Commander's Star Base
Commander Sanni Ceto
© 2023 (all rights reserved)
article from the December 2023 issue of
Are chemtrails real, and what are they doing to our environment? What is their real reason, and who is behind it?
Yes, chemtrails are real and they cause allergies and are composed of heavy metals that cause damage to the respiratory system and other things.They are used by many covert operations as a tool in weather modification, and to spread things to make people ill.
They first started with early cloud-seeding experiments in the 1930s and '40s. A chemtrail spreads out and will make clear skies an oily and milky white, overcast within hours.
Exhaust from a jet is mostly water and combusted fuel, and it doesn't spread out as it is mostly water vapor. Chemtrails poison the environment by coating leaves and other parts of plants, which interferes with photosynthesis.
They cause respiratory harm in wildlife and they harm the waterways as well as the lands. Many governments are involved in this under the guise of weather modification.
Since we are discussing the sky, could you please tell us about our Moon?There have been all kinds of claims that the Moon may be hollow, or that it is not natural but rather was "placed" where it is for some reason.
Recently I’ve read that the US's Apollo missions were faked, to make people on Earth believe humans had landed on the Moon when perhaps those "landings" were filmed on one of Earth’s deserts.
What is your take on all of this?
The Moon is an artificial satellite placed there by the Pleiadian scientists eons ago. Its purpose is to serve as an outpost and a temporary life boat, in case the inhabitants of Earth had to be evacuated.Inside it is hollow as it is a type of craft -- a sphere to serve as underground cities, etc. The moon landingss were an elaborate staged event as the Moon has no air, so therefore a flag cannot wave without wind.
Yes, this was filmed in the deserts to deceive people and to draw their attention away from the wars going on at that time on Earth.
At one time, the earth had a true natural satellite, but it was destroyed.
There have been reports, or at the best suspicions, that there are people (or beings) occupying the dark side of the Moon.Q:
Do governments on Earth realize this? Also, who are the occupants on our Moon, and why are they there?
Covert governments have established bases on the dark side of the Moon. These governments are working with the Reptilians, who defeated the Pleiadian rule on the Moon when Earth was still a laboratory. This was during the great space war in which the Pleiadians and Arcturians were fighting with laser-tech weapons and disc crafts, to control Earth.The Reptoid forces defeated the creators of Laboratory Earth and secured the Moon and the earth as their own. They first established bases there, and then in the early 1940s and through the 1980s, human covert ops established colonies upon the dark side.
Their purpose was to be a monitoring agent and defend Earth from any external visits by other entities who might want to visit and regain the control that was stripped from them when the Reptoids and governments signed treaties, which was a technology exchange to the coverts.
The agreement was to hand the Moon over to the Reptoids and their covert governments as an outpost colony.
Sanni Ceto is the world-renowned author of two autobiobiographies: Stranded on Earth and Zeti Child, Lost Upon a One Star World, available from or from Earth Star Publications. Send your questions to
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Special Announcement!
Sanni’s books, STRANDED ON EARTH and ZETI CHILD have been archived in the Roswell UFO Museum.
Special thanks to Mara & David Edwards for their help with this accomplishment!
Commander Sanni Ceto’s two books, Stranded On Earth and Zeti Child, are available through or follow the link at
Stranded On Earth and Zeti Child are both now in ebook format at Amazon Kindle (for just $6.95).
This page updated December
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