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DISC-ussion |
By Anne Miller
Ice Cream Cone UFO
Shortly after 10 p.m. on Friday, June 7, my husband and I were watching the sky from our front patio on Stucker Mesa outside Paonia, Colo., and we saw many satellites and a few meteors. Then something unusual appeared toward the northeast. We watched an ice cream cone shaped bright light moving from above Garvin Mesa toward Jumbo Mountain. I had the binoculars and was able to make out the ice cream cone shape. The object then grew fainter and fainter and then disappeared altogether before it reached the mountain. Immediately we saw three blinking airplane lights behind where the object had vanished.
They’ve packed their bags?
A memo from Phillip H. Krapf, author of The Challenge of Contact and The Contact Has Begun, came by e-mail on June 3. The Verdants are the race of alien beings who abducted him in 1999 and again in 2000. The memo created quite a stir among those who have been following Krapf’s contact since the books came out. He appeared on Art Bell’s radio show that week and I was able to listen to much of it, but there was really no new information other than what was in this memo:
"Several days ago I received word that the moment any faction on Earth -- be it a government or other geopolitical, social or special-interest group -- uses a nuclear device as a weapon against any perceived enemy, the Verdants will be leaving the environs of Earth.
"There is great concern among the extraterrestrials that long-running conflicts -- most notably in the Middle East and on the Indian subcontinent -- have escalated to the point in recent months where the likelihood of the use of nuclear weapons by one or more of the combatants has become a very distinct -- and disastrous -- possibility.
"If the nuclear virus is unleashed, it will be beyond the ability of anyone to contain and likely will spread across the face of the Earth like a pestilience of unimagined horror and proportions,’ the statement from the Verdants says.
"At that point, we will consider the human race a lost cause and not worth monitoring any longer in the hopes of one day nurturing it so that it could take its place among the intergalactic community of enlightened beings. It will be time for us to move on and leave the species to play out its destiny, which is not very bright at the moment,’ the statement continued.
"The statement came to me directly from an official representative of the Verdants -- not from a human intermediary -- and has been sanctioned by the Intergalactic Federation of Sovereign Planets. I was given authorization to release it immediately." (Signed, Phillip H. Krapf, May 31, 2002)
Would the ETs who are watching over us really abandon the lightworkers like this? Yes, it makes me angry and upset to see the stupidity and waste of certain individuals, groups and governments who want to wage violence and seek revenge over petty, childish affairs. I am ashamed sometimes of our very own government here in the U.S. because of the way it has promoted itself to be avenger of all wrongs, as if it has been given holy authority to judge and rule over everyone else on this planet. What gives them the right? Who truly is the evil faction here?
The lightworkers have labored long and hard to overturn the pestilence on this planet. It is discouraging to receive a message such as the one purportedly from the Verdants that treats us like schoolchildren who must all be punished because of one delinquent in the classroom. I’m sorry, but the Verdants’ message does not ring true with me. I do not believe our space brothers and sisters would pack their bags and take off to the next galaxy. I will not give in to hopelessness at this point. They are still with us and we must persevere as we approach the time of Ascension. If the Verdants really want to desert us, then in my opinion they never had the best of intentions for helping us, and in fact it makes me wonder what ulterior motives they did have.
Sanni’s progress
This month marks the second anniversary of Sanni’s move to Colorado from a metropolitan area out East. Sanni, or Marcellina Beckwith as she sometimes is called, reports that she is very happy living in western Colorado.
During the past two years of her "new life," Sanni has made trips to Cincinnati, to Washington state, and she now plans to visit Roswell, N.M., in October. The Roswell trip is a lifetime goal for her, because she remembers all too well her past-life experience there in July 1947. Sanni welcomes e-mail correspondence at
Anne Miller is editor and publisher of The Star Beacon.
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