Psychic Readers

Private long-distance telehphone channeling sessions with The Council of 12, a group of wise and loving nonphysical beings who work with Selacia to help people move out of pain and into joy. Receive practical guidance for your next steps, along with tools for self mastery. Experience the healing power and unconditional love of The Council of 12.
Private long-distance telephone DNA activations and DNA clearings with The Council of 12. A spirit-driven energetic process allowing you to activate your DNA and to heal blocks within that manifest as dis-ease and disease. Release core beliefs that are at the root of blocks to manifesting abundance in all areas of your life. Move into more self love and into more connection with your own spiritual guides and teachers. Accelerate your healing with energies of The Council of 12.
Audiotape of either type of reading available for $6. DNA rose quartz crystals, energized and blessed by The Council of 12, are available for $12 as a tool to anchor and accelerate your DNA healing work.
Selacia, author of The Golden Edge and The Prosperity Journal, works full time as an intuitive and spiritual counselor. A former foreign correspondent with The Wall Street Journal and New York Times, she offers private telephone readings to clients from around the world. A frequent speaker, she has presented at such venues as the Society for Enlightenment and Transformation at the United Nations in New York. A certified DNA healing practitioner/teacher, she offers the DNA healing in private sessions. DNA healing workshops are also available in a certification program, available in Los Angeles and elsewhere by arrangement.
Cost: $100 for 50 minutes. All major credit cards accepted.
Contact information: Selacia, 3111 Fourth Street, #219, Santa Monica, CA 90405. Telephone: 310/915-2884; FAX 310/664-6093. E-mail:

An Intuitive Reading accompanies the session along with suggested natural herbs as needed.
Cost: Healings and Readings are $75
Contact information: Devara ThunderBeat, Telephone: 928/204-0752. E-mail:

Aluna Joy Yaxk'in is an internationally known speaker, author, clairvoyant and Sacred Site Essence Formulator. Aluna's work has been influenced by a life-long interaction with the Star Elders, combined with a series of shamanic experiences that accelerated over a decade of travel in Mexico, Guatemala and Peru. She now acts as a cross cultural guide on spiritual pilgrimages and offers unique Star Elder sessions. Aluna Joy is a carrier of one of the rare Stones of Ica from Peru. The Ica Stones were carved by Star Elders 60 million years ago and placed in the earth as a living library to help awaken humanity during these accelerated times. Aluna is author of Mayan Astrology, and her articles have been published worldwide.
Cost: $100 an hour
Contact information: Aluna Joy Yaxk'in, P.O. Box 1988, Sedona, AZ 86339. Telephone: 9520/282-6292; FAX 520/282-4622. E-mail:
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This page updated February 18, 2013
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