Commander's Star Base
Commander Sanni Ceto
© 2023 (all rights reserved)
article from the August 2023 issue of
Most of us have observed that cats are psychic. Do you converse with your kitties? Please give a couple of examples, if you can.A:
Cats are very psychic and intuitive. For example, Metro was very ill and he knew that I loved and care for him. On his last night with me, he dragged himself across the house and into the computer room and got under my chair.Metro was over 20 years old and had heart trouble, along with other issues. He was mostly a “non chatter,” unlike many of my kitties. But on that night he cried out and I got down on the floor with him, and talked to him and petted him.
His huge eyes were large black disks that seemed to fill in his puffy face, and as I petted him, he stared at me as if to say, “I'll be with you and I will return in a younger version of myself,” and then he dropped over with his eyes open as if to get one more look ingrained within his fleeting memories of his reign in my world.
Metro crossed the Rainbow Bridge on Mother's Day, about 14 years ago. After he was gone, I started to see another male cat that resembled him. He comes and stays as if checking on me, to see if I'm okay and alive. This is one of many examples.
Also, cats know if you are in pain or have cancer and other issues as they can “smell” the inflammation and damage being done inside your body. Heat and chemicals are created and released in injuries, as well as the pheromones you excrete. Humans cannot smell these pheromones, but I can smell it.
Cats will lay up against you in the area that is painful as a way to send healing energies into your body, as well as a comfort, demanding that you pet them and return affection to them. And yes, felines are very intuitive and can interact with the unseen realms that most humans are not perfectly connected to.
I have very deep feelings for both of my cats. Cami was born feral, but is very devoted to me and affectionate. She seems like she could be a reincarnated version of my beloved cat, Mu, who lived on Stucker Mesa with me more 20+ years ago. Also, Mister Spock, the black cat I adopted about 2-1/2 years ago, is so gentle and loving, and of course he adores Cami and they get along beautifully. My question is ... do you think either of these felines were with me before? And how can I learn to communicate with them on their terms?A:
They reincarnated as cats, to be with you in this present life as guides. You can communicate with them by observing their behavior and understanding their senses, which are as keen as mine. Also, listen to their body language to see what makes them happy or upset.Also, never refer to them as an “it” or any “creature,” as they are sentient beings with a soul and they are as emotional as are you.
What kinds of pets did you or others have on your Zeta Reticulan planet? Were they small, were they large?A:
We had feline-like creatures and kept many reptiles as pets, along with large insects. The large primates lived alone, whereas the smaller ones were used as helpers in the mines. We also kept equine-like creatures for transporting on the ground as well as work animals, but they were treated nicely and not overburdened as some are on Earth.Many fish species were kept in large aquariums as pets, as well as snails and other creatures. We had terrariums and many large things similar to a zoo, but no cages or bars; rather a park-like setting with special devices used to keep the animals in their own habitats, like an invisible fence people use to keep dogs from going out of their yard.
Many avian species were kept for meat and feathers and egg production, and were not factory farmed like here on Earth, which is cruel and abusive.
Sanni Ceto is the world-renowned author of two autobiobiographies: Stranded on Earth and Zeti Child, Lost Upon a One Star World, available from or from Earth Star Publications. Send your questions to
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Special Announcement!
Sanni’s books, STRANDED ON EARTH and ZETI CHILD have been archived in the Roswell UFO Museum.
Special thanks to Mara & David Edwards for their help with this accomplishment!
Commander Sanni Ceto’s two books, Stranded On Earth and Zeti Child, are available through or follow the link at
Stranded On Earth and Zeti Child are both now in ebook format at Amazon Kindle (for just $6.95).
This page updated August 1,
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