Commander's Star Base
by Commander Sanni Ceto
© 2022 (all rights reserved)
article from the December 2022 issue of
Can you give us your knowledge of Jesus Christ and His purpose for coming to Earth?A:
Jesus was a star seed whose people were Pleiadians. His reason for coming to Earth was to live among humans and serve as a teacher, to help evolve humans after the Pleiadians’ attempt to undo the interference by Reptoids that corrupted their DNA -- which failed.He was to help them to evolve into creatures of Light instead of them following the animalistic nature of their Reptoid overlords and destroying the Laboratory Earth with their deeds.
He came to live and learn about human ways, and died on Earth, trying to awaken any hope in them to live a different path of love, instead of hate.
Our planet Earth appears to be in a chaotic state right now with many evil-doers seemingly getting away with evil deeds. Will this get resolved, and when?A:
It will happen when these evil doers are exposed as shape shifter reptoids and their agendas are revealed, and when the populace has their minds unprogrammed from eons of subliminal and mass conditioning. That could be years into the future, as it will take time to fully awaken those who are blind to the reality that they were made to live within.Q:
On Zeta Reticuli (your home planet) did the people/inhabitants resolve their political and religious differences, and how did they do it?A:
They achieved this through technology and learning to accept and tolerate differences in order to save their planets. Many worlds were destroyed and dying from past nuclear wars waged against them by invading species.Working to learn others’ situations and achieving peace among nations and -- unconditional love and acceptance -- is how species achieve peace, not by waging war and destruction. Learning the way of the Light and trying to live morally, and to know that all beings are as one unity -- a hive mind working together instead of being ruled by an ego and animalistic nature.
Treating all as one, the segments that comprise the whole, and resolving issues while early on -- before allowing it to get out of control -- this is how you learn to live with harmony and non violence and love. And the rejection of vile forces promotes this as well. Some day Earth will have to learn these lessons in order to survive.
Planet Earth celebrates the births of its spiritual deities, such as Jesus, Mohammad, Buddha, etc. What about on other planets? Do they have similar spiritual leaders?A:
Yes, and they are celebrated by a birthday, though it’s on a higher level. A link to the universal life force is what is celebrated. The essence of matter that is the soul itself is not -- as in parties on Earth -- but every individual linked to that life force is celebrated in their own personal way, not through any holiday or day of observance.Q:
As a Zeta hybrid who has lived on this planet Earth for more than 60 years, what has been your happiest experience on this challenging assignment that you were given?A:
The chance to observe and study the natural world, its geology, meteorology, plant and animal life, and doing art and horology (repairing and collecting clocks and watches). Also certain foods, such as chocolates, coffee and other things, have made it interesting. Music is another -- the music of different cultures and their customs and attires, plus other enjoyments such as gaming (I’m good in computer gaming, for example astronomy) and trying to understand how the people around me have little understanding of a greater reality beyond this world.I also love to study entomology, arachinids and insects, and love having pets (a few cats and aquatic terrapins or water tortoises). I love lizards and snakes. My happiest moments are in my art and drawing and listening to music, and allowing my imagination to show through without any blinders upon me ... as my soul is as a scientist. I love antiques and I love abandoned houses and other architecture. I love to design interiors of places.
Sanni Ceto
is the world-renowned author of two autobiographies: Stranded on Earth and Zeti Child, Lost Upon a One Star World, available from or from Earth Star Publications. Send your questions to invite readers to submit their questions for Commander Sanni by emailing
Sanni Ceto is the author of Stranded On Earth, The Story of a Roswell Survivor
($16), and its sequel, Zeti Child, Lost Upon a One Star World ($12), both
available from or from Earth Star Publications, P.O. Box 267, Eckert
CO 81418.
She advocates for autism and lives a quiet life in an undisclosed town in the
Rocky Mountain West.
Special Announcement!
have been archived in the Roswell UFO Museum.
Special thanks to Mara & David Edwards for their help with this accomplishment!
Commander Sanni Ceto’s two books, Stranded On Earth and Zeti Child, are available through or follow the link at
Stranded On Earth and Zeti Child are both now in ebook format at Amazon Kindle (for just $6.95).
This page updated December 5, 2022
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