Commander's Star Base
Commander Sanni Ceto
© 2023 (all rights reserved)
article from the October 2023 issue of
I know that you have a great interest in clocks. Could you tell us if there are timepieces on Zeta Reticulan planets, and how do the people there "tell time"?A:
Time is measured by the transits of the planet around its parent suns. Timepieces are similar to a sundial, but programmed to display when there is no sunlight -- a more modern version of an ancient sundial.
Is it possible to "go back" in time or to “go into the future”? If so, how does this happen, and have you ever traveled to a different time?A:
Yes, it is possible by reversing the energy generated by the forward motion of the energies and frequencies, and by using portals and the intermittent openings of the fabric of the physical earth that is always linked to the other realms beyond the known, seen physical.You can travel forward or backwards, to explore and learn from history.
And yes, I have gone back in time to a primordial and pristine world --unpolluted and not destroyed by the actions of humans. And I have had a glimpse into the future of a dying world and the select few who will ascend.
By speeding up time, you go forwards and by reversing time, you are no longer elderly but you become a baby.
Do other planets have different lengths of daytime and nighttime? We have just entered the Fall Equinox here on Earth.Q:
Our planet Earth measures time by the seasons, as you know. But what about length of day ... for instance, on Earth we have a 24-hour period. Do others planets have 24 hours in a day, or does it depend on their planet’s rhythm?
On ZetiReticuli, how long is a day or a night?
Yes, other planets have day and night -- it depends on the orbit or rotation, or how slow or fast it spins on its axis. There is an imaginary line through the center of a sphere.Its axis, day and night, varies on all planets, and on Zeta Reticuli and Serpo Jadui, a day equals two days of your time or 48 hours, as do nights. On Serpo Jadui, it is about two of your dark cycles and two of your light cycles on Earth -- that means 24 hours of facing away from our star or sun, and 24 hours in sunlight as 24 and 24 is 48.
And yes, seasons are a way of measuring time that is measured by your Earth clock.
Sanni Ceto is the world-renowned author of two autobiobiographies: Stranded on Earth and Zeti Child, Lost Upon a One Star World, available from or from Earth Star Publications. Send your questions to
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Special Announcement!
Sanni’s books, STRANDED ON EARTH and ZETI CHILD have been archived in the Roswell UFO Museum.
Special thanks to Mara & David Edwards for their help with this accomplishment!
Commander Sanni Ceto’s two books, Stranded On Earth and Zeti Child, are available through or follow the link at
Stranded On Earth and Zeti Child are both now in ebook format at Amazon Kindle (for just $6.95).
This page updated October
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