone came through the hangar doorway. The boy happened to see into the hangar, and got a good peek at an 18-wheeler truck with a lowboy unloading a tarped craft, which was dish shaped with tripod landing gear. Three small dead Gray bodies, 3-4 ft. tall, lay beside the craft, which was 20 feet in diameter.
In July 1947, in the White Sands Missile Range, a ship came down on the north part of WS missile range that was 100-150 ft. in diameter and tipped at a 20-degree angle. The craft was well illuminated by strong lighting that had been brought in and motion picture reels were taken.
Another UFO retrieval occurred in 1947 in a warehouse in Berkeley, Calif. The craft was egg shaped, about 30’ across and 15’ high. There had been a hull breach and the drawing showed a 3’-diameter sphere inside, surrounded by two composite bulkheads.
In July/August 1947, two 19-year-old boys were working in a carrot patch in Salinas, Calif. A craft had come down in the field that was 9’ in diameter and 4’ tall. It had a double row of indented windows all the way around. One of the boys walked up close to the craft and kicked the side of it with his boot. Then a military convoy arrived and ushered the boys away from the site. But they saw the whole operation from a distance.
Prior to 1951, in the Sierra Madre Valley of Mexico, there was a "Flying Boxcar" that was put inside the cargo bay of a C-119. Two bodies were retrieved. The person who discovered this crash saw two bodies with burned (charred black) faces.
At the Pentagon in Washington, DC, in 1952, there was an "off limits" room. A female worker went down into the underground basement, which was dimly lit and kind of dark. It was musty and there were crates and boxes all around. She was startled to discovered a large glass jar that contained a "pickled" alien. Right away, an MP grabbed her and told her she had to leave immediately.
In 1953 a warrant officer at Wright Patterson witnessed a DC-7 cargo plane on the tarmac during the night. Inside the hangar bay, which was opened, a heavy duty forklift was retrieving four large crates containing humanoid bodies that were 3-1/2’ tall. They wore black suits, and one was female. The bodies had been placed in crates of dry ice.
It sounds like this book is a fascinating read. The information in the book comes from drawings and illustrations from original, first-hand witnesses who were on the retrieval teams and handled them.
Davina also mentioned in her email to me that an amazing book to read is UFOs and Nukes by Richard Hastings. She met Richard in Rapid City, South Dakota, and said he gave an amazing presentation at the Business College there.
This page updated December 3, 2022
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