with more than 45 photographs
in Full Color
by Ann Ulrich Miller
Sometimes the clown, sometimes the comforter... Here is the true story of a very special canine and the human lives he touched that would never again be the same. Anyone who has ever had a true companion dog understands the special bond between an animal and the lives he has enriched. Ranger is an Australian shepherd/blue heeler of unusual intelligence and devotion who comes into the lives of two people seeking a second chance in life.
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Ann Ulrich Miller received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Creative Writing from Michigan State University. Originally from Monona, Wisconsin, her writing career began at age 15 with the sale of her first short story.
The mother of three grown sons, she has lived half of her life in Colorado, where she won a full scholarship in 1982 to the Aspen Writers Conference. She has had articles published in newspapers and has had short stories published.
Her stories appear in two of Arielle Ford's anthologies, Hot Chocolate for the Mystical Lover and Hot Chocolate for the Mystical Teen-age Soul.
She is the author of a Space Trilogy, which includes Intimate Abduction, Return To Terra, and The Light Being. She also wrote Rainbow Majesty, a romantic suspense novel, and Night of the November Moon, a romance/mystery, and has published four mysteries in her young adult Annette Vetter adventure series set in the 1960s.
Her favorite genre is romantic suspense. She writes novels for both adults and young people, with most of her writing reflecting her search for a higher purpose in life. Since 1987 she has published a monthly metaphysical newsletter, The Star Beacon. Her spiritual autobiography, Throughout All Time, tells about her esoteric life with her husband and soul mate, and how she dealt with his passing.
Currently she resides in Western Colorado, and is at work on her next novel. Visit her Author Web site at www.annulrichmiller.com
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