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The Virtue of Hard Work

(or... Once Again the Joke is on Us)

By Esprit

     We are going to pretend We are describing a very important element of Our society to an alien named Mufiden, who has never experienced Earth:

     On every part of Our planet, hard work is a major value. Hard-working People are responsible People. Humans literally esteem Themselves on how hard They work. This is often translated in Our minds as "If I do not work hard and earn My way, then I am worthless and irresponsible." Part of the value of what a Person owns is based on the fact that They have worked hard and earned it.

     People are wealthy, or not, according to the work They do. Some work is "more valuable" than others. Those who do more valuable work are paid more money. Those who do "less valuable" work are able to rationalize this condition by working even harder, thus making Them valuable as well. Hard work is often measured by stress levels. The most stressful work carries the most responsibility. The more responsible We are, the more valuable We become. The more stress We endure, the more valuable We are. Those most able to handle stress are more valuable, and are paid more money.

     We have two days a week that We rest from hard work, which We spend working hard at, maintaining Our personal lifestyles. On the average, We allow Ourselves two weeks’ vacation a year which, of course, We have earned through Our hard work. We work hard in Our relationships and even in Our play. This value of hard work is so deeply ingrained in Us that the average male retiring from it only lives 22 months, because They no longer feel valuable.

     Now, if You were Mufiden, do You think You might have a question or two - such as: Are You sure this makes sense? What again is so valuable about hard work? What does a Person’s activities have to do with Their intrinsic value? What happens to a Person’s self esteem if They are unable to work hard? Does this hard work and stress not age and disease You? Most important question of all - Isn’t there a better way?

     We do not ask Ourselves these questions, because the truth is that Our way of life is motivated and provided by hard work. It is an integral part of Our current society - as slavery once was. The difference is that rather than enslaving others to work hard for Us, We have enslaved Ourselves. The saddest part of not asking these questions is that it does keep Us enslaved in Our limitations and not seeking a better way.

     If We look back at the Roman society, They could not have imagined life without Their slaves. Who would build the structures, pave the roads or power the ships? Who would cook and serve? The very fabric of the Roman society depended on slavery. We find Ourselves in much the same predicament. So We keep Ourselves yoked with the value of hard work.

     There is a better way! Our society no longer depends on slavery to keep it functioning. Through the power of the mind We have invented machinery, learned to harness nature, and discovered forces such as electricity. Through the power of consciousness We will find more inventions and undiscovered forces that will free us, not only from hard work, but from all Our limiting values. Once all life is valuable, Humanity will be set on a new course. The God Force values Us because We are valuable. What We do or how hard We work is not relevant - We are just valuable. When We view Ourselves as God views Us, We will be free.

     In fact, this simple perspective change is already occurring. It is the heart of Earth’s transformation. Those who have come to this understanding of self worth are beginning to experience a new vibration. A vibration of flow in which everything becomes easier and life is motivated by creativity rather than fear. In this vibration We will find these new inventions and universal forces. It will literally enable Us to create a new society free of the primitive yoke of fear and deliver Us into the adventure of discovering Our limitless creative ability. This ability lies in awakening the power of Our consciousness and realizing that consciousness creates ALL.

     If You are one of those People who are beginning to experience Yourself as intrinsically valuable, You may find Yourself running into a challenge or two. Releasing deeply ingrained values is not as simple as it may seem. You will undoubtedly still feel a deep need to prove Yourself. You may feel a bit uneasy and restless. Esprit finds these feelings are often played out in an endeavor called "processing." Everyone seems to be processing these days - and working very hard at it. There is a whole industry of "healers" emerging for the purpose of helping People process out "old energy." Esprit does not question the need for processing as We are all changing very rapidly and constantly in a state of adjustment. What We question is that this processing has to be difficult. We do not question the desirability of professions that assist others in balancing Themselves. We do question some of Their perceptions and the co-dependency We are seeing. It is so easy for both the "healee" and the "healer" to fall into old patterns. Be willing to accept assistance as You process out old beliefs and limitations, but stay clear that any healing must come from You.

     You are transforming. You are in a great change. It is important for You to realize that You are breaking an addiction and be patient with Yourself. Your need to prove is motivated by the fear that You are not enough. This fear is very stimulating. As You realize You are not only "enough" but truly precious, You can release this fear. However, You will find Yourself stimulated by creativity. Obviously, creativity is a more subtle stimulant than fear. Just understanding this will help You be more patient with any lapses You may experience.

     From the planetary alignments in August, a new force has been awakened in Humanity. We are more accepting of the changes that will come from the new millennium. We are more open to receiving guidance from Spirit. We are more aware of miracles; more sensitive to Angels and unseen forces. All of this enables every aspect of Our lives to become as easy as We will allow. You are changing.

     The processing that these changes in You require can be done in Your sleep, through meditation, through hot flashes, through massages or even through laughter. Pain and struggle are not required. You do not even need to know what You are releasing. There are times when understanding helps, but it is not necessary. Know that You will let go of what You no longer need automatically as You move into these higher vibrations. The more quiet You become and the more simple You create Your life to be, the easier it is to stay in these finer vibrations.

     You are the peace holders. You are pioneers of this new creative society and as pioneers You will find Yourselves separating from the mainstream of society. Being a pioneer requires courage. You will have to make what may seem to be tough choices. Choices to leave family and stressful co-dependent relationships. Choices to let go of material things and comfortable jobs. As You make these choices, You will find You have not given up a single thing. What may seem in the beginning to be a sacrifice will turn out to be a freedom.

     Purposefully choose to live in less populated, more peaceful environments. Choose stress-free creative professions that allow You time to reflect inwardly. Choose companions who make You feel bigger and love You simply because You are You. Let go of what makes You feel smaller and unhappy. Say "no" to struggle and accept ease as Your birth right. Find joy in the roses You smell along the way. As Your life continues to flow into these higher and higher vibrations, You will experience a deep peace. You will feel at one with all things. You will be Your home. Your concept of God will completely change. And as Your idea of God is released, the ideal of God will awaken within You. So Be It.

     Oh, and thank you, Mufiden, for Your questions.

In Light and Love,

This material will become part of Esprit’s third book, titled There Is a Better Way.

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