The Legend of the Lantern
Annette Vetter Adventure #4
© 2011 (all rights reserved)
Annette and Penny agree to babysit the Randt children while their mother is
in the hospital with the new baby, a freak November
snowstorm keeps them at the farm for the entire Thanksgiving weekend.
And as if poachers during hunting season aren't annoying enough, a ghost in the attic room has everyone on edge...
Spending an extra night in Pete Randt's house is Annette's chance to prove the identity of the mysterious Man with the Lantern, whether he's human... or a ghost.
Read a Letter to Readers from Annette Vetter herself!
The Legend of
the Lantern
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I love the tradition of getting together
with family and friends and expressing gratitude for everything in our lives.
My teen-age years hold precious memories as a time when I came to appreciate
nature, and the bonding of special friends.
Annette, of course, is the girl I always wanted to be -- bold, rational, and
grounded -- but mostly a girl who had the privilege of growing up in the
In The Legend of the Lantern Annette is a little peeved at Penny for
taking a sudden interest in the paranormal. So when a ghost shows up in the
attic room at the Randts' farmhouse, where the girls have to sleep, they begin
to believe it's because of "that darn book!"
Pete's mom has to stay in the hospital due to complications and Grandma Dawson
can't make the drive down from Rhinelander because of the snow, so Annette and
Penny end up staying at the Randts' the entire Thanksgiving weekend. Of course
neither of them minds... Annette is delighted to be in Pete's house, and
Penny... well, Penny has a crush on Reid Anderson, the hired farm hand.
Of course it's a lot of work caring for Pete's seven brothers and sisters, and Annette still has her chores at home to do. So thank goodness for dear Tim (Penny's older brother) who drives her back and forth, even during blizzard conditions! Hunting season... poachers in the woods... a secret admirer who sends roses to Annette's mother... all are ingredients for mystery... including the Man with the Lantern.
-- Ann Carol Ulrich (Ann Ulrich Miller)
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Also available as an eBook from KINDLE for just $2.99
You can now purchase the Annette Vetter Gift Set, which includes the first five books in my series, at a reduced price with no shipping! Get all 5 for just $39.95. Check it out!
This page updated October 5, 2022
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