Predictions for 2015 with the Crystalline Stellar Skulls

An article from the December 2014 Star Beacon

By Terra Rae of “Team Earth”
Voice of the Stellar Skulls through Crysta
Assisted by *Splendid Ray of Truth and Light*

Crystalline Stellar Skulls (CSS):
We have so much to share! It is easy for us to talk about how the future of the gradual transition of the financial paradigm will work itself out. And there is a lot to be worked out. The light-workers will be a huge part of this, taking over some prominent positions in the structure of how the actual gold gets disseminated.

Terra Rae (TR):
   It is my understanding that there will soon be a distribution of funds to the first group of Light-workers, to assist light projects and organizations.

   We see that there are some prominent players that will be assisting planet-based, resource-preserving paradigms, transitioning from the full coal, gas and oil-based livelihoods. This will bring about a new vision for those who are looking at sustainability.
        This is in perfect order, to state it clearly, that many read this! It gives hope and some more backbone to those who are fighting the “fight.” It will soon become a universal flow, rather than a fight.

   It looks like the idea of shifting energy sources is one of the first projects for the future. Is this true?

   It has been moving in that direction, but a bit too slowly for the majority of the plant, earth, water and air-lovers. There will be more and more of the correct individuals who have their heart in the right place, voted into offices.
        We believe that the bacteria and viral strains will be tamed. We understand that the large influx of germs and disease have been planned, and it will not be tolerated as part of the Big Plan for the well-being of Gaia.

   This is in humans as well as some of the animals, like the bat tribes with the White-nose Syndrome. We need their sonar for greater balance.

   We know that what has been the norm will not be a part of the sustainable future ~ that those in charge of the finances, on a grand scale, will be stepping down whether they intend to or not. They will not have a choice because the economy will not survive, if change is not imminent.
        We see that keeping business focused locally, as well as a concentration of building sustainably, will be key: keeping one’s focus on the immediate surroundings, like preserving what one sees in the community, on the land, in the air and in the water. Doing everything possible to cut down on waste and consumption will be very important. So using our breath, our minds and our hearts to continually show love, honor and respect for Gaia, with every vision, is of great import!
        Those who are choosing to give their lives to helping others to come back to center and heal, will have a very important place in the preservation of Gaia ~ for without her light-workers, where will our future be? More funds will be funneled to organizations working towards a greater cause ~ this includes small and medium-sized businesses, as well.

   We also see a lot of ease happening with some climate changes. So, less volatility, with some earthquakes and volcanic activity, but not at an increasing and alarming rate. We do believe there will be greater changes in weather and precipitation ~ yet the volcanoes and quakes will have less catastrophic effects, with smaller releases to assist the pressure within.

        The idea of fracking feels like an important issue. Can you address this situation?

        Fracking continues to upset the earth’s balance, and keeps all earth changes magnified in a negative way, not assisting the natural flow of steam, water, heat ~ the inner earth workings, that have been put into place for eons.
        There are cultures and civilizations in our Earth that had no idea this rape was possible. We want to protect them (inner Earth communities) so we can continue to work with them and act as “One.” (We work with these amazing inner Earth communities on a regular basis, and their help and knowledge is integral at this auspicious time.)
        The animals in the water will also be greatly affected by the fracking. An intricate balance of the waters will also be threatened from this. The waters need to be kept oxygenated, and able to support the plants that are needed for the water-dwelling animals to survive.
        This is important: to have a voice for the sustainable future. Not just having an immediate goal recognized ~ without forethought of the long-term future for plants, animals and humans ~ all of those supported by our precious planet.

        What about our galactic neighbors?

        We see that the most important thing on Galactic Federation’s agenda is safety for all on the planet. That is how the Galactic Team spends their time: guiding and guarding Earth, and concentrating their efforts on these ideas.

        I have personally worked with the GF for many years, and consider them “family.” We have all learned much from each other, and what is needed for Earth at this awakening time. I couldn’t possibly imagine bringing forth these changes here on Gaia without their dedicated help!

        We also understand that galactic tours are imminent, and there are others outside of this galaxy who in turn wish to tour here. We want to keep these channels of communication open.

        How would you recommend we do this?

        We have been asked to speak for other communities, and there are many messages that are being received and will be heard. Open-minded reception will be key.
        Asking in your heart, "Could this be possible?" or "Are there loving communities that are also as curious as we are?"
        Everything is possible: know that! The seers and hearers (clairvoyants and clairaudients) will continue to play a larger and more significant role. So, the role of "channels," who are truly of the light and of heartfelt intention, will be those who resonate greatly with larger and larger communities. These “channeled” words will be heard and shared.


   We see more individuals realizing their worth and wanting to participate in change in a more magnificent way. They will be sharing their newly awakened gifts, and allowing others to blossom with this enlightening information. So, it is a "shared" awakening, rather than one individual believing they have the information and they are the teacher or the awakener.


        Here is a way to work and play with the Crystalline Stellar Skulls, participating in some of the situations needing attention. Since they can work in all dimensions, right through the timelines, they will be with you in an instant when called. They appreciate being asked directly by you, since it is their purpose to assist with positive changes at this auspicious time. They are "angels on Earth," and they are excited to play! Many of you know these heartfelt sentient beings of light. It has been so long since you danced with them, that you just forgot!
        One idea: Ask this Stellar Skull to go forth and "spotlight" those that are behind the scenes of fracking. Ask the Stellar Skulls to bring forth the truth of these effects, so people say “No” to allowing it in their area, as well as stopping it where it has been set up.

        Here is *Splendid Ray of Truth and Light*, ready to assist. Call her forth and connect to her with your heart. You can shoot beams of Love, Light and Joy through the Skull's eyes with your intention. You can actually rub the photo to activate the Stellar Skull even more. Send her everywhere you want to help, and she will bring the Crystalline Stellar Skull Tribe.

*Splendid Ray*:
        We do this as part of our mission to be a guardian for the Earth, and the Galaxy. So, absolutely, call us in with fervor(!). Send beams to "spotlight" indeed! Truth comes up and into the light, so the surfacing of this is dealt with immediately. I, too, bring out the heart into every situation. I do it with fire and speed! One cannot deny my presence, nor my abilities. When there are individuals who are wishing to disappear or hide, I bring them into the light, so they can be seen. This makes for very interesting occasions!


        Terra Rae has been in the esoteric fields for decades, as an Ascension Mentor, healer, teacher, writer, radio talk show host. She is always exploring new frontiers for expanding, opening and clearing herself, others and Gaia. She has been working with the “Galactic Team” since the early 1980s, preparing for the reunion with the Crystalline Stellar Skulls and “Team Earth.”
Crysta, who has been a clear channel since the 1980s, works with and serves as the voice for the Crystalline Stellar Skulls, Gaia, the Ascended Masters and Archangelic Realm. She assists with Galactic work and clearing individuals with “Team Earth.” Website:
Contact:, 1-888-310-3774.


Read about the Crystalline Skulls in the August 2014 Star Beacon


This page updated December 6, 2014

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