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By Anne Miller

The Mystery of the Missing Hen

     It was growing dark on Saturday, May 4, and I was closing up my flock of Aracauna chickens for the night. The birds usually know when it is time to roost and I do a count and close them up, to keep them safe from predators. This particular evening I did a count, but came up one hen short. I counted again, then again, but one hen was missing.

     Immediately I sent our dog, Ranger, out to find the missing chicken. Ethan joined in the search, but we were unable to locate her. Afraid that another fowl had fallen to foul play, we decided to take a walk around the property on Sunday morning, to see if we could spot any "evidence," such as feathers or fox tracks. When predators strike, it is usually more than one time.

     Sunday morning was bright and sunny, a perfect spring morning. Marcy (a.k.a. Sanni) was staying on the property in Honey Lee French’s mobile home, dog-sitting while Honey Lee was out of town. We decided to ask Marcy to come on the walk with us. I told her that we were looking for the remains of the missing chicken.

     "Did you look around the henhouse?" she asked.      Well, of course I had. I explained that we had looked in all the obvious places. Most likely something had dragged her off into the woods and had a meal. Or an eagle might have swooped down and carried her off, leaving no evidence.

     We walked through the woods and after a while Marcy said again, "I think you should look around the henhouse."

     I again explained that it was unlikely the hen was around there, for we had already searched.

     We had walked a while longer when Marcy said, "I really feel like the chicken is around that henhouse. Do you mind if I go look?"

     I sighed and told her to go ahead and look, but Ethan, the dog and I would continue circling the boundaries of the property. Marcy went straight to the henhouse. It wasn’t 10 minutes later when we heard her crying at the top of her lungs, "I FOUND THE CHICKEN!"

     I started running toward home. Marcy continued to cry out, "I FOUND THE CHICKEN!"

     Finally, Ranger and I got there. Marcy pointed to a spot next to Ethan’s tool shed, which wasn’t far from the henhouse and barn. A hen was stuck between a cement block and the side of the shed, trapped and unable to move. By the looks of her, she had probably fallen and gotten wedged there the day before. Marcy had found the chicken.

     "I kept getting that I was to look by a white stone," explained Marcy. "I kept saying, ‘What white stone?’ The voice kept telling me to look for it, and then I saw the cement block, and there was the chicken!"

Hen and chick

     Ethan reached down and dislodged the bird from its torture chamber. She was exhausted from trying to escape and quite battered looking. We placed her in back of the horse trailer and gave her water and some food. She remained in there for a couple of hours, and then I set her free. She has been walking cross-legged ever since, and her feathers are still frumpy and stick out. But she is doing just fine. She earned her name that day: Lucky.

     Thanks to Marcy’s intuitive skills, the chicken was saved before it died there. Who knows how long it would have been before we found her remains? It pays to listen to our inner voice and to check out what our intuition tells us. We acknowledge Marcy’s gift and thank her spirit guides for bringing back one of our flock.

Thomas and the Psychic Children

     I feel I should mention something about the Thomas Messages and the psychic children of Bulgaria. Readers have sent me e-mails and I’ve signed up to receive the Thomas Messages from James Twyman of the Beloved Community ( Apparently Hampton Roads Publishing has a book that contains the whole story, Emissary of Love, the Psychic Children Speak to the World.

     James Twyman met the psychic children in early 2001 and has been sharing the information. Thomas is a young boy he met at a very special monastery in Bulgaria, who changed his life. He says the children are looking for ways to communicate their wisdom to us. "Many people have been having dreams with the psychic children," he says, "and I can feel Thomas still rapping on the door of my own mind." The following is a message sent to James Twyman from the psychic children on Feb. 12, 2002. He writes:

     "The second message, ‘A Prophecy,’ took me completely by surprise. There is an authority here that I didn’t expect, knowing that the source of the material is children who are presently alive on this earth. I know it is something to take seriously, each one of us. You would not have felt called to receive these message if you weren’t part of the solution. You already know that. It feels almost as if the Children are gathering us together from all over the world to help them in their mission. Thank you for being so willing. I pray that we may heed this advice so we can finally create a world of compassion and peace.

     The completion of the consciousness web that is particular to the Children of Oz offers an opportunity as well as a warning. One could say that humanity has come to the fork in the road. Now that the web is activated, it requires, or even forces, a response. It cannot be ignored or lay idle. Its momentum can be compared to an enormous dam that breaks, increasing the power and speed of the river. One can ride the current and stay afloat, or be pulled beneath the water by the undertow. Either way the river has changed, and it is up to each one of us to respond.

     The New Children are a sign to the world of what will happen if you claim this shift. If your heart expands to include this energy grid, then you will feel an amazing energy transform you completely. If you resist it and close your heart, then you will find yourself becoming confused and even depressed. Once again, the choice is yours, but you are ready for the change.

     One of two worlds is about to be revealed, depending upon your individual and collective choice. It will be revealed within a period of two years, and you will recognize the chosen world by the following signs. The psyche of the Children of Oz is aligned with the whales, and in particular, the dolphins of the oceans. Therefore, look to these creatures to know which world your collective consciousness has chosen. If within a two-year period you begin to hear reports of unusual activity in the oceans, of entire pods of dolphins that gather in highly populated urban areas (in other words, the oceans off major cities), or whales that exhibit similar behavior, know you have chosen love over fear. However, if your scientists begin to report that these creatures are avoiding their normal gathering places and are retreating to secluded areas away from humans, then know another choice has been made. It will not mean that there is no hope, only that fear has become the common goal and love has been set aside for a time. The world that will then be revealed will reflect this choice. We do not need to go into details.

     It is important to remember that your readiness has forced this shift, and it is something to rejoice in. Were you not ready for this, then you would stay for a while longer in this "middle place" you find yourselves in now, a place where your choices are still unclear. The completion of the energy grid means that from now on your choices will be very clear. It will be impossible to remain ignorant any more. This is the prophecy of the Children of Oz, or the Psychic Children. It is good news.

     What can you do to assist in this shift? Today over 19,000 people will read this prophecy. The choices these people make has the possibility of assisting 19 million more people. We ask that everyone who reads this message today focus on this one phrase: "I am an Emissary of Love NOW." Say it as often as you can today, and feel the presence of the thousands who join you. Know also that we, the Children, are always saying this phrase. It is the very foundation of our heart.

We love you.

     Naturally, there is more, much more. But space does not allow for including all that is coming in. I suggest that you subscribe to the Thomas Messages (for free) by e-mailing

Anne Miller is editor and publisher of The Star Beacon.

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