by Sheri Gould
True Cases of
Extrasensory Perception and Experiences of the Paranormal
The accounts in this book are true cases of extrasensory perception, including time travel and star seed encounters.
Having traveled around the world and visited all 50 states in the USA, Sheri shares in this book her amazing ESP abilities and encounters, along with visitations with star people and entities from different time periods.
Includes excerpts from The 11 Universal & 11 Spiritual Star Laws as well as Star Family Messages and Spirit Photography, along with intriguing interactions with various individuals who have experienced unusual and enlightening knowledge to share with you.
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Psychic Phenomena, Extraterrestrial Knowledge and Spiritual Contact from
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Sheri's Sixth Sense
ISBN 978-0-944851-61-6 June
NONFICTION: Paranormal Retail $15.00
Sheri Gould r
Sheri Gould has traveled to all 50 states and has visited approximately 25 countries. She has resided in Austria, Germany, Korea and the United States.
She was with the USO (United Service Organization) Shows which provides live entertainment to members of the U.S. Armed Forces and their families, while she worked at the American Forces Korea Network (AFKN) in Seoul, Korea.
She was an Associate Director of UFO Contact Center International (UFOCCI) for the state of Wyoming. She also worked as a Field Investigator for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) and has held memberships with the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO), the Center for Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI) and the Association for Research and Enlightenment (ARE -- founded by Edgar Cayce). She was also interviewed in the "Contact UFO" video.
Sheri was keynote speaker at the Casper Holistic Fair and was an invited speaker at the Montana Dowsers Conference. She has attended many UFO and metaphysical conferences, including A.R.E. of the Rockies, numerous Rocky Mountain Conferences on UFO Investigation, various MUFON conferences, Star Nations/Native American Conference, and two StarSeed Adults/Kids conferences.
In addition, she has been a regular columnist and contributor to The Star Beacon international newsletter, in publication since 1987, and she was the winner of The Star Beacon 20th Anniversary Photo Contest for her photo of a "cloud ship."
Sheri has generously shared her talent and gifts through psychic readings, as well as dowsing and psychometry throughout her entire life. She is the mother of two grown children, a son and daughter, and resides in Wyoming with her husband, Charlie.
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