Psychic Readers

Donene is a Spiritual healer, Reiki practitioner and a door opener to spiritual development; she also does Chakra balancing and clairvoyant readings, she holds much information and knowledge on a wide variety of subjects. Donene uses a combination of the Egyptian Cartouche, Egyptian Casting Stones and Crystal Cards in her readings because she has found they cover all of the various aspects of our physical and spiritual lives.
Donene offers readings via e-mail or in person; the readings take as long as they take, usually 30 minutes; she uses a combination of Egyptian Casting Stones, Egyptian Cartouche Cards, Clairvoyance, intuitive insights and Crystal Cards. The Egyptian Casting Stones are ancient symbols painted on stone which fall into patterns when thrown with a specific intent, they are like a road map of the way your life is presently. Often the readings simply verify things we already know but miss in the confusion of daily life. Sometimes a passed loved one will have a message if it is important for you; occasionally you will receive a warning; the readings are of a spiritual nature, the readings can involve what we may think of as mundane issues, which may be of great importance to your spiritual growth and understanding to highly esoteric concepts. The Crystal cards are used to answer specific questions.
Prices: The readings cost N.Z. $50.00 and can be paId for by bank transfer or cheque; the readings can be via e-mail or in person (Donene lives in rural Kawakawa, Northland, New Zealand).
The Readings are usually returned within 48 hours.
Please e-mail with "Reading" in the subject line, or phone 09 433 4979 for information on how to proceed.
International or credit card readings cost U.S. $30.00 and can be paid for by clicking on the PayPal button on Donene's Web site, then e-mail Donene as above.
For Further information, please go to Donene's website,
Contact information: E-mail:

Raised in southern Colorado, Maria is of Basque origin. She grew up in a holistic environment, trained in the old way of her people. She has studied with several American Native Medicine people, and trained in the Amazon with Jungle Shamans, as well as the Quero and the Inkas. Maria has connected with destiny and represents the Sacred Ones that became her teachers and guides since 1994. In her soon to be released book, New World Vision, Maria will bring forth the message of the Divine Hierarchy for the inhabitants of the Earth.
Maria Gurule, Shaman, Author, Astrologer, Spiritual and Life Coach
Machu Picchu, Peru 2006, Founder of Quantum Quest Shamanic Journeys
Cost: 50 minute reading -- $120 audio tape included
Contact information: E-mail or telephone is the best way to reach me. Please leave a detailed message and always leave your number with area code. For an Astrology chart, I need your date of birth, time of birth (special AM or PM) and location of birth. Telephone: 719/219-3776. E-mail:
Web site:
After discovering 1996 that I had "walked in" in 1993, I discovered information I could utilize to help myself and others. I was able to connect directly to the oversoul or guidance system of people who were searching for answers. That ability has increased a great deal wince then with training and practice. After I became a Reiki Master, I realized I could see into clients' bodies and detect and release blockages. Sometimes they had been receiving medical treatment and after we worked, their discomfort and the cause for it were released.
I have a private healing/reading practice and do retreats and seminars on personal and spiritual empowerment. These seminars take place all over the world. I have one coming up in Cancun Feb. 2-9-,2002 to Swim with the Dolphins, and Connect to Our Mayan Roots. I am also a Certified Intuitive Consultant, Reiki Master, Attuned to Magnified Healing (channeled from Quan Yin) and Archangel Michael Attunements.
Cost: $75. If it on the phone or in person, you receive a taped recording of the session.
Contact information: Marilyn Harper, 708 Aurora Nixa, MO 65714, Telephone 417/724-2474. E-mail:
Some of the tools Harusami utilizes for your personal reading may include tarot, astrology, psychometry and palmistry. Visit the Web site for an indepth story of her path to intuitive guidance and awakening to Spirit.
"It's my wish to be a conduit for Spirit, to assist in empowering each individual on their path to healing, transformation and growth."
Readings are available by AOL Instant Message, AOL private chat room, Java chat room, e-mail, and in person in the Colorado region. Payment can be made with major credit card through PayPal. Cash or approved checks accepted for in-person readings. See Web page for details or to order a reading.
Contact information: Harumsami -- E-mail:

Jananda had a near-death experience in 1940, struck by lightning when seven years of age, and is a contact to extraterrestrials and/or spiritual guidance. Janana has been working as a clairvoyant since 1969.
Cost: There is no set fee for this service. I trust that people give as freely as they have received.
Contact information: Jananda Korsholm, P.O. Box 4044, Sedona, AZ 86340-4044. Telephone 928/203-0810. E-mail:

I have been channeling Mother Earth for eight years, other teachers of light for many more years. My channeled articles are published worldwide. Mother Earth desires to touch each heart individually until all are consciously connected to that which sustains and enlivens us. I would like to assist the process of manifesting Heaven on Earth.
Cost: $250 for one-hour session.
Contact information: Pepper Lewis, P.O. Box 363, Mount Shasta, CA 96067.
Telephone 877-394-4242, 530-938-0800. E-mail:
E-mail or telephone are best.
Web Site: The Peaceful Planet (
If you are an Intuitive and wish to be included in this directory (at no charge), e-mail
This page updated February 18, 2013
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